Horatio & Yelina #5 ~ How Can I Not Love You?~

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they never said Ray took the relationship to Suzie seriously, did they? he could have preggert her, by being absolutely stoned by meth
Hmm, as far as I'm aware, that is still being unfaithful, which ever way you cut it. ;)
Lucy said: I think most if not all H/Y fans know all too well that H loved Raymond. I believe H felt very disappointed in how Ray let his family down - getting involved in drugs, being unfaithful, having a child with someone else, allowing his family to believe he was dead for 4 years and being a dirty cop. Despite Ray's rather blotted report card, H always loved him, no doubt about that.
I completely agree. You only have to look at H's reaction to the results of Madison's blood sample in Big Brother to know the exact extent of H's anger, frustration and disappointment at his brother's irresponsible actions. Some people just don't change, even when they are given another chance. Hence, Raymond returned to his old ways in Rio. H still loved him though, undoubtedly.

However, back to H/Y. ;) Thanks for posting the lyrics (love that song) and the lovely icons Kit.

Welcome vikki07. What do I think of Horatio and Yelina? I think that they have a wonderful romantic chemistry, they clearly adore each other and they understand each other so well. We need to get Yelina back on the show. H really is quite dull without her around. ;)
*waves* at Lucy. Brought ya another present. Hope ya like. :D I got the pic of Yelina somewhere here on the thread. Can't remember who posted it but, ty. Also ty to Ducky for the pic of Horatio. Oh, I forgot *slaps head* lyrics are by The Jackson Five. :)

Saw the whole of Hurricane Anthory last night liked the beginning H/Y were talking and Y notice the cut on H's forehead and asked him if he was alrigth.He said yes in his usual boyish way

went on the HC site and saw a really great banner of H/Y with the words more than a flame :)
Raymond returned to his old ways in Rio.
Indeed he did - I should have added that to his impressive record, lol. ;) Poor Raymond - such a shame that the writers didn't give him a chance to even attempt to explain how he ended up in trouble yet again in Rio. They really did write him off way too soon. So many loose ends, so much lost potential (again). *sigh*

Anyway, sorry, quilty of going on about Raymond again, but that was a good point about Rio, as was the reference to Big Brother. :)

katpin, thank you for posting the wallpaper! Lovely words, very poetic. Glad that you stopped by to post it. Much appreciated. :D
uhhh sorry for diging in Ray Sn. subject...probably will repeat some guys thoughts, but i too don`t think that H/Y shippers hate him or treat him bad. i do agree that Y love him when they marry (in opposite why it would be out of her character). but after this somehow her hubby have change or more possibly have start to play his real 'I'. till two person don`t start to life together they don`t know fully each other. so i suppose the problems in Y/Ray Sn. marriage start a little before he go undercop and begin to dig after this. for me the whole problem come for too selfish and irresponsible Ray Sn. (maybe coz of his 'hard' past). but after we have see S 2,3,5 epis all my impression for Ray Sn keep make me think that he is the 'weak' bro in Caine family (too many examples/quote). also if Raymond care for Yelina and his son why he wait till '10-7' to search help from his bro?! or what about Suzzy/Madison story line, man who claim that love and care for his family won`t do such betrayal...alos in 'Rio' like the rest guys have say Ray Sn. have opportunity to start 'new' life, but he get in trouble again. and the most regularly and stupid reason is to say that he do this coz of his family. as Yelina say in this epi - 'A leopard doesn't change its spots' - this describe Raymond character perfect. i agree that without Ray Sn. character H/Y relationship would be more easy, but less interesting. but for my regret exactly this 'betrayal and egoist ' behaviour from Ray Sn. make Yelina more careful and distrustful. not in last place TPTB have create Ray Sn to be opposed to Horatio character - as i remeber long time ago Ann D have say that this H/Ray Sn story line have to be some kind of modern version for Cane and Abel.

thanks guys for all this lovely avas, wallpapers and lyrics :)
What a horrible week it's gonna be for me, my boss is making me work late :( Won't be able to come here as much as I would like.

No I don't think we all hate Ray Sr. Agree with you snickergeek when you said when H looks at Y and Ray he sees Ray.

Growing up I would assume the brothers only had each other and that would have strengthed their bond, only like most people agree Ray is the black sheep among the two brothers. I also don't doubt Y loved Ray but like Pusher said that was before he changed.

But tptb meant Y to be H's love interest from the start so they wrote in the complicated history between them both to keep us rivetted to the screen and it worked. Having the Ray Sr storyarc added a more intersting dimension to the H/Y relationship too. But now that there're no more things in the way and I think it's time tptb realise Y's role and make her H's once and for all.
Hey all, long time no see... I've been lurking much.
I wonder, is it just my poor old imagination, but did they have H emotional in Monday's ep. The hispanic girl resemebled Yelina kind of from the back, and he seemed to be emotionally tense much.
Maybe it's just me, wishing much for the return of Y... but that's where I was... going to rewatch again
I just saw the episode. And my god she really does look a bit like Yelina. It's so obvious the writers casted her to tease the old H/Y fans. I mean when she left the office we got a slowmotion while H was watching her..

