How Do You Feel About Adam/Delko Returning Full-Time?

Do we need another thread to suggest how tptb will balance the cast :lol:

Personally, I'm saving my breath (rather my fingers) because we don't know what slap in the face we'll get by finale. I do feel that someone will leave the nest. Not only will tptb not be able to work with 8 main characters (possibly 9 if Tom is bumped to regular), but I couldn't see how they could afford it either with all the budget issues. That's quite a hefty cast, & none of them run cheap I'm sure.

So, we'll just have to wait & see how the finale pans out; who stays, & who goes.

Back on the Adam subject -- one of the things bugging me is the timing. I always knew in the back of my mind that he'd return full time, but I figured they'd wait until his 10-episode contract was fullfilled (leaving Eric's leave a "will he, won't he" situation) & then re-negotiate over summer hiatus. Perhaps if it had panned out that way I wouldn't feel so uneasy about this. But now it's already a done deal, after only a few months of him first leaving, & we're left on pins & needles wondering/worrying about all these issues for the rest of the cast & how S9 will play out.
In addition, the timing of this re-negotiation just blows any surprising shock at all for when Eric decides he wants to stay in Miami. :rolleyes: They should've kept this decision tight-lipped until finale, imo.
In addition, the timing of this re-negotiation just blows any surprising shock at all for when Eric decides he wants to stay in Miami. :rolleyes: They should've kept this decision tight-lipped until finale, imo.

I agree with you, MJ. It should have been kept underwraps for suspense purposes on the episodes. :lol:
Do we need another thread to suggest how tptb will balance the cast :lol:

Or in all probability won't? ;) No, I guess not. I was just thinking it could help to facilitate a better dialogue between two hostile groups. A little like the Democrats and the Republicans ... if you get what I mean! :lol:

Personally, I'm saving my breath (rather my fingers) because we don't know what slap in the face we'll get by finale. I do feel that someone will leave the nest. Not only will tptb not be able to work with 8 main characters (possibly 9 if Tom is bumped to regular), but I couldn't see how they could afford it either with all the budget issues. That's quite a hefty cast, & none of them run cheap I'm sure.

I'm sure that's what is making a lot of people nervous and upset. I'm pretty secure that my favorite character is safe. But I adore Natalia and Ryan both and I have a horrible feeling that one of them will pay the price for Eric's return.

So, we'll just have to wait & see how the finale pans out; who stays, & who goes.

And that's a lot of the problem. The show, both in front of and behind the scenes, just seems to be chaotic. There doesn't seem to be a real plan for where they are going here and it is just frustrating everyone. No one in a position of authority seems to be able to see the whole picture and so storylines get dropped and characters get pushed aside while others are front and center a good deal of the time.

CSI Miami has a large and diversified fan base. TPTB need to acknowledge that diversity and provide stories that service these diverse groups.

Eric's return again throws everything into question and I think a lot of fans are tired of worrying about the future of their favorite character and wondering if there is any real plan behind all of this or are they just flying by the seat of their pants.

Even some E/C fans are voicing frustration with this push/pull story. You can go too far with the "should they or shouldn't they" get together until fans throw up their hands and say enough. I'm done!

Back on the Adam subject -- one of the things bugging me is the timing. I always knew in the back of my mind that he'd return full time, but I figured they'd wait until his 10-episode contract was fullfilled (leaving Eric's leave a "will he, won't he" situation) & then re-negotiate over summer hiatus. Perhaps if it had panned out that way I wouldn't feel so uneasy about this. But now it's already a done deal, after only a few months of him first leaving, & we're left on pins & needles wondering/worrying about all these issues for the rest of the cast & how S9 will play out.

In addition, the timing of this re-negotiation just blows any surprising shock at all for when Eric decides he wants to stay in Miami. :rolleyes: They should've kept this decision tight-lipped until finale, imo.

Excellent point, MJ! So much for capitalizing on the potential for drama. :lol:

They have an opportunity fall right in their lap, will Eric return or not, and they let it get away by not keeping the announcement until a time when it could have its greatest impact.

I just get a overwhelming sense that the people in charge of this show are fumbling around trying to figure out what to do next - with no real plan for the future. :confused:
Are you guys implying that we don't know what LOGIC is? :rolleyes:

No, it was supposed to be a joke. I apologize if it offended you, as that was not my intention. Some of the reactions here seem to be rather knee-jerk, and while it's perfectly fine to feel the way you feel, I think it can also be helpful to step back and look at the bigger picture.
I usually don't get upset even when people keep insulting me (and trust me this is far less "insulting" than what I've heard in my life ;)), but if there is something I really hate (pass me the term ;)) is when people imply others aren't as smart as they are just because they don't share the same opinion on the matter. IMO, it is just common sense and it's just a matter of being civil.
As many of other people have mentioned lately it really seems most of us didn't know how to be civil.
I'm sorry if you feel offended by my "attitude", but, please, understand why I felt upset when reading this sentence. You meant it as a joke, but I'm quite sure that other people who agreed with you didn't mean it like joke. This is not to talk in a bad way about other people, but the way you wrote it down could lead to different interpretation especially when people you're talking about...don't know what you're referring to ;)

You freely admit that you don't work behind the scenes of the show, and yet you have determined that Adam Rodriguez is unprofessional, and came back to the show whining. How can you know that for sure when you're not able to truly see everything?
Yes I freely admit it and I will go on :p. I'm not seeing what is going behind the scenes, but I can read...I'm not illiterate and I know how to surf on the web and how to read magazines. I read Adam's interviews back when he left the show (even before he left). I heard Emily's words when she talked about his departure. They were all official statements from part of the cast of the show and I'm sure 100% he left because of the storylines (he was tired), because he spread his wings and because of bad negotiations. No need to deny it ;).

