HP And The Deathly Hallows ~ * BEWARE MAJOR SPOILERS*


On a German board someone said that Rowling will maybe write a kind of HP encyclopedia in which we'll get information on how the differnt people went on, what they did etc. That would be great, I'd love to know, because now it's mainly speculation for me. I think that Percy would be very close to the family again, maybe working together with his father; George would go on with the joke shop, I'm quite sure; and who knows, maybe Malfoy could take over Burgin&Borkes in Nocturn Alley ;)Whatever, I really liked your last part Springmoon, life goes on, that's it, you're never free from danger and power-hungry (does that word exist??) people, but there will also always be people ready to fight.

^an HP encyclopedia sounds cool! i'd like to know more about what happened Malfoy. you never know he might have changed. :D

I've finally finished the book! Holy f***!

I loved it. I loved the whole book, I thought it was amazing. I was horrified that Hedwig was killed! :eek: Little did I know that that was first in a long line of deaths. I was so upset when Dobby died, I was nearly in tears. Poor Dobby, I loved him. I was ecstatic that Lupin married Tonks and had a baby, it was so cruel that Lupin and Tonks died. Poor Teddy. I can't believe Fred died, although I did see it coming that one of the Weaslys would die, it was still a shock though. Oh my god, I was so please Percy came to his senses and it was heart breaking that Fred died in front of him and Ron, it was incredibility toughing when Percy wouldn't let go of Fred. I loved Mrs Weasly defeating Bellatrix! "NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU BITCH"! :lol:

I did not see Snape being in love with Lily coming, I gotta say. I'm pleased that Snape was on the right side. Very pleased.

I'm also pleased Harry wasn't killed off, I was never one for Harry being killed off.

McGonagall rocks! Her whole command in the Hogwarts battle was awesome. I loved that chapter.

The 19 years later chapter I actually liked. I thought it was really sweet. Although I did think Albus Severus name was overkill, but overall I thought the book was amazing. :D

Yup!! This book was so emotionally draining to read! I felt so down afterwards. I cried when Fred died. :( Although I had my suspicions that bad Snape was all a facade, I still cried when his memories were revealed. :( Talk about a tearjerker. As for those who died, I was devastated when Tonks and Lupin were killed.

Although this was a good read, I wish J.K. Rowling revealed all those who were killed at the Second Battle of Hogwarts. That left me wanting more. As for the epilogue, I thought that she just wanted to tie some loose ends.

Well, that's just me. :D

Tinkerbell said:
I can't believe Fred died, although I did see it coming that one of the Weaslys would die, it was still a shock though. Oh my god, I was so please Percy came to his senses and it was heart breaking that Fred died in front of him and Ron, it was incredibility toughing when Percy wouldn't let go of Fred. I loved Mrs Weasly defeating Bellatrix! "NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU BITCH"! :lol:

Yes, that whole (hole? *g*) Percy/Fred thing was wonderfully sad, Fred was the first one to forgive him and then he died, and I cried even more when Percy tried to protect his brother's body... Although I would have prefered George to be there... or Percy dying instead. However, for those of you who are interested, I've writen a one-shot myself about how George experiences his twin's death: "Can you feel 'nothing'?"
Mrs Weasley's fight was awesome, I always knew that she was a damn good witch, and she proved that. Well of course she wanted revenge...
Btw, today I read on a HP forum that Rowling's first intention was to kill Arthur Weasley, but then she didn't do it in the end. And I'm glad about that!

I just finished the book and was amazed at all that happened. I was quite sad when Mad Eye died, and the loss of Gerorge's ear, and then we were hit wih Fred, Lupin, and Tonks. But I was very happy that PErcy finally ame to his senses and went back to his family, even trying to save Fred. rs. Weasley screaming at Bellatrix was awesome as was the nineteen years later. I loved that part it was a nice way to end the series and show the next generation heading off for adventures. And I read somewherethat all the answers were there in book 1 and thinking bak to it, they were. JK Rowling did an awesome job of keeping everyone hooked right until the end!

Oh my god I can't beleive that I have only just foud this thread!!! But I need sleep at the mo so i'll post more another day! :)

Tinkerbell said:

The 19 years later chapter I actually liked. I thought it was really sweet. Although I did think Albus Severus name was overkill, but overall I thought the book was amazing. :D

i agree the Albus Severus was overkill. it should have been one or the other but it was a great way to end the story.

I just finished. I can't really add anything more, expect I really thought that the Epilogue sounded like a fanfic-end. *shrug*. And I was sort of confused..who is Victoire????? Whose cousin?

eta: found 2 things to add :lol:
-I thought it was really clever how they made Lupin's codename Romulus.
-and the line said by Fred about Voldemort: "..but the fact remains he can move faster than Severus Snape confronted with shampoo...." :lol: :D

Yeah the line was really great, typical Weasley twins humour... ( :( )
I think Victoire is the daughter of Bill and Fleur, isn't she? Because James refered to her as "our cousin". As Harry doesn't have any siblings, it must be from his mother's side, that is Ginny. And well, the name is French, so it fits. I don't think any of the other Weasleys would name their daughter like thta, actually we don't get any info on whether they even have a family or not (although I really believe they all have one in the end).

Other than Harry and Ginny's children I found it very confusing to figure out what kid belonged to what parent.

The one puzzling thing I found about the end was what did Harry do with the Elder Wand. I know he used it to fix his own but what did he do with that afterwards?

I think he kept the wand safe, so that when one day he should die (and not be killed by another wizard!) the wand would lose its power, which would be best for all. For the greater good, so to say ;)

^ He said he was putting the wand back to where it came from, which I took to mean that he would be burying it with Dumbledore, which was where Voldemort had got it from. I could be wrong, but that was my first thought, unless he was talking about where it originally came from? :)

I finished the book yesterday, it didn't take long to read, I thought it was great, much better than I was actually expecting. I know that technically it is a children's book, which is the only reason I can forgive the final chapter, which should have been named 'what not to call your children'. :rolleyes: I would have preferred the final chapter to have focused on other things, and would love to have found out what they were all doing now, apart from reproducing and living happily ever after. :p

I know that technically it is a children's book, which is the only reason I can forgive the final chapter, which should have been named 'what not to call your children'. I would have preferred the final chapter to have focused on other things, and would love to have found out what they were all doing now, apart from reproducing and living happily ever after.

Couldn't agree more. I really disliked the epilogue, it sounded like a work of bad fanfiction. I have a feeling she wanted to tied up everything by having everyone paired together so that no one else can come along & put Harry with Luna or Hermione with Neville. And I know it's the wizarding world and all, but honestly, give your kid a chance. Albus Severus..? I have a feeling he'd get beaten up at school.

As a whole, I really liked that book. But it really wasn't the best, or my favourite from the entire series. Maybe cause I knew it was ending, or because she killed off people left, right, and center. I dunno.

Something that someone told me and I thought was really interesting - When Snape's about to die and asks Harry to look at him because Harry's eyes remind him of Lily. I thought that was so sad, and a nice added touch.

i really didn't like the fact that J.K. Rowling decided to start killing people left and right. i found it annoying after awhile. especially when Tonks and Lupin died......what did you do that for? you already killed Fred!