I Can't Believe It #4

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I can't believe I found this cute little spider in my house. Well, it wasn't little, it was huge, but it was cute! :D

I can't believe Luna is back earlier! :)
I can't believe work starts again on friday *sigh*

I can't believe I'll see my girl again on wednesday *yay* she'll probably meet my parents.. oh dear. :lol:
I can't believe that I almost have to go to school again..the vacation went to fast.. I would like to have a few more weeks..but..I also would like to see my classmates again :p
I can't believe I get to see her soon :) it's been like almost 2 months since I last saw her.

I can't believe my friend thinks it's gonna be awkward for me to be around her :confused: I really don't see why...
RoosCSILover said:
I can't believe I found this cute little spider in my house. Well, it wasn't little, it was huge, but it was cute! :D
I can't believe Roos thinks spiders are cute!!! :eek:

I can't believe how little thinks make me so happy. :)
I can't believe people think spiders are creepy! I mean, look at those cute, little creatures, with their cute, little legs! :D

I can't believe my mum's going to bed so early. Well, it's almost half past twelve @ night, but who cares?
I can't believe the bus only went once in two hours.. I forgot that it was still holiday, so they have a different schedule.. *sigh* I can't believe I actually waited at the busstop for 1 hour and 40 minutes :eek:

I can't believe our balcony is going to look friggin-tastic! My landlord's dad was working on it yesterday and it looked so cool :D

I can't believe I can't find my cutlery :rolleyes:

I still can't believe how good this feeling feels.
pebl said:
I can't believe I haven't enough money to go to Amsterdam this week.

I can't believe I forgot my mom owed me some money so I can go to Amsterdam this week ;p.
I can't believe how blonde I was at ATM last week and drew 90€ instead of 20€ :eek:

I was in a hurry and had to get 20€
....well...I pushed the wrong button and erm... chose 90€. Oh sweet lord! I was just think "ohfuckit!" and wondering did I have so much money on my account.

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