House MD shippers thread. *spoilers*

Re: House MD shippers thread. *spoilors*

Hmmmmm, so looking back over a good amount of these posts, it looks like it'd be safe to say I'd be a bit of an odd man out if I popped in and said I was a House/Cam shipper huh :lol: So I won't say it...I'll just, um....think it and hum quietly to myself! *Mo hums...* Even as the H/C shipper that I am not admitting out loud that I am, I will admit I totally cracked up at the "thong" bit in this last eppy! That was hilarious and yeah, so totally House! :lol: :lol:
Re: House MD shippers thread. *spoilors*

Don't worry Moriel, you won't get pelted with tomatoes even if you are a House-Cameron shipper. ;) You are most welcome here and that goes for all fans of the show House. :)

BTW, does anyone have a link to a promo for this week's episode? I'm too lazy to do a search at YouTube. If anyone's interested, there's a clip of a Huddy scene for this week's ep over at the official House site. :)
Re: House MD shippers thread. *spoilors*

I'm normally a lazy person too, but I looked it up for you, Mandy. Here

Mo, once upon a time I was an H/C shipper, and can still to a point enjoy the scenes (I could say that about all ships on the show, to be honest), so don't worry about it. I hate tomatoes anyway, so I wouldn't go near them long enough to pelt them at you. ;)

Purejoylove, gah! I know which scene you're talking about and I tried looking for it, but I can't seem to find it. Sorry. Can anyone else help?
I'm a total Huddy shipper (my friend and I sometimes talk about a House/Cuddy/Wilson thing going on), but I can't remember what episode it is that House gives Cuddy her estrogen shot or whatever. Anyone know? I remember it's like, in season 2, but thats it. Thanks.

That episode is called Who's Your Daddy..wish I could find the other clip though
Thanks Liberty for the links for the promo for tonight's episode. My lazy butt thanks you too! :lol: :)

I loved that scene from Who's Your Daddy.

Cuddy: Someone like you?

House: Someone you like.

I looove the play on words they did in that particular scene. :)
Well, I think the writers have been very generous with the Huddy, now it's time to give some love to the Chameron shippers! Huddy got some nice scenes last night ("How long have you known me?"), but Chase and Cam weren't even seen together. Grrr....
Has anyone noticed that House keeps getting better and better? I mean CSI is on this gradual decline.... well not so gradual. And every time I watch an episode of House I like it more and more.

It's amazing.
I totally agree and very thankful that we got some great Huddy scenes in Games. I especially loved the last scene and how House actually played Cuddy to get what he wanted. Love his manipulative ass! :lol: I just wish TPTB don't mess things up with this particular ship. I can almost see Thirteen being a threat to Huddy. What do you guys think?

As for Chase and Cameron, at least we got to see them. It's unfortunate that they didn't have a scene together.
Like I said, I'm worried that Thirteen is just a new Cameron, and you know how the Hamerons will take that, "OMG, he's being all nice to Thirteen because he sees Cameron when he looks at her! He still lurrrvvves her" :rolleyes: I sincerely hope this isn't the case, that House/Thirteen will be a potential ship, because that's just recycled material (and seriously, in your fourth season you're not old enough to be using recycled material), but I don't know. I guess the writers might want to experiment with it. Then again, as long as Huddy still happens in the end, what does it matter, right?

And now that I think about it, House/Thirteen could hurt Chameron too. If they're going to continue to develop on that little confession of Cameron's (please no), Chase might get fed up. Noooo! There's another reason to hate the idea of H/T. :mad:
AH! I missed this thread *bows*
anyway... :D
Huddy these past few eppies (specially Games and the hilarious Mirror eppie) :lol: are wub! *hugs Huddy writers*
:rollseyes: 13 is kinda like Cam IMHO and.. well, like Liberty said... it is a recycled idea *shrugs*

Chameron is in hot water i think.. ever since teh 'slip' of Cam... *tsk tsk* i want more Chameron scenes... and fluff would be nice too...

*is finished ranting and curls up in a ball and sobs for CTB*
Look, who's back! Hey MJ, great to see you around here again! :)

I definitely don't want to see a House/Thirteen pairing on the show! It didn't work with Hameron and Thirteen being a Cameron clone doesn't bode well for this particular ship. This coming from a die hard Huddy fan! :lol: H/T messing up all the ships on the show? I hope not! I'm a big Huddy fan but I support Chameron and I don't like how H/T could prove to be a hindrance to Huddy or Chameron for that matter. I just hope the PTB do Huddy justice! :lol:
Ugh I don't want to see House/Thirteen either. And yeah, I'm gonna be one of those Hameron shippers and say that Thirteen is a threat to Cameron, hence why I don't like her. I actually hated CTB up until the point that he fired her, then I started to like her, just not in a shippy way. I didn't care who he hired as long as he didn't hire Thirteen.
*waves at mandy* thankies ;)

no offense to the 13 wubers but i don't see it. i thought CTB/Amber had more idk... life.. excitement.. er.. how do you say it.. *sighs* interesting. there we go. thats my opinion anyway. and :lol: that thing taub has for amber *laughs* he so sounds like wilson :p

and i dont think 13 likes house... does she?
*waves back at MJ* :lol:

I liked CTB because she was refreshing and interesting. Thirteen is pretty, you've got to give her that, but other than that she is a mere clone of Cameron. CTB was spunky and she was entertaining and I for one was rooting for her to become part of House's team instead of Thirteen. Oh well, I just hope Thirteen won't ruin anything on the Huddy front. :lol:

I hope you're right MJ about Thirteen not liking House in a romantic way...That would just be, again, reminiscent of Cameron. :p
It's interesting that you talk about Thirteen being Cameron like. There was an episode we watched recently in Australia, where Thirteen was getting a piece of House's liver, where she was positively Cuddylike!