I didn't know what he did after he left except for the fact he played on Ugly Betty. I don't watch that show and I honestly don't care about its failure, so I don't know wheather it was supposed to be temporary or not. As soon as I heard it got cancelled I thought "hmm this is bad. Wonder if he'll come back". I swear that's what I thought back at the time and I'm quite this sruck you as a possibility to get him back as well...I do think it would be hypocritical for anyone to say "no it never occoured me" ;) It's entirely possible.

I didn't know wheather he had any other job offer at the time, but what I knew is that, as Delynn mentioned earlier, straight away when UB was cancelled he started writing down some posts about petitions to get him back on his twitter page. I don't know, to me, it is rather unpfrofessional from an actor to keep ecnouraging people signing a petition in order to get HIM back!!!
Considering the offical reasons why he left it and how he came back and WHEN he came back.....I do feel it is unprofessional and I do not appreciate this kind of behaviour ;)

Anyway, there is one thing I don't like (better say dislike???) about what is going on this thread. I do appreciate that some fans do their best to defend Adam, I really do. I appreciate all those fans who signed for the petitions to get him back 'cause it means Adam is a very loved person. What I don't appreciate is how these same fans keep crucifying whoever doesnt's agree with them. We may easily get on fire whenever someone doesn't agree with us. But I do feel that none of us as ever talked in bad way of any of you. If so, please, let me know by PM. But I swear to god that I never intentionally talked in a bad way about you and I never offended any of you.
I always tend to be straightfoward and this is a bad thing from me 'cause sometime honesty isn't that much appreciated in this world as it should be, but I know what politeness and, above all, respect are.
I will always think Adam (in this case) is unprofessional because I have a certain professional moraly (I know I know I'm crazy :lol:), but I would never dare to insult way I'm gonna do it;)
So, please, before posting your thoughts on a forum keep thinking whether they're gonna hurt someone or not 'cause going on calling other people haters, going on telling them how they spread negative energy, claiming that they always get angry whenever someone doesn't agree with them.......well this certainly doesn't help us being able to write our thoughts down without being "rude" ;)

Sorry, but I felt that I needed to say this 'cause sometimes it is really difficult to post my thought on the matter in here ;)
You meant it as a joke, but I'm quite sure that other people who agreed with you didn't mean it like joke. This is not to talk in a bad way about other people, but the way you wrote it down could lead to different interpretation especially when people you're talking about...don't know what you're referring to ;)

This part of your post jumped out at me, Flo! You put in to words what I haven't been able to. :thumbsup:

A lot of times someone will post something that is truly meant to be a joke, but the posts that follow it up are clearly not a joke. As a result the light-hearted intents of the inital post is then corrupted to assume the disrespectful tone of the follow up posts!

It unnecessarily inflames and incites those on the other side of the issue to respond and again we're off to the races! :(

The tone and the words of your post reflects profoundly the frustration, anger and hurt that result from the harsh statements made in the name of supporting a specific position.

I know you to be one of the most polite and kind individuals that I've ever met online. We met on a thread were we didn't exactly agree and took our discussion to PM to try and understand each other. And in the process we learned to like and respect each other a great deal because we talked to each other in a polite and civil manner. You know I think you're amazing! ;)

I think a good many of us are struggling right now and I think that is true of both sides of the issue. People keeping talking AT each other and a lot of people have shut down and refuse to hear. Hopefully we can find some kind of middle ground, but it's takes everyone working together to get there.
Delynn you're too kind, you know that ;)

I think a good many of us are struggling right now and I think that is true of both sides of the issue. People keeping talking AT each other and a lot of people have shut down and refuse to hear. Hopefully we can find some kind of middle ground, but it's takes everyone working together to get there.

I do think that the main reason for it are the spoilers and the interviews which keep coming out. They only concern a topic or certain people. I do think that after almost 4 years it's time to start talking about something else....some new spoilers, new topics. So that we could start arguing on them instead of beating the hell out of eachother for the same old thing :lol:
mjszud said:
Do we need another thread to suggest how tptb will balance the cast :lol:

It probably could take place in the Screentime Tallyboard thread as it does deal with screentime, lol, but it's a bit of a catch22 in this thread just like the E/C discussion. Delko coming back into the fold both affects the Eric/Calleigh relationship as well as the rest of the cast (especially the newest additions).

