Hottest Men from all Three CSI's?

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That was the same thing with Nick for me. I didn't really like him that much and his accent was kind of annoying but....what can I say? It grows on you. :rolleyes: :devil:
my all time fave guy from any CSI is Nick/ George Eads. he is soo freakin hot i love him to death. i go nuts as soon as he walks on the screen. he's always been my fave ever since the begining.

1. George Eads
2 Carmine Giovinazzo
3. Eric Szmanda
4. Gary Dourdan
5. Jonathan Togo
6. Eddie Cahill
Posted by Catherine_Willows:
That was the same thing with Nick for me. I didn't really like him that much and his accent was kind of annoying but....what can I say? It grows on you. :rolleyes: :devil:

Yeah, I know what you mean, I used to find NY accents annoying but ever since CSI NY started, I love them!

And to go back to an earlier topic on here- We got Snakes down here in Oz last night. Nick yelling in Spanish, v. v. hot. The highlight of the ep for me :D
WARRICK! Of the number one, numero uno, top dog,top cat, king of the beasts in my world........from head to toe he is HOT!

Now that we've gotten that out of the way.....I am amazed at how attractive I find almost all of the guys on all 3 shows. I've never thought of David Caruso as more than a good actor until CSI: Miami and now I think he is just absolutely ruggedly sexy! I've loved Gary Sinise from all the way back to the movie, "Platoon" and was wondering if I'd ever find him "sexy" again after Forrest Gump. :D But I'm way impressed with him on NY!

Hottest on all three shows though: That's tough....

1. Warrick Brown LV - Gary "good-lookin', great actor" Dourdan
2. Nick LV - George Eads
3. Delko, Miami - Adam Rodriguez - Mama Mia!
4. Horatio Caine, Miami - David Caruso - don't care how old he is, he's HOT!
5. Flack, NY - Eddie Cahill won my heart in "Miracle". Love him!
Okay, I'm definitely partial to the Texan. Nick is just one of those handsome, wholesome guys that I thought didn't exist.

So far, only the other Las Vegas guys interest me. (Sorry Miami and NY!) :D
I like Carmine's NY accent then Eddie's for some reason. :rolleyes: But I think NY has all the good looking guys. :p

Other than Ryan, ther'es really no one on Miami that I find attractive. I mean, Speedle's ok but he sort of looks like a regular guy.

And then there's everyone on LV! DOn't get me started on Nicky again. :devil:
I just meant that Gris wasn't getting any love from the posters ;)(the most recent ones, anyway)! Good to know that yer here! :D
The whole lot of Grissom fans would post in there more if it wasn't for Destiny trying to make the thread more interesting. SO that means we arent allowed to post about how hotttt he is. :p OH well.
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