How to Revitalize CSI: NY *SPOILERS*

vegaslights said:
My wish list:

1. Brokeback Crimelab becoming canon.
2. Lindsay being eaten by a alliagtor.
3. Peyton and Sid becoming main characters.

Heh, i'll agree with you on number one, and half of number 3. I'd love to see Sid as a regular, but will be screaming at the screen if they keep Peyton on for season 4.
(I've realized one thing that bugged me about her was the way they introduced her, basically retconning the whole of S2 in the implication that she'd 'always' been there. Reminds me of the way they introduced Dawn in S5 Buffy. Too bad there's no chance of Peyton being thrown into a space rift)
Until reading some of the posts on this message board, I never would have thought Flack had a thing for Danny. Even after reading posts on the subject and watching their interactions more closely, I still don't think Flack views Danny as anything other than a good friend. Like CSIChick27, I'd even go so far as to say that Flack, who knows Danny's relationship with Louie has been strained, steps into a brotherly role when he feels that's what Danny needs. This is why I think he is always there for Danny.

That said, how do I feel the show could be revitalized? I'm fairly happy with the show as it is, but there are a few things I would change:

(1) Like many others on this board, I would like to see more diversity in the storylines. It seems too many of the cases this season have involved affluent characters - I'd like to see more cases involving everyday New Yorkers.

(2) I, too, would like to see more character development for Flack and Hawkes. I'd also like to see more development of Lindsay away from Danny and, as has been suggested by others, feel she is at her best when in the lab.

(3)I think witness interviewing and suspect interrogations should be left to Mac, Stella and Flack. They are much better at it than the other characters and, given their positions, would be more likely to do it anyway, especially Flack.

(4) Finally, again like CSIChick27, I liked the darker, gritter feel of season 1 better. It made the show seem more realistic to me. I wouldn't object if the show moved back in this direction, recognizing that the show will never go totally back to the season 1 feel given it was what many viewers didn't like about the first season.

I'll wait to see the outcome of the final four episodes before suggesting any other changes.
I just thought of something else I'd like to see:

In Season One, Danny was put on and taken off the promotion grid. It wasn't mentioned in season two and so far in season three. I think he's due.
^It would be nice to see a lot of the stuff from season one revisited. I liked the grit of that season so much--it was very NY and very real.