Okay, all my buddies in the DuCaine shipper thread have known about this idea for some time, so I finally decided to do something about it.
This is my first fic in a long, long time so please excuse me if I'm a bit rusty
LuvingmyHoratio helped me with some ideas for it when I suffered chronic writers block after only 354 words
:lol: But those ideas/helpers will be appearing shortly.
Okay, here is a small bit, please read and tell me if you think it's worth posting the rest!
Rating: PG13
Pairing: DuCaine (Horatio/Calleigh)
Disclaimer: I dont own anything excpet my imagination. Everything else belongs to Anthony, Jerry, CBS.... the usual, y'know?
’Hurricane Anthony is wreaking havoc on south beach and its residents. About 5 miles off shore, Anthony has been upgraded from a category one to a category two….. The authorities are urging everyone in the vicinity to evacuate immediately….’
The windows rattled and weatherboards creaked in an almost haunting methodical rhythm around Calleigh Duquesne’s home around a mile from south beach. She never used to like hurricanes or any type of storms for that matter. Just like she never liked ants. Pulling her arms tighter around her knees, Calleigh huddled into a small corner of her bathroom. Her car was in the shop getting repaired and the phone lines were down, as with all other available sources of electricity…. So she was left stranded in her own home, waiting for a hurricane which was heading her way.
Rubbing her arms up and down her legs, Calleigh rocked her body to try and stay warm. Something about hurricanes always managed to spook her, no matter what. She wasn’t sure why, though because she had never seen many way back when she was only a teenager.....
Deciding on getting up, Calleigh pushed herself up and took a look around the unlit bathroom. Grabbing her flashlight from the counter, she cautiously walked from the bathroom, down the hall and into the living room…..
Having already had the windows boarded up, Calleigh could only just see out through the tiny cracks left in between the board and window frame, and what she saw terrified her….
Palm trees blowing furiously in the wind, sign posts bent every which way, and insulation from weakened buildings and structures flung around the place like someone had just thrown chalk into a fan….. it was everywhere.
Suddenly, all went dark outside but only for a very brief moment. Before she had the chance to react, Calleighs mouth opened and released a blood curdling scream as a large tree was upturned and fell through the window, smacking into her head and knocking her onto the ground in a dead faint.
Her form remained unconscious on the ground, the wind and rain pouring through the unboarded window furiously, mercilessly attacking her body and soaking her to the core, washing away the blood from her many profusely bleeding wounds caused by the window glass cutting into her skin as she lay motionless on the cold floor.
This is my first fic in a long, long time so please excuse me if I'm a bit rusty
LuvingmyHoratio helped me with some ideas for it when I suffered chronic writers block after only 354 words
Okay, here is a small bit, please read and tell me if you think it's worth posting the rest!
Rating: PG13
Pairing: DuCaine (Horatio/Calleigh)
Disclaimer: I dont own anything excpet my imagination. Everything else belongs to Anthony, Jerry, CBS.... the usual, y'know?
’Hurricane Anthony is wreaking havoc on south beach and its residents. About 5 miles off shore, Anthony has been upgraded from a category one to a category two….. The authorities are urging everyone in the vicinity to evacuate immediately….’
The windows rattled and weatherboards creaked in an almost haunting methodical rhythm around Calleigh Duquesne’s home around a mile from south beach. She never used to like hurricanes or any type of storms for that matter. Just like she never liked ants. Pulling her arms tighter around her knees, Calleigh huddled into a small corner of her bathroom. Her car was in the shop getting repaired and the phone lines were down, as with all other available sources of electricity…. So she was left stranded in her own home, waiting for a hurricane which was heading her way.
Rubbing her arms up and down her legs, Calleigh rocked her body to try and stay warm. Something about hurricanes always managed to spook her, no matter what. She wasn’t sure why, though because she had never seen many way back when she was only a teenager.....
Deciding on getting up, Calleigh pushed herself up and took a look around the unlit bathroom. Grabbing her flashlight from the counter, she cautiously walked from the bathroom, down the hall and into the living room…..
Having already had the windows boarded up, Calleigh could only just see out through the tiny cracks left in between the board and window frame, and what she saw terrified her….
Palm trees blowing furiously in the wind, sign posts bent every which way, and insulation from weakened buildings and structures flung around the place like someone had just thrown chalk into a fan….. it was everywhere.
Suddenly, all went dark outside but only for a very brief moment. Before she had the chance to react, Calleighs mouth opened and released a blood curdling scream as a large tree was upturned and fell through the window, smacking into her head and knocking her onto the ground in a dead faint.
Her form remained unconscious on the ground, the wind and rain pouring through the unboarded window furiously, mercilessly attacking her body and soaking her to the core, washing away the blood from her many profusely bleeding wounds caused by the window glass cutting into her skin as she lay motionless on the cold floor.