Horatio & Yelina #2: Silent Thunder--Love Eternal

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Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Pusher said:
it`s true that somebady is in a silly mood today and was to quick to put screen caps in this therad :)
i see it in <font color="red"> mute</font> pause the TV and photographer with camera :devil:
sorry <font color="greenish">Lucy</font> but it`s make me smile :lol:
:lol: Yes, guilty as charged. The only way I could make a screencap was to take photos of my tv screen! It did feel a bit silly, but it was worth it. :D

I love that part when Y appears at the door with Ray Jnr, and the relief and depth of gratitude reflected in H's expression. He knew how hard that decision must have been for Yelina. Also the look of uncertainty on Ray's face was really touching.

Thanks for those caps btw. :)
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

I could imagine Lucy sitting in front of the tele and taking pictures of that perfect moment :D :D.

Haaa...great caps as always you people :).
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

I'll never forget it Casper. I'm just glad no-one saw me do it! :rolleyes: ;)
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Wonderful caps Pusher. It's amazing how tall Ray Jr. had gotten in 'NTL' from when we first got to know him. H was definately proud of both of them in that scene.

And Luce I'm glad you went through all of the silliness for us in order to bring us those caps on H/Y holding hands! :)
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

All for the cause HnM! :D

Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

You're very welcome - call it a labour of love! :)

Here are some more caps from 'Double Cap' (getting back to the H/Y Tribute!)


Just talking about a case, but I'm liking the eye contact!



Caps from doubleobsession.net
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Always good to know there are others commiting to the cause. :D

Love the caps, Luce. There is nothing sweeter than mixing business with pleasure. :devil:!
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

You Move

this is my try for H/Y fanfic, hope u will like it.
and hope i make it the right way with the link and the therad....i`m feel a little anxious ...

and <font color="greenish">Lucy</font> cool pics :) a like it a lot :D and want to say to u one big thanks for ur patience and understanding toward me.

at last want ot tell that this fic is not main at all..if somebody discern i bag for permission to use it with my change in the history/subject..
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

No worries, Pusher! ;)

I really like your fic. It's so passionate, intense, moving and evocative. :)

As english isn't your first language either, it's very well written.
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

great fic horatioandme. I jus wnet throgh it, I can't believe you've been wrting it since SEPTEMER! :eek: longtime!
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

It hasn't been too hard to stay commited to the fic, Hummer as I love anything and everything about H/Y, and it is always fun to put it in my writing.
Also, these guys here--those who frequent this thread--have helped to keep me inspired with such beautiful conversation and ensight. :D
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever


HnM cool work i love to read ur fic :)

at last want ot tell that this fic is not main at all..if somebody discern i beg for permission to use it with my change in the history/subject..
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

HnM and Pusher, both fics are amazing. I've posted a comment in the Fan Fic Forum. :)

Here are a couple of last caps from 'Double Cap'.


I love the effect she has on him!


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