How many non-US peeps here?

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^Urgh, I get so angry at the stupid regions and region locked machines. Sure, it's good for anti-piracy reasons but they seem to have forgotten that people do actually travel and move to different countries :mad:

But you know what the weirdest thing is? My CSI:NY DVDs seem to not be affected by regions whatsoever, even though it's clearly marked region 2. I've checked that it's not my laptop cos it wont play any other region 2 DVDs *pets laptop* Smart eh? :lol:

Hannah, New Zealand is in Region 4. So be careful when buying stuff online since there's a chance it wont play. :( Hehe, unless you buy the DVD player along with it - now that's a different story :D
Thanks for the advie Natty and Gaelen :D
Will deff watch out for all that region stuff. Although, I think it'll be okay because my aunty brought stuff over from Malaysia when she visited and it worked :D
I went for Flack, Danny obviously no suprise there :lol: And then for Adam now I wish I had gone for Hawkes I can't believe he doesn't have one vote! Shame somebody give the man a sympathy vote so it doesn't look so bad.

Also the region thing is a big pain in the butt besides the fact that it doesn't work on all dvd players the extra's content is completely different. For example my New York box set for season 2 is region 2 and there are no commentary on it just some behind the scenes nonsense with Anthony Zuiker. But when I looked up the same boxset on amazon under region 1 it has commentary on a lot of episodes! Does anyone else have that problem or are they just being mean to us South Africans?
No, my season 2 DVDs only have the stuff with Zuiker. It's rather annoying :lol: At least there was an interveiw(y) thing on it. I think that it's like that for our countries because there aren't exactly a lot of people who watch them.. Especially NZ ^ Look at Nattys list, lol
^^ Maybe they do think about the viewership but its completely unfair all the content of the dvd's should be the same across the board no matter what region you find yourself in. Yesterday at the video store they just got in season 3 of new york and guess what the extra on there was? The Miami episode Felony Flight *i think that's what its called* and Manhattan Manhunt! I mean come on I already have Manhattan Manhunt on the other set why would I want another episode of it? :mad:

Oh and Hannah there are more kiwis on the list than South Africans :lol: do you feel my pain :lol:
Yeah I don't think that the commentary thing has anything to do with regions. I'm from Canada and we don't get all the extra stuff on ours either. And quite a number of people watch it in Canada. The only reason mine have the commentary is because I bought it from the states.

Although for us it can be a toss up. Season 1 and 3 are identical to the ones they sell in the states and season 2 is different.
^^^^^I don't understand how region could affect the extra content on the DVDs. People outside of the US can speak english and understand what they say too you know :mad:

I mean...I'm livin' in the South African region two and all I got from S2 was Zuiker prancing around the new lab (I like him, I'm just a tad bit annoyed right now - he'll understand).
Hi again SomethinSomethin ;)

I don't understand how region could affect the extra content on the DVDs. People outside of the US can speak english and understand what they say too you know
I know that really bugs me!! Ok CSI is american but why do they derserve extras :mad:
Well I'm guessing that the biggest sales of the DVDs do come from the US so they need that market pull there. The rest of the world doesn't matter so much. :p
I think everyone should get the same extras around the world. And access to the same sets. The whole region thing really annoys me. :(
Unfortunately that's the case with a lot of series and/or movies :mad: :( We all, world wide, watch the same stuff and still somehow there are those out there who seem to think that those outside of the US (or rather in a different region) need to get fewer or different extras.

Natty said:
CSI is american but why do they derserve extras
Well, Harry Potter is definitely British and still there was a much longer HBP preview special on the US version of OotP :mad:

The only reason I can think of, is that for other regions when there are as much extras as on the US version there also need to be subtitles/dubs in many different languages and that takes more effort and thus it'll cost more to produce those if they have the same number of extras...don't know if that's true though...
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