Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like This

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Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Awesome a new fic update. Been waiting for this.

By the way what is "Life"? :D I'm kidding.

First post in 2008 has to be in the H/Y thread :D
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Happy New Year! :D

I haven't been around much due to real life commitments, but things should get back to normal in February. ;)

Take care everyone & thanks for the lovely pics. Thanks Luce for holding the fort. *hugs* :)
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Happy New Year everybody! :D

Finally found my way here from BSG universe. It pulls you right into it, before you even realize what’s happening. It’s a great feeling :D and also bad for ppl around you. I was so engrossed in it – I burned family dinner! :lol:

I think it is interesting coincidence that SM new TV show premiere on DC birthday :)
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

ametista said:
Finally found my way here from BSG universe. It pulls you right into it, before you even realize what’s happening. It’s a great feeling :D and also bad for ppl around you. I was so engrossed in it – I burned family dinner! :lol:
Hee, that's the BSG-effect! It really is that compelling & I'm so glad you're enjoying it. I love the banner btw. :D
MD said: Thanks Luce for holding the fort. *hugs*
You're welcome. Take care and travel safely MD. *hugs*

Happy New Year all! :D

Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Great pic, Luce.

Happy New Year, all!

Travel safe, MD. We'll miss ya. *huggles*
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Happy New Year everyone! Great pic.... when will we get to see something like that on the show itself...
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Happy New Year!!! :D :D

Thanx for that pic Lucyª love it! :D
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Great pic Lucy. :D Thanks for posting.

SM and DC have so big chemistry even out of screen. Why only Ann D. don`t see it. :rolleyes:

Travel safe, MD. We'll be waiting for u. :)
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Hey, I'm new here..which I guess you guys already figured that one out lol and I've been reading the forums on this site for awhile now and I decided to finally join. I'm a HUGE H/Y fan!! These two are smokin with chemistry! I believe they're destined to be together it's just taking longer than I want it to, but as long as they get together it'll be worth the wait for me!
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Welcome to the H/Y thread CSIz_4_H! Great to have you here. :D You're so right about the chemistry these two share, and we all share your hopes for a future for them. One day, it could happen, I still firmly believe that, even if, as you say, we have to wait a long time. ;)

Also, you're all very welcome re the pic. :)
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

They'd better get together! And they'd better show a kiss between them. I'm sure we've all been waiting 6 LONG years for that to happen. They're indeed ssssmokin' ;)

Welcome to the H/Y thread CSIz_4_H Glad you decided to join us :)
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Welcome to the H/Y thread CSIz_4_H. :D Nice to have new guys here.

Ok new member, new page and is time for new pic. ;)

Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Thanks everybody for the warm welcome.:) That's got to be one of the cutest pics I've seen of them. I wish we had more like this one of them offscreen.
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

WelcomeCSIz_4_H. Always glad to see another H/Y fan.

They'd better get together! And they'd better show a kiss between them. I'm sure we've all been waiting 6 LONG years for that to happen.

Couldn't agree with you more on that Tati. I was just thinking the other night how long more we're gonna have to wait. I was catching up on NY season 3 re-runs, and I thought the storylines written for Mac and Peyton are really good. I hope when H/Y finally get together on the show we'll get at least one season of them like Mac and Peyton, have them working together, have disagreements and working it out etc. It'll even be better cos Y is a P.I. and like mentioned before it's got alot of potential for great storrlines.
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Welcome CSIz_4_H, always room for more H/Y support!. :)

Great pic, pusher. Makes one go all spontaneously smiley. :D
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