Horatio & Yelina Thread #4 ~The Romantic Real Deal~

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Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~

Pusher said
if she don`t listen we`ll send the Undercover Goose to make her official warning for Trolling and Flames

:lol: I like that idea.

Pusher, Lucy, thanks for the stupendous pictures! I'm so excited to see Horatio and Yelina reunite. It'll just make me all warm and fuzzy inside. :D Let's just hope the writers don't screw this up, because they have one more chance to make up for what they did, and return our faith back into the show.
Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~

Hey guys, guess who's back *lol* I just can't wait for the episode, even if I'm still out of luck ... *cry* because I still am looking for someone to get me a copy, but I will.

My best friend made me some fanart about H/Y and I wanted to share it with you:

so true
Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~

Lovely pic Pusher. That is one of my favourite H expressions. :)

Welcome back snickergeek. Thanks for sharing the Fan Art with us. We've just mentioned that quote earlier today in the Miami Forum, coincidentally.

I couldn't agree more with sending the Undercover Goose over to meet Ann D if she screws things up! :devil:

I am feeling quietly confident about things at the moment though. Just a good vibe that has been with me today. :)
Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~

^I'd slap her with my clipped wings ;)
So umm...folks... how many days until season premiere?

Pssst...where's the rum? :p
Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~

*gives rum*

Wow! I missed so many pictures! I love pictures.

How long until America gets the Miami season premier? I can see that everyone is getting really excited, in this thread at least! But I guess we have a lot to look forward to!

And snickergeek, tell your friend that she picked a perfect quote for Horatio and Yelina. And the pictures are wonderful.
Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~

20 days to go until the premiere on September 18th. :D The countdown to the H/Y reunion has begun. Very exciting times for us!

I'm so glad that we didn't give up. We kept the H/Y flag flying all the way through the miserable S4 and I am very proud of us. ;)

Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~

Aw, that little emoticon is so cute Lucy :D

Yay twenty days! We've waited this long, what's another twenty days eh? ;)

*hands out more rum* Celebrate and be merry all H/Y shippers! (I don't drink. :p)
Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~

Welcome back snickergeek. :D hope u like all this promo pics and thanks for sharing this H/Y fan art with us ;)

yeah, Caramelchan the waiting is very very excited, even i was dream last night that i watch epi 3 from S5 and one guy was tying to steal Y love from H :lol: (why dr. House was there too i don`t know :devil: )

I'm so glad that we didn't give up.

dear Lucy how we can giv up when we have u, Tall and Ducky here :D i was try 2-3 time to step away but u don`t let me. thanks for this ;)

Yay twenty days!

err...for some of us are 21 :(
Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~

Here I am ones(once???) again(sorry always mix that ones and once up)... well yeah... that quote is just perfect for H/Y... I can so not wait until the premier of s5! Just 19 more days to go guys... I'm so damn excited... almost three weeks to find someone to get me a copy *rofl* It really sucks, living oversea... we'll have to wait for like a year or something... even longer... but waiting that long is worth it. Yelina and H match up perfectly... I'm really excited about how H will tell Yelina Raymond died.
Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~

dear Lucy how we can giv up when we have u, Tall and Ducky here
:lol: Well, we did our best to keep things going - as did HnM, Hummer, MD and everyone else who kept our hopes alive.

Pusher, you have also been a great asset to this thread and we are very grateful to you too. It's wonderful to see new posters here and the H/Y fanbase growing. :D
Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~

It's no particular difference that some of us have been here from the very onset and others have joined throughout the journey. Fact is, all of us here celebrate H/Y in all of its vastly appealing aspects. It's straight up Coke, remember? :) Furthermore, in light of recent developments, we remain cautiously optimistic for a S5 that will do justice to THAT which was so harshly discarded in s4.

As MD already mentioned earlier, a one shot deal for H/Y in S5 would be grossly unacceptable. Steady continuity and progressive development of the H/Y storyline throughout S5 will be the only penance allowed for miami's tptb after the starkly sinful waste that was s4.

...and so the countdown continues....
Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~

Very well said TallyHo. :)

You know, it's a shame I didn't ship these two until mid season one. However, I believe it's one of those relationships and/or storylines that everyone in a sense wishes to become canon. We've seen Horatio go from woman to woman throughout season three and season four, and yet in our minds Yelina remained the one Horatio should be with. It just always felt right.

My favorite scenes which harvest the truth in all of that would be Big Brother, and Hurricane Anthony. They were both near the end of the episodes, and they were both such powerful scenes. There is so much chemistry between these two characters (and actors) that you have to believe there is something there.

Now that I'm done rambling, continue with the cautiously optimistic celebration! ;)
Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~

The H/Y relationship really is 'canon' already in the truest sense of the definition. It is an established storyarc, fully endorsed by the writers and actually exists on the show, as opposed to other pairings that people might like to see. In this sense, I don't really regard it as a 'ship' as such, as their 'relationship' is a reality in TV Land. Hope that makes sense. :)

'Cautiously optimistic' are my middle names btw. ;)
Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~

Makes perfect sense Luce and I agree. I have always regarded H/Y as canon for your reasons given. :)

I am also grateful to those members who persevered with this thread through the bad times. It just goes to show that these two are worth holding out for. Hope springs eternal and we never gave up. ;)

As Tally mentioned, I really hope that the premiere isn't a 'one off' moment, as I'm sure we all do. We have been let down so badly by those who should be ashamed, that I am trying very hard not to get my hopes up too high. Though, I really don't think that TPTB would just bring her back for one episode. We have to hope that Yelina returns to Miami with Horatio or fairly soon afterwards. That will bode well, even if we don't see her again until later in the season.
Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~

I think the main mistake they made was sending Yelina off for a whole season. I'm sure they wanted to try something different, and see where Horatio's character would go if they had shipped Yelina off forever, but I think they quickly realized that was a mistake. The mistake of course, was so infamously called 'Season Four'.

So I'd say that I'm really looking forward to the new season. That being said, there are so many ways this could go down and I'm not sure I trust the writers at the moment. :rolleyes:
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