Hottest Men from all Three CSI's?

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Posted by csinut:
I just meant that Gris wasn't getting any love from the posters ;)(the most recent ones, anyway)! Good to know that yer here! :D

I'm here too! Grissom is soooo effing hot. There is no other way to describe it. He's the hottest man ever.
I just don't see how you can find Grissom attractive. I mean, in my opinion, he is the most unattractive one on CSI:, but you know, everyone has their types.

AWR, Did she say what I thought that she said? :eek: SOMEONE HOLD ME BACK! NOW! *sigh* No, you're right, everyone have their own types. :p Ryan...well...its your opinion.
Ha, my CSI obcessed friends and I were having this exact discussion today in school. We've come to the conclusion that Grissom/WP is "Dashingly Handsom". Agreement from you Grissom supporters? :D

I'd also have to agree about CSI:Miami. I just don't find anyone attractive there...(IMHO, Ryan's character was just a shameless attempt to create another "Greg" character...) I have seen maybe 3 or 4 eps of Miami, so I may be wrong, but that's my early opinion...
Posted by LabRat101:

Ryan's character was just a shameless attempt to create another "Greg" character...) of Miami, so I may be wrong, quote]

I was a little surprised at the similarity between the two and they even kind of look alike! Greg lovers..........I definitely think he is the better looking out of the 2, but it is a little "not cool" how alike the characters have been made. :eek:

And I say that being someone who never misses CSI:Miami either and loves the show!
Posted by Committed2Wolfe:
I just don't see how you can find Grissom attractive. I mean, in my opinion, he is the most unattractive one on CSI:, but you know, everyone has their types.

*gasping for air* WHAT?! :lol: Yes, everyone has their own opinions and I agree with LabRat that Grissom is dashingly handsome. And just plain HOT.
YAY! I'm glad all the Grissom lovers are sticking up for him! ;)

As for the people who say that Grissom is unattractive:
Grissoms hottness is very subtle, he OOZES hotness! :p
The rest of the guys are good looking, i agree. But it's very, very obvious. :D But yes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder! :)
:lol: I never realized how many Grissom lovers were out there.

Anyway, I agree that Wolfe is the Greg of Miami. Just like Chad's the Greg of NY. Wolfe doesn't seem too much like him, though they look a lot alike, Wolfe tends to be more serious. Chad on the other hand, I think they've pushed the whole thing way too far.

I forgot to mention lab tech's last time! ARCHIE, how could I forget you??? :D
Posted by Catherine_Willows:

I forgot to mention lab tech's last time! ARCHIE, how could I forget you??? :D
omigosh! Archie just plain yummy!! How could I forget the minor players?
Archie's cute, but he's nothing compared to Greg. i agree that Chad is the Greg of CSI:NY, but I don't think that Ryan is anything like Greggo.
Ryan is not like Greg at all. Except for the fact that they're both the new guys on the team. Chad and Greg though? I can see some relations between the two but Greg's character is changing from his old silly way and somehow it seems like their giving that old character to Chad.

Or maybe not. :D
Who the heck is Chad? Is he from the DNA lab in CSI:NY or something?

Wheres the DANNY LOVE? Is it me or does Danny gets much hotter every episode I see? :D *waits patiently for the next episode*
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