Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

Gotta say I'm not happy at all with the plan (if it turns out to be true) to team Horatio and Delko this season.

When Delko is teamed with Horatio we always get the worst macho bs storylines. :rolleyes: And the only time I'm less impressed with Delko trying to act all tough or competent is when he's in some scene related to the nomance.

To me this is TPTB attempting to restore Delko to some respectability after the destruction of the last 4 seasons. My problem with it is it will be at the expense of Horatio.

Horatio is outstanding with everyone EXCEPT Delko and Calleigh. And the fact the they will be teaming Delko up with Horatio leaves Horatio wide open to being assaulted and blamed for Delko and Calleigh not working together and being responsible for trying to break up E/C. :rolleyes:

He already gets blamed for the lack of Horatio/Calleigh interaction. By default it is always blamed on Horatio when the scene calls for the two to interact and it doesn't happen.

I just don't see this turning out well for Horatio or the show.

Totally agree with you. TPTB have tried to force the idea of H/Delko as being equals and that is not the case. H is Delko's boss - or at least he WAS in the good seasons before the writers dumbed down everything. If I didn't know any better, I would swear TPTB are setting it up for H to be taken out and Delko to be moved up to his place. That is what the bro-mance has always stunk of to me. *GAGS*'
Totally agree with you. TPTB have tried to force the idea of H/Delko as being equals and that is not the case. H is Delko's boss - or at least he WAS in the good seasons before the writers dumbed down everything. If I didn't know any better, I would swear TPTB are setting it up for H to be taken out and Delko to be moved up to his place. That is what the bro-mance has always stunk of to me. *GAGS*'

Hmmm. Never thought about it that way, but it certainly could be interpreted to look like they are trying to make Delko closer to or equal to Horatio so that one day he could take over. That would be a really sad day and further evidence of just how far this show has strayed from what it once was.

And man, have they failed miserably! :eek: Delko, the incompetent screwup who hides behind his girlfriend to keep his job, doesn't come close to being equal to Horatio. Never in a million years could I EVER see Horatio hiding behind a woman or letting a woman take the hit for his screwup.

Teaming Delko with Horatio is an attempt to make Delko "look" more competent. But Delko always acts like a clingy, whinning child needing constant reassurance and stroking by both Horatio and Calleigh. He's certainly not leadership material.

In no world, real or fantasy, are Delko or Calleigh ready to lead any team.

I vote for Ryan as Horatio's heir apparent. Ryan is more like Horatio than any of them. He's kind and compassionate. He's learned from his mistakes and he's continued to grow. The victim is the priority for him (despite the current set of writers trying to mess with him). And he has the ability to stay calm and in control ... unlike Delko who screams and rants and raves every time he's the least bit stressed.
Ryan should definitely be Horatio's heir, if for the sole reason that Horatio trusted Ryan with faking his death and not Delko. I know Horatio explained to Eric why he didn't have him help, but to me it sounded like he knew Eric was too devoted emotionally to successfully pull it off. The fact the Hiphugger romance is there, Horatio may have to make the call someday that the two of them would sooner start a family than take over the lab from him someday, so even though they have seniority over Ryan, he would be the better choice. Ryan has sorta been through a trial-by-fire since the start, but has always done the right thing, and Horatio sees that.
Ryan should definitely be the heir apparent. S8 sucked as far as the writing for Ryan, but if you look at who is was in the other seasons, he is definitely the right material. Yes, he had a gambling addiction, but the fact that he overcame that show just how strong he really is. He is dedicated to his work and above all his team - other than Eric and Calleigh who can't see beyond their own noses - trusts him. That's why none of the others bought into the idea that Ryan could steal from the evidence locker.

And though it has already been mentioned, I think the fact that H chose to enlist Ryan's help in Resurrection rather than his No. 2 or his brother-in-law spoke VOLUMES about how much H relies on Ryan. He put his life in Ryan's hands. That is no small gesture by any means.

Not that I want Horatio to go anywhere. As much as I adore Ryan, I love love love H. He's the one who keeps me watching. ;)
When Horatio finally rides out into the sunset at the end of this show's run, I would love to see Ryan take over and have his own spinoff series as a private investigator or supervisor of a lab somewhere.
Ryan is the perfect heir for Horatio's position in the lab.:thumbsup:
He could be a great supervisor,dedicated to his job unlike Eric or Calleigh.

Natalia would also been promoted to assistant supervisor instead of Calleigh.:)
While I actually agree about Ryan, I'm not happy about all this talk of Horatio's heir. Apart from this thread, is there the slightest suggestion H won't be there to the end. As for 'riding off into the sunset', he's no Grissom, and it won't happen. If H goes, it'll be with a bullet. And no, I don't want to see it, ever! I still say it's the only way that makes sense, dramatically, for someone like him.
If there is any "heir" I doubt we'll ever actually see it. Very last episode of the last season there could be some transition (sadly, I have to agree with the above - I don't think this show will end it's series on a happy note with H), but I don't see Horatio just giving up & handing it over to Eric or Ryan before the series ends.

