HP And The Deathly Hallows ~ * BEWARE MAJOR SPOILERS*

I'd rather JK start another series like she said she wants to. An 8th book or even a prequal would just be over kill.

The epilouge really sucked, IMO. It was more like fan fiction.
In my opinion, right from the very off she said that there were only going to be seven so why change a great thing Harry Potter when she's done what she wanted to do! :)
I always thought she will be tempted to write a new one but I didn't think it was gonna be so soon. She's in withdrawls...
I know I shouldn't say that, but this is all about money, isn't it? It's not about the fans anymore, because she cleary stated that Harry would not be the main character in a new book. So what would it be about? The 80% of the characters died in book 7.
That's really interessing :) I missed the programme unfortunally but does anyone in the UK know if they'll sjow it again??
Interesting, yeah... but honestly, George and Angelina?? Fred always had (or seemed to have) this crush on her, they went to the Yule Ball together, they flirted - I don't think George would go out with her and marry after all that's happened. I'm strictly pro canon - but in this case it sucks. :( And what's this about Charlie? He may love his dragons a lot - but does that mean that there's no chance that he'll have a wife and children? I like him a lot (and I was very pissed that he didn't have a bigger role during the battle), he doesn't deserve that!! *rants*
^^^ Even though Charlie never actually played a big part in the books and there for the flms he was always one of my fav characters :D
I wish we got to find out more about the other characters in the end. I think in a couple of years, I can see her coming out with an extended edition of the books maybe. I don't knoiw. I loved all of the harry potter books. When I was in 4th grade, I started reading the harry Potter books at the time, i hated reading and these books openned my eyes. I love reading now. I am going to start reading them again.