I Can't Believe It #4

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I can't believe Golden_Smile is worried about not having a boyfriend. Girl, you're young. People our age [yeah, I'm fifteen too.] shouldn't be looking for boyfriends, we should be looking for fun, education and friends. Girl, don't worry about it. You're pretty, I don't doubt it.
Um, thank you RoosCSILover! It just seems that everywhere I look there are couples of our age and it just gets to me sometimes, and when it gets to me, it really gets to me! But I'm just extremely strange...

I can't believe how weird I sound all the time, especially on the internet!
Don't worry. I know how you're feeling. You'll meet someone who's perfect for you. Don't just be someone who hooks up with every guy she meets. :)
RoosCSILover said:
I can't believe Golden_Smile is worried about not having a boyfriend. Girl, you're young. People our age [yeah, I'm fifteen too.] shouldn't be looking for boyfriends, we should be looking for fun, education and friends. Girl, don't worry about it. You're pretty, I don't doubt it.

I so agree with you!! Go out and have some fun.. honestly.. the last thing that was on my mind (when I was 15) was having some sort of love life. Only now, when I'm 23 I think seriously about relationships :)

I can't believe how packed my room is.. I've like 7 bags and boxes stacked underneath my desk (yup, got a large desk, made by my sweet dawdy!).. my parents will move some of their stuff (which is in my old bedroom) to Prague on Saturday, so that I can move my stack to that bedroom :p

I can't believe I don't want to work on my thesis.. no wait.. I DO believe that actually.

I can't believe how deeply I'm falling for her.
I can't believe Jayney is so in love, it's so cute. *I don't know who she loves, but who cares, it's her secret and I want her to be happy*.

I can't believe how arrogant those girls on 'My Sweet Sixteen' are. :)
RoosCSILover said:
I can't believe Jayney is so in love, it's so cute. *I don't know who she loves, but who cares, it's her secret and I want her to be happy*.
OMG you're so sweet Roos, you know that means so friggin' much to me.. :D

I can't believe I'm so immensily good at multitasking.. brushing my teeth, being here and working on a translation :) *pats self on shoulder*
:) Jaynie, you should get a job in multitasking. You won't need finishing a Thesis for that.

I can't believe I wanted to sit on the right side of the train just to get a view on the 'perron' [what's that in english?] of the station of Utrecht. I was on the train to Haarlem, so Jayne knows what that means.
RoosCSILover said:
'perron' [what's that in english?] of the station of Utrecht. I was on the train to Haarlem, so Jayne knows what that means.

*cough* platform *cough*

:lol: yeah I know exactly what you mean ;)

I can't believe it looks like I'm spamming in here.. *stops*
I toooootally forgot. I'm so stupid. It's probably because I can't believe it's so dark at 10 pm! And I'm totally agreeing with you Jayne, I'm handing the I can't believe-stick over to someone else.
*Takes the I can't believe-stick from Roos*
I can't believe I have such a headache! Maybe it's because I have a cold.. maybe it's because I didn't sleep long enough last night.. please tell me it's not from the beer.. my mom wouldn't like that. Better that I don't tell her :/
Golden_Smile said:
I can't believe I still have never had a boyfriend! :( I'm 15!!

Its ok, Golden_Smile I'm 17 and i've never had a boyfriend. *shrugs* I guess some things are just worth waiting for. :)

I cant believe that my brother has a girlfriend....hes only 14 for pete's sake!

I cant believe how sweet my brother's girlfriend is.

I cant believe that my brother thought I couldnt see him kissing her from the front seat of our vehicle :p

I cant believe how badly I want to blackmail him! :devil:

*accidentaly drops I can't believe stick*
Well, I guess I'm done now :p
*picks up I can't believe stick*

Let's see..

I can't believe people are curious about my gf :lol: I think I'll shut my mouth from now on.

I can't believe dad made coffee this morning. :eek:

I can't believe I will be home alone for an entire week!!
JayneEmilysRealm said:

I can't believe dad made coffee this morning. :eek:
Man, last year I got the shock of my life when my dad made dinner for the whole family. :lol: :eek:

I can't believe that a company debited my card instead of refunding it. :eek: So I've now had 2 amounts taken from my card. :( Luckily its all sorted out now. :)
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