I Can't Believe It #4

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I can't believe I got myself a friggin sunburn. In September! It wasn't even really hot outside! And now my face is all red.
I can't believe I had to catch up on 2 pages of 'I can't believes' :p

I can't believe Sara Sidle is Maaike's lover :eek:

I can't believe this weekend!!! :D

I can't believe I get Thursday off from teaching to get my diploma :D I would've had to teach the worst classes that day :D
I can't believe what a comptuer nerd I am :lol: I know so many computer shortcuts.

I can't believe how pathetic I am...I cried 4 times in the premire of CSI, 4 times! Man, I think I need a life :lol:

I can't believe how much homework I don't want to do :p, that was the purpose of coming here but meh, might as well get other things done like going on Talk CSI :p
I can't believe that my father is in the hospital right now. Luckilly it's a common problem and not a major problem at all. He has kidney stones, but he's think that he has a low grade infection has well.

I can't believe that I was in a minor car accident today. Here's what happened, after my mom and I droped off my dad at the ER, she took me to a quiet part of town to let me practice driving some more. I turned too tight and went up on some grass, then I got nervous and instead of hitting the brake I hit the gas and hit a telephone pole. The only good part of this entire thing is that no one was hurt nor was there any property damage.
^ I've actually done that. I pressed the gas, instead of the breaks and I almost ran a red light. :eek:

I can't believe I spent the entire day cleaning up after my sister, who only made a mess out of spite for me because I told her to pick up her garbage. Oy, the respect I get these days from my siblings. :rolleyes:
i can't believe it! i have test in geography and language, but didn't learn for the tests :eek:

i can't believe how lazy i can be :p
I can't believe how cold it's getting already. I live in Idaho, so the weather changes fast.
I can't believe I am still typing on this computer when it's 3:55 am.
I can't believe I quite my job to stay home with my children. I actually miss it, even though there's a lot I don't miss.
I can't believe how fast my $$$ goes!!
I can't believe how weird my neighbors are.
I can't believe that I'm where I am today. 29, married, three kids, homemaker (yuck, hate that word!), own home and 3 vehicles, and live a small city that is so conservative it makes me sick sometimes.
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