I Can't Believe It #4

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I cant believe my bff thought i was taking her "girlfriend" away from her whe she was the one all up on me!
I can't believe how my sister always goes on about how my music is so s**t when hers is the worst in the world! :mad: She knows that my music is close to me and it helps me get through loads of stuff but she still bithces on about it all :mad: :mad:
I can't believe my stomach hurts so much!

I can't believe I finally have something better to do than being on my compie the whole day.
I can't believe I woke up to a new interview with Rory Cochrane. :eek: I've been waiting almost two years... *sigh*
I can't Believe I just had a whole conversation with my mom about Cow Birds. I need to get out more @_@
I can't believe that it's been so long since I've watched any of CSI season 1. :eek: I was watching it last night and everyone looks so young. :eek: Especially Nick and Greg! Awwww :lol:
I can't believe I dyed my hair.

I can't believe I'm finally back home from my 8 day family vacation.

I can't believe how much I'm craving lamb right now.
I can't believe my friend (a guy) who I was with seeing POTC2 tonite, slapped my ass when I got off the car :eek:
^:eek: How rude.

I can't believe I have to wait until January for a movie I want to see. *le sigh* What's a few more months I guess.
I can't believe I am now going bowling with one of my friends who only a couple of weeks ago said we weren't friends like that, and we never would be :D (she is 25 years older than me which is sort of why our friendship is like it is)
I can't believe the disgusting after taste in my mouth..eww.

I can't believe I paid 4 dollars to get some stupid wallpaper on my cellphone...but the other one was annoying me!
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