If nobody ends up leaving next season, there's going to be 7 CSIs, an ME and various labtechs to work with so I'd say Eric coming back ties into the concerns pretty well.

Delynn said:
I think a good many of us are struggling right now and I think that is true of both sides of the issue. People keeping talking AT each other and a lot of people have shut down and refuse to hear. Hopefully we can find some kind of middle ground, but it's takes everyone working together to get there.

Agreed completely. I decided to update the Info & Help Thread with a link to the Mannerly Art of Disagreement. I encourage interested parties to take a look and hopefully it'll be a beneficial resource for those hoping to contribute to hot-button topics as well as even the most casual discussions. :)

That being said, I'd like to answer my own questions from the beginning of the thread. It's only fair, right? :p

How do you feel about the news?

Meh. I'm not terribly excited about it but it wasn't exactly surprising either.

Does the character of Delko have any growth left as a character?

I don't feel he has much to offer as it stands, unless the writers really want to delve into him as a person without the relationships around him. But for right now, he's pretty tapped out from my perspective.

How do you think the character will be re-integrated back into the show?

Hopefully slowly. I don't think it's wise to have him doing all of this investigative work for the DA and spending the rest of his career as a forensic specialist, then suddenly wanting his old job back and expecting to find the team/atmospheric dynamic identical to before he left. Therein lies some potential development, but not something that hasn't already been tackled before (Natalia comes to mind).

It'll be interesting to see how the writers handle it.
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I personally have no opinion whether Adam comes back or not, but as evidenced, it's causing a lot of problems.

And please, folks, don't let this drive a wedge between you. And hey, a lot can happen between now and the finale. Who's to say he won't get a better job offer for another show?? :p
<===== Stepping in a quick minute to share her thoughts..

I for one am glad that he's coming back. I've supported Adam all the way and can't wait for Season 9 to take place with him full time.

In regards to him tweeting after UB was canceled to get his fans to get him back on CSI Miami, I highly disagree. He has a great fan base out there who are really happy he's taken a chance to "spread his wings". Many fans tweeted him months before UB's cancellation on their feelings of his departure from CSI Miami. If they were upset about him leaving, I'm sure they knew they could voice it either way. He was connecting with his fans, and really, that's what's most important. I commend him for interacting with his dedicated fan base. At the end of the day, his final decision on returning is his own; he decides where he wants to be.

He got the chance to step out of the routine and see what's out there. As do many celebrities. It brought him great success and I'm sure his return to CSI Miami will do just the same.

Until next time...
<===== Stepping in a quick minute to share her thoughts..

I for one am glad that he's coming back. I've supported Adam all the way and can't wait for Season 9 to take place with him full time.

In regards to him tweeting after UB was canceled to get his fans to get him back on CSI Miami, I highly disagree. He has a great fan base out there who are really happy he's taken a chance to "spread his wings". Many fans tweeted him months before UB's cancellation on their feelings of his departure from CSI Miami. If they were upset about him leaving, I'm sure they knew they could voice it either way. He was connecting with his fans, and really, that's what's most important. I commend him for interacting with his dedicated fan base. At the end of the day, his final decision on returning is his own; he decides where he wants to be.

He got the chance to step out of the routine and see what's out there. As do many celebrities. It brought him great success and I'm sure his return to CSI Miami will do just the same.

Until next time...

Couldn't have said it better myself. :thumbsup:

I am really happy that Adam is returning to the show full time next season.
Do we need another thread to suggest how tptb will balance the cast :lol:

Personally, I'm saving my breath (rather my fingers) because we don't know what slap in the face we'll get by finale. I do feel that someone will leave the nest. Not only will tptb not be able to work with 8 main characters (possibly 9 if Tom is bumped to regular), but I couldn't see how they could afford it either with all the budget issues. That's quite a hefty cast, & none of them run cheap I'm sure.

So, we'll just have to wait & see how the finale pans out; who stays, & who goes.

I'm sure that's what is making a lot of people nervous and upset. I'm pretty secure that my favorite character is safe. But I adore Natalia and Ryan both and I have a horrible feeling that one of them will pay the price for Eric's return.

And personally, these are my reasons for my hesitations on welcoming Adam back with open arms. It isn't a secret that I don't have a high opinion of the writers on this show and IMO they haven't shown the ability to balance stories and screentime even before this season started and don't see how they are going to include and balance the storylines and screentime of the log jam of characters they will have with Adam's return next season. Being a Ryan fan, I am worried about him and his future role on the show. I am enjoying the feel of this season with Ryan finally seemingly "one of the gang" and his easy interaction with both Jesse and Walter. Ryan seems more relaxed which is allowing tptb to showcase Jon's sense of humor. This is something is frankly never really had with Eric. If they call a truce between the two fine, but if things are going to remain the same between the two.....

I just get a overwhelming sense that the people in charge of this show are fumbling around trying to figure out what to do next - with no real plan for the future. :confused:

Admittedly, they have time to figure it out but I don't have a lot of faith that they can work it out.