About the here & now....
We've got Meemo & Joe LeBrock returning early in the season --any idea where all this will lead Horatio?
As much as I really dislike the idea of the baddies returning, I admit I'm at least curious to find out why these particular 2 have been dredged up once again....and at the same time? Odd considering both storylines were in different seasons & never tied in together.
I don't think I've seen or heard anything that makes Eric the 'heir apparent'. What I do think is that he and H are 'bonded' simply by the fact that they've been through so much together, and they are brothers-in-law. It's also been made clear many times that H will hang onto anyone he sees remotely as 'family'. I don't think this has anything to do with Eric's ability to run a crime lab.
I don't think anyone is saying that Horatio is going anywhere. All the heir apparent talk is theoretical. However, TPTB tend to write the Horatio/Delko bromance in such a way where it looks like Eric is his number two, which technically is Calleigh. She is the assistant day shift supervisor. They also tend to write Eric as being the end-all-be-all of Horatio's team, which - if you compare his skills and career background to some of the others - really isn't the case.

But I digress. I think pretty much everyone would say NO ONE could really lead the team like H does. I don't even like thinking about the show without him.

And whatever happens, I don't trust TPTB to ever give the show decent closure anyway. I don't think CBS even gives a crap anymore, but that is just me being bitter.
I don't think anyone is saying that Horatio is going anywhere. All the heir apparent talk is theoretical. However, TPTB tend to write the Horatio/Delko bromance in such a way where it looks like Eric is his number two, which technically is Calleigh. She is the assistant day shift supervisor. They also tend to write Eric as being the end-all-be-all of Horatio's team, which - if you compare his skills and career background to some of the others - really isn't the case.

I completely agree, Court! I am the last person who would want to see Horatio gone. He goes - I go!

My statement that I felt Ryan should be Horatio's "heir apparent" was simply my response to what I feel is TPTB trying to present Delko as the individual for that position by default because they keep writing Horatio and Delko as "close." That closeness, whether it's related to friendship or the fact that Horatio married Delko's sister (another lame nomance), imo, does not automatically qualify Delko to lead the team in Horatio's absense.

Ryan is better by training and temperament to lead the team. He is committed to his job and the team. He is able to stay in control and make calm, rational decisions when he is placed in a stressful sitatuion, as opposed to Delko who can't seem to keep himself from screaming and carry on like a two year old whenever he's placed in a stressful situation. Ryan exibits good leadership skills - Delko doesn't. It just that simple.

But I digress. I think pretty much everyone would say NO ONE could really lead the team like H does. I don't even like thinking about the show without him.

And no one is indicating that anyone could or should. It was simply speculation regarding who would best qualified to lead the team in Horatio absense - be it short or long term.

And whatever happens, I don't trust TPTB to ever give the show decent closure anyway. I don't think CBS even gives a crap anymore, but that is just me being bitter.

Again, I agree. There has always been an undercurrent of Horatio being the tragic hero. Alone. Seperate from the rest and always tragic results if he dares to bring some close and attempts to change his lot. And I think CBS and TPTB both gave up on this show 2+ season ago. :(

As for 'riding off into the sunset', he's no Grissom, and it won't happen. If H goes, it'll be with a bullet. And no, I don't want to see it, ever! I still say it's the only way that makes sense, dramatically, for someone like him.

You may be right, daisymay. I agree that you won't ever see Horatio walk away like Grissom did. And I wouldn't be surpised in the least to see the series end with Horatio's death.

It would take writers a whole lot better then the group we've been cursed with to end this show on a happy note for everyone. They'll take the easy route and leave no one satisfied. It's all they know how to do.
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I disagree; I don't see Horatio as a tragic figure who needs to die at the end. They have made it very clear throughout the years that family is very important to him. He considers the team to be extended family (from the ending scene in Blood in the Water). He also considers Eric and Yelina as family by marriage. Whether he likes it or not, he will be forced to retire someday, and I see him settling down with family and consulting to some degree.
I disagree; I don't see Horatio as a tragic figure who needs to die at the end. They have made it very clear throughout the years that family is very important to him. He considers the team to be extended family (from the ending scene in Blood in the Water). He also considers Eric and Yelina as family by marriage. Whether he likes it or not, he will be forced to retire someday, and I see him settling down with family and consulting to some degree.

Sorry, Theresa, really can't agree. First, I don't think they'll ever take the series as far as his retirement. And second, it would be too much of an anti-climax dramatically. TPTB haven't had to end any of their 3 series yet, so we don't know how they'll do it. But if any one of the three has to end dramatically, it's Miami. And thirdly, look at H's character (forget Season 8!), he's always led that team from the front; he will get in the way of a bullet (probably for one of the others) one day. Sorry, just can't see a happy retirement there, but I've always seen him as the tragic hero.