How would CSI find your body?

They'd find me in Grissom's house, spying on him. I'd die from a heart attack from rush of sexy when he comes out of the shower...
Either that, or I get locked in a battle to the death with whoever it was that hurt Catherine.
Erm...hopefully not naked. Or in some other embarrassing manner. I've not really thought about it that much, but when I'm watching CSI I keep thinking that I wouldn't like to be found like that when someone's died in a particulaly odd way.
Dead on the couch after watching a weeklong Star Trek marathon. Probably several empty pizza boxes and cola two-liter bottles on the table beside the couch. Wearing the replica uniform and Vulcan ears. (Note to medical examiner: please remove uniform carefully. Brothers can sell it on Ebay.)
died because of total exhaution because grissom and I ***** all night long.. :devil:. DANCING OF Course you freakin perverts... ;) :D No, honestly we didnt dance........ :devil:
They would find me in front of the TV getting shot by the Grey's ptb for watching CSI instead of Greys (I love them both, but CSI rocks my Socks)