Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like This

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Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Hush thanks for the caps,i love the first one her eyes and that smile says it all.Glad my secret potion worked :lol:,if anyone wants it pm me and i will give it to you

Watched wfdf last nigth although she was only in the 1st scene it was good to see them together :)
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Lovely pictures Hush. Thanks for posting. :)

You're welcome Lunalove re the BSG clip - I'm glad you've seen it! :D
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Fabulous icon Luce! :D

I just wanted to let you all know that I may not be around much for the next 3 months, as I'm going away with my job and won't be able to be online so much. I will still check in when I can, and perfom Mod duties if needed, but I just wanted to say I haven't disappeared, for any wondering! ;)

I hope by the time I return, we will have news on Yelina's involvement in more episodes! Here's to hoping. :)
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Aww u will be missing around here MD. Hope u`ll have great time and not too much work. ;) Pls visit us time to time.

And thanks for this lovely caps Hush. :)
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Have a good trip MD, even if it's for work. We'll miss you. And we certainly hope there'll be news of Y's return when you get back.
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Have a great trip MD and take care. We'll miss you - I hope you can pop in to see us when time allows. *hugs* :)

Thanks re the icon! :D
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

LeanneMouse (?) linked a H/Y video (would it be years?) some time ago... 'Sugar' or something like that. I can't find it and wonder if it anybody has it on hand.
On other notes... *waving* I've been out for soooo long... Hey to all :)
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Great to see you again schelle! :D

I remember that video (Sugar) too. I will have a look for it. :)

EDIT: I've looked through some of Leanne's old posts and haven't found it yet, but I'll keep looking.

In the meantime, here's a nice picture....

Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

So nice to see u again here schelle. :D And thanks for ur fanfic update too.

I have save Leannethemouse`s video link time ago, but the page cannot be foun anymore :( *sing* this H/Y video was so so great and the song 'Sugar' fit just perfect....

old don`t working now link : video

Thanks Lucy for this lovely H pic. :) Bang Bang - it`s time someone to wake up and act on his true feelings, right ?!

Btw *hugs for my RofS* :D
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Thanks for finding the link Pusher. :) Such a shame it's no longer valid.
Bang Bang - it`s time someone to wake up and act on his true feelings, right ?!
Too right! We need some Yelina spoilers. As we now have this Kyle storyarc underway (whether we like it or not), it's a perfect opportunity for the writers to involve Yelina again in some capacity.

Good to see you again EyeHeartH. :)
Btw *hugs for my RofS* :D
*hugs* back at you dear one. ;)
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Yeah the Kyle storyarc is perfect to involve Yelina. It would be a great shame if tptb allow H to go on this new journey of fatherhood without Y.

Everyday I hope for some new spoilers. I hope it'll come our way soon.

EDIT: I just read in the spoiler page

That Kyle's mother Julia Eberly wil make an appearance as a murder suspect in an upcoming episode, I'm not sure how true it that but if it is, I hope tptb don't try to re-kindle any romance between H and her, although I doubt they will. No mention if Y would be in the episode but it would be nice to see jealous Y. I'm pretty sure H is over this Julia person, more like he'd only want to know why she gave Kyle away. IMO having Y in that episode would undoubtedly make it very interesting to watch.

Well one can hope.
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

The storyline with Kyle's mother sounds really interesting. And you're right, it's a great episode for Yelina to be in. It would without a doubt, create some kind of emotional scene between them. So hoping for it to happen!!! ;) :)
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Thanks for the good wishes everyone. :D I'll be sure to be here when I can. I'll still be checking PMs regularly and I'll be around, just not so much. :)
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Hi guys! I'm back, sort of, been sick the past few days plus my DSL went kaput and I just got the service back up...Anyway, I've spent the last few days in bed nursing my cold and fever and watching some DVDs...I was watching the episode Simple Man and I don't know if you guys noticed H's facial expression when Yelina got off the elevator in the lab...H did a double take and his expression was so hilarious!

As for the Kyle story arc, I hope Yelina comes into the picture. :lol:

Julia being a suspect in a case? Man, that is just too much! I don't think TPTB will go with a "rekindling" of H's romance with Julia. I just don't see it.

Have fun with your trip MD! :)
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