Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like This

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Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

OMG!! :eek: We don't need another Gloria :eek: i'm still scarred by her *shudders* to quote Eric she was "not balanced" we don't need someone like that after our sweet H and Yelina!!!!
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

wow I haven` t been here for a long time (I know my fault and my real life) and first of all I should congradulate all of you and myself with the great new title and new thread :) I was so glad to here that Sofia Milos would be in the first episode, I cross my finger for seeing her more often in this new season of Miami. I missed Horatio/Yelina very much and I brought something with me


the link Horatio Yelina
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

So glad to see u again Polina. :D *hugs* Yep we all hope to see Yelina more often in S6. Thanks for this lovely wallpaper btw. ;)

I also agree that Rebecca was far away better then this 'wet blanket Marisol' character. For me she was more H type of woman - strong, clever etc. I was little surprise that H start to see her. (everything go too quick), but with Yelina/Stetler things around this at some points make a lot logic.

Err... what is melon-baller ?! thanks in advance.
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Flying visit from me....a melon-baller is a kitchen utensil that removes the fleshy fruit from a melon in little balls! In the the above concept, it's an amusing metaphorical reference to something that could inflict a lot of pain. ;)

Great to see you again polina. :D Lovely wallpaper - thank you for posting it here. :)
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Great discussion and again I'm short on time. I agree H should have checked with Y after Rebecca asked 'is this about what I saif to your sis-in-law'.

I think like Kit said, the relationship for H/Y has many possiblities and I hope it goes in the right way in s6. I'd love to see Y "fight" another woman over H again in s6, she was always so dignified about it with Rebbeca, she was awesome.

"So, Horatio, is it bad news, or do you need a favor?"
I really hate that tptb makes it such that he only comes to her when he needs a favor, I hope with all fingers and toes crossed the s6 premiere won't be like that. Tho it seems like it. :rolleyes:
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Pusher said: For me Yelina is not and never will be this type of woman when someone want/try to 'hurt' her, she`ll run and cry on men shoulder or give some kind of explanation.
Hrockz said: I agree H should have checked with Y after Rebecca asked 'is this about what I saif to your sis-in-law'.

I didn't mean that he SHOULD have. . . I think Pusher is right that Y would have blown it off and told him it was nothing. I just think he WOULD have. . . he's always butting in when he thinks there's something he should know about (like the black eye).

I, too thought Rebecca and H had some real chemistry. . . that's why I hated her so much! :mad: I swear they could stand there six feet apart talking about a case, and steam would almost rise from them. :eek: Totally physical, not at all like H/Y sweet 'eye sex.' I agree, R would make a good stalker. . . she could easily have a grudge against Y. I can see R trying to sabotage or frame Y.

From what you have all said over time, the-one-we-do-not-name must have been really needy. She practically BEGGED H to be her emotional anchor. I'm glad I never saw these episodes. What a turn-off. Most men run fast away from that sort of thing. I guess H had nothing better to do. Heheh, who knew all Y had to do was beg? :lol:
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

When Rebecca left the show, many of us felt it was too soon. We hoped that she might return to stir up a bit of animosity. At one time, we thought she could team up with Rick to help him with his investigation of H! Afterall, that never really came to anything and Rebecca was one determined lady. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. :devil:

Anyway, back to our favourite couple and all their complicated goodness.


^ A fan fic writer's dream scenario. What happened next? ;)
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Something hot 'n steamy, I'm sure of it!

( But probably the only steaming would be the food, unfortunately.. One can only hope!)

God I love that quote "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." It's briliant :D
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

What happened next?
Didn't they get high and snuggle? :D Oh hang on, wrong show. My banner is distracting me!

Indeed, the 'hell hath no fury...' is an all-time favourite expression, and so absolutely true.

Where's Pusher? We're missing you dear one. :)
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Lucy said:
What happened next?
Didn't they get high and snuggle? :D Oh hang on, wrong show. My banner is distracting me!
:lol: You know, I was thinking the exact same thing! Very spooky. I can picture H and Y snuggling Bill/Laura style. Maybe that's what H needs - something to mellow him out. ;)
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Ahh I`m here just watch Liverpool game (record) dressed with Steven Gerrard t-shirt . :D Did this justification is good enough for my laziness today hehehe

Btw one big thanks re melon-baller translation/info. :)

At one time, we thought she could team up with Rick to help him with his investigation of H!

I never had think of this and I like this thought a lot. Again one more lose good possibility for H/Y drama development

....or real female fighting.... 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned' :lol: dear Luce, pls stop steal cigarettes from the admiral's quarters and post at last ur Ma'am President autograph ;)
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

I can picture H and Y snuggling Bill/Laura style. Maybe that's what H needs - something to mellow him out. ;)
Agreed. ;) We need to see H let his guard down and relax a little. The opening H/Y scene of Grave Young Men was so endearing, for example. Such a simple scene, yet so touching and rewarding.

Yay, Pusher! :D Okay, you are excused as you were watching my beloved Liverpool and Gerrard. ;) Great shirt btw! I will have to scan my Mary autograph for you - in the meantime, here's a little Bear, which I now have sitting by my PC. The cast of BSG signed these bears (you can see them at the bottom of the following link) for Project Teddy Bear (for Breast Cancer Research) and a friend of mine won the Eddie Olmos auction and sent me the bear (and his autograph too) as a gift. :)

Please excuse the off-topic-ness....
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

wow new thread already heh? Been away for awhile, RL & all that ya know. Things still hectic with my husband & all. Guess they'll never find out anything. he does have to go on a sleep apnea machine. he doesn't quit breathing but apparently not getting enough oxegyn in. I think that's what he said, Senility setting in. LOL Anyway just alot of probs atm. but here's something that did cheer me up a bit. Hope ya like.

Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

katpin happy birthday!!! :D
I hope you have a great day!!

Here goes a little present

Beautiful Wall! :)
I hope you get some answers soon...
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Happy Brithday, Sharon! :D Well, if your b-day's on the 12th, then it isn't techinically your b-day here in LA, but I hope you have a great day and may your wishes come true. :) I wish that we get some H/Y love in season 6 and that could be your b-day present. :D

Wait, Horatio and Yelina getting high and snuggling? :eek: When did that happen? :confused: Oh yeah, it hasn't, yet! :devil: I have to rmember to read the whole post before reacting... :lol: I would be so pissed off if I miised that scene.


Luv yall...

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