Re: Horatio & Yelina #7 - "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quote)
^ ur right, think little more over this dilemma before do/say something stupid like me
hehe love this advice - we have to talk with Ildy :devil:
coz in my top 5 H/Y list was Blood Brothers, after this i write BB = Big Brother. btw if we have top ten fav moments then things will be little more easily for me
when u mention the end in “Vengeance” and the way H/Y stand near each other this make me think for one quote : '"To love is not to look at one another, But to look together in the same direction."' ehhh if only Ray Sn. didn`t come back from the dead land.
^ ur right, think little more over this dilemma before do/say something stupid like me
ametista said: when you go for a kiss next time, don’t say that you still miss him (Ray) right before the kiss, you do know how H is sensitive about it
hehe love this advice - we have to talk with Ildy :devil:
coz in my top 5 H/Y list was Blood Brothers, after this i write BB = Big Brother. btw if we have top ten fav moments then things will be little more easily for me
when u mention the end in “Vengeance” and the way H/Y stand near each other this make me think for one quote : '"To love is not to look at one another, But to look together in the same direction."' ehhh if only Ray Sn. didn`t come back from the dead land.