I am still waiting to watch 'Bombshell', for some reason, my pay-per-view channel isn't offering the episode yet. Hopefully by next week I'll get to watch it.
But my thoughts on this whole issue. From what I read about the episode, it still seems that H and J still have feelings for each other. And I completely agree with everyone's take on it, that H needs a needy woman. Y is way too strong and independant for him.
However, the writers of Miami are making H's character in terms of his love life a complete joke. I mean how many times can he "fall in love"? There was her-who-should-not-be-named and it seemed it took him so long to get over her, and all of a sudden there's Julia. Ok granted she's an old flame and there always tends to be feelings when it comes to ex-es. And then there's Y. He just grows colder towards her with the seasons. There was some hope in season 5 in 'Burned' and then it all went downhill from there.
So the writers are making the good old, dependable H of seasons 1 to 3 become some fickle-minded, cassanova who can't decide who he's really in love with. It seems like he's leaning more towards J now, but why then would tptb still want Y in the show? There doesn't seem to be any purpose whatsoever?
I bring up the E/C/Jake triangle. I can see the logic in bringing back Jake, he did go out with Cal for awhile, so letting there be a "love triangle" between those three makes sense. But H/J/Y? There was no past relationship between H/Y to begin with except some hinted-at tension. There is no love triangle to begin with. So there is really no need to bring Y back, unless they want H/Y some time in the future? But why do tptb keep doing it? Nevermind, I don't think anyone, maybe not even tptb, have the answer to this question.
Maybe DC himself doens't like the idea of H/Y. He had an interview with Elizabeth and he had views on H/J but he never ever talked about H/Y.
What I really would like is, if tptb or DC or whoever decide that H/Y is a dead end, then make it clear on the show. Don't keep stringing us (or at least me) along. Before 'Bombshell' I still had hope for this ship (ok we're not a ship, well last time we weren't but now....), now, I just think that in season 8 or whatever future season, if and when H/Y do get together, it will be some cheapened version of the love and admiration they had in the first 3 seasons.
I mean after so many women H finally decides on Y. It sounds romantic maybe, but to me Y deserves better. And even then when she does wait and accept him after his forages with other women, it just goes to show what a patient and magnaimus person Y is. Really H doesn't deserve her.
On a lighter note, maybe after J sleeps with H (well he already has, 16 years ago

), J's days are numbered, so again, there's a chance for H/Y. :lol: