~ I Can't Believe It ~ #5

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I can't believe have nice people can be here! :D
i can't believe i have 'something'... :(
i can't believe clock already is 7:03am :eek: i don't have much time...uuppss! :p
Tinkerbell said:
I can't believe how busy work is this morning. The phone just won't stop ringing. :eek:

Unplug it :p

I can't believe how much colder it seems to have got since the weekend :eek: Whoohoo! autumn's here at last! Time to get my jumpers out :D
Wibble said: Time to get my jumpers out

Have just been shopping and bought my first new jumper for autumn :). It is freezing in my office...

I can't believe I have to go to an event all day tomorrow, so no forum fun for me, and I have just got my first cold of the season. Not happy :(
wibble said:
Unplug it :p
I thought about that, but with my boss being in close proximity of my desk, I decided against it. :lol:

I can't believe my phone contract expires today and I didn't even realise. My phone just cut off at 12pm. I'm normally quite organised, so when I realised I went into a panic. :lol: Anyway, I sorted it all out and even got a phone upgrade. I'm really not a phone person, I've had my 'brick' of a phone for 18 months. Tomorrow I'll get my brand spanking new phone (I went with a flip phone this time, I think CSI Miami had an influence on my choice. :lol: God I'm so sad. :(), which will probably take me a year to figure out.
I can't believe the bateries of the alarm are almost empty and now the alarm is peeping.. irregularly :rolleyes: and I'm too lazy to switch the bateries, so I'll just wait till my housemate gets back home, it was her day off, so she should've done something about it.. is my opinion.. I remember the friggin' thing peeping during the early hours of this day too.

I can't believe I quit smoking!! :eek: Love is treating me well.. also health-wise :p

I can't believe how much salary I get! Well, it's not that I'll become a millionaire, but it's more than I expected really.

I can't believe the huge-ness of the bruise on my calf :eek:
i can't believe how slow my internet connection is :mad:
i can't believe we were 5 people in german lesson! :lol:
i can't believe today everyone was calling me 'bee' because of my orange with brown stripped jacket! :p
I can't believe "The Off-Topic Thread" is viewed over 11000 times :eek:
I can't believe how much fun it was to play volleyball tonight :D
I can't believe I haven't even gone to bed yet. I've been up since 6am yesterday. I've been cramming for school, my wedding, getting ready for a Doc appointment, and trying to babysit.
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