And he was rather protective of her :)

Btw does anybody have the handholding scene @ computer? :p
schelle73 I so totally agree. Watching the interrogation scene I kept thinking 'This sounds an awful lot like some of the discussion about H and Y and H having a protector complex.' And then Anna walked away and I was like "HEY, SHE LOOKS LIKE YELINA!" At least from the back. With the hair. And the suitish looking thing. And H acting all weird. He was all tense and sad and needing-Yelina-y. Or maybe that was just me. Cause I would fall over and squee myself to death if Yelina came back. Which she's going to. Cause she gotta. At least once. WE WANT HY SMOOCHIES, PTB!!!

Okay, over that.

Gillian Sara Grissom
can i share another point of view from the last night Miami epi ?! ;)

Anna: You really believe in that whole serve and protect thing don't you? Horatio: Its...its the only thing i can do.

ohhh boy give me a break, that was such a ridiculous moment!! if i was there will slap H on the face. this guy for surely need to see doctor. i can`t believe that H and TPTB really think that we love his character....wow...poor them. after this epi i start to hesitate did i want Yelina back on Miami....i`m so sick from this fake super hero - make only puppy dog look, pose or say funny one liners... :mad: if i have to be honest for me was ways more interesting to see Stetler again on the screen even for 30 sec. and back to the topic ....this latino girl make me think only for Aerosol...sorry guys...hummm she is young and H think she need protection (don`t stop to repeat it whole epi, so so irritating blahh) ... so i won`t be surprise if after some epis she become HoBride #3 - killed in the end of this season from bad supervisor :rolleyes:

btw schelle73 and GillianSGrissom nice to see u again :)
Anna: You really believe in that whole serve and protect thing don't you? Horatio: It's...it's the only thing I can do.
That does sound very melodramatic, I agree. I mean, I'm sure that there are plenty of other things H can do! ;)

With writing like that, I certainly hope it improves when Yelina returns, which I sincerely hope is sooner rather than later. I really hope that we will see her again before end of season, as Sofia and Corey implied. :)

Great to see you again Schelle & Gillian! :D
Re: Horatio & Yelina #5 ~ H
Thaow Can I Not Love You?~
That does sound very melodramatic, I agree. I mean, I'm sure that there are plenty of other things H can do!

yep it does sound very over the top and matter of fact the girl say this quote with a lot sarcastic (for me she whole epi was try to make joke form H protector complex). i agree that H from S 1-3 had plenty of other things that he do and never look so out of character. but for now my only little hope is Yelina return in this tv show which can lead to slightly writing improvement...hummm...the question is when ?! for now i know that March will have only one epi "Triple Threat" (19.03.07) and the promotional photos in Modern Day Gallery don`t have any spoilers pic that can hint for possible SM presence :( all this make me think that we won`t see soon det. Yelina, maybe only just in season final epi :rolleyes: the good news for me is that on this tv land have others more interesting tv shows that i wait with more big impatient to see how will ends theirs seasons ;)
Re: Horatio & Yelina #5 ~ H
Thaow Can I Not Love You?~
I haven't watched that ep yet so I can't comment. But from reading your posts, I'd like to think that they're teasing us H/Y fans, to set up for Y's return to the show? Perhaps to suggest that H's been thinking about Y. I refuse to think it was a reference to Marisol. That was just a yucky part of H's past that I'd rather forget. No way he's thinking of her.

Pusher I'm beginning to think that we won't see SM retun till the season finale. I think her email may have implied she was going to film for an ep in March that would be aired later, not that the ep with her in it will be aired in March. Hope you know what I'm talking about.

Finally had some time to sit down and update my fic. Here's the link:
Re: Horatio & Yelina #5 ~ H
Thaow Can I Not Love You?~
I was really disappoint about S4 to me it didn't show the real H as to S1-S3 and i only started to watch the show in 2005.Hope S5 dose not disappoint me as well with the feedback i'm getting from you guys i think it will,as for the return of SM i think we are all giong wait.
Re: Horatio & Yelina #5 ~ H
Thaow Can I Not Love You?~
Season 4 was a huge disappointment, I agree. Well, I think most of us do in here. ;) Apart from a couple of half decent episodes, I did like those two scenes in Under Suspicion where Yelina was at least mentioned. I especially liked the scene where Ryan and Calleigh go to the apartment of H's murdered girlfriend and Ryan asks, "So, Yelina really cared about this woman?", and Calleigh replies, "The first since Yelina."

I remember just feeling pleased that the fact that H had strong feelings for Y didn't go unnoticed by his team. Granted, they would have to be blind not to notice, but it was nice to hear it said. :)
Pusher said: the good news for me is that on this tv land have others more interesting tv shows that I wait with more big impatient to see how will ends theirs seasons
I do believe you must be talking about the truly great BSG and House? :D I am getting very nervous re BSG, but also excited because it is just such an amazing show. Makes me realize how it would feel to have Yelina back and reminds me of how I used to feel about Miami. Oh to feel that way again about Miami! Not sure if that will ever happen now as there is such a sense of what might have been and what we have lost. I do retain the hope that one day, we will somehow be rewarded though. :)
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