Hodges and Wendy----Labrats Love!

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LOL that sums the moment up nicely!
I also posted about this at the LJ community to generate some discussion there. I'm hoping with the newer Wedges moment and the new stuff hopefully to come that more people will fall for this ship and post more! lol We need to post lots more in order to get a new thread and new title.
I love that scene. So perfect....ly adequate. Better even. Wendy's face was priceless. Even Sara was like "Say wha?"

I'm a little surprised that Wendy didn't say anything back, she's always willing to go toe to toe with him. I doubt she'll forget it anytime soon though. It'll be fun to see her lord it over him, bringing it up at random moments just screw with his head.

I hadn't thought to look for an LJ community. I'm gonna have to join...
You know, you've made an interesting point. I was kinda wondering why Wendy didn't say anything back to him either.

But then, after her comment way back in LABRATS: "...I can't believe that, for half a second, I actually thought that I might ...", I think that sorta hinted the idea she had a thing for him so perhaps his little comment in the CCFS episode was sort of telling her that there may just be something there in return, leaving her kinda surprised and taken back...speechless! :lol:

either way, they are a fun couple! I love to see them butt heads the way they do, in a fun, yet competitive way!
Yeah they have the love/hate thing down pat. I can't wait to see how the writers play out the storyline. Though I wonder what affect the impending writers strike will have.
I nearly had a heart attack when I heard about it last night. But I believe they have up to at LEAST episode 8x10 already written. that is supposedly the big moment for hodges...lol, his revelations.

I mentioned to a friend on the effects of the show seeing some of the EX. Producers are also in on the writing sequence...such as Carol M. herself...I think Anthony, can't remember his last name is part of the process as well. I am hoping they took the opportunity to sketch up a few future episodes....to carry on, but I dunno.

My friend says, it all depends on if Carol and Anthony etc are also part of the writers guild. If so, its going to be really tough for them.

Anyway, back to our labrats. I hope that poor ole Hodges don't get let down by her, even with these little flirtatious scenes. He'd be devastated.

If you're interested and haven't read it yet, I got a WEDGES fanfic written over on the fanfiction site. I can't post it here cause its rated M. Titled 'a guy like me, a girl like her'. Excuse the minor typos though, lol, I am NO stro writer by any means.
I think you're a really good writer. I loved it!!! And I think you're right, she didn't say anything back because I think that it struck her speechless. It was funny.
are you referring to the one I mentioned above? If so, I wasn't going to at first, but ever since the talks of this ship was brought to the surface this season, I have seen a huge jump in my story being read......SOOOOOOoooo, I have indeed started on a 4th chapter. Although, I have NO idea where it's going to lead, or anything yet...I do have an idea I am currently working on, but that can easily change. As so have the first 3 chapters...the original idea and finished product are completely different. But if anyone has any suggestions for these two...you can definitely pass them along! :) I am open to all sorts of ideas.
I thought she didn't reply back because of the people in the room. I bet when everyone left and it was just them she might have poked fun at him.... Which just begs for a fanfic....
I was entertaining an idea similar to that SAB...go for it if you can...If not, perhaps I'll take a stab at the idea. The 4th chapter of my saga seems to be running smoothly though...a little TO good...lol...hopefully, I'll have something up within a week...maybe less!

I can't wait to see if there is something in the upcoming episode on Thursday that continues on with this little brewing ship...
well if I do it, it won't be a long saga, just a short ficlet. :) I think I might work on it, see what happens.
Hi Guys. I've just realized that I'm a Wedges shipper. They make such a good pair. I liked their moments in Lab Rats, but at the time I didn't think anything of it. After TCCFS, I remembered my fascination with the lab rats.

I think they make a cute pair. Not in the cuddly cute way, but the 'aww, look at how much they fight, they totally have a thing' cute way. I loved how in recent years, Hodges has become more softer. I actually like the guy now. Maybe he's showing his softer side because of his little crush. I think that his little Freudian slip proves that he has a crush.
Go for it SAB.....I can't wait to give it a read...I really like to short stories too...myself, but I don't know what happened with mine...lol, my fic just got out of hand and took on a life of its own. NOW, I almost got four chapters. I had only planned on one....lol!

27DAYZ - welcome to the slowly growing group of WEDGES supporters. And you are right, the relationship between Wendy and Hodges isn't really that cuddly cute type...I too love how they fight, or bicker amongst themselves, the "I HATE YOU", "LOVE YOU TOO" type of ship.

I think this ship can go in ANY direction seeing both characters aren't fully developed yet, and they have a less seriousness to their person...if that makes any sense. Like there are more options to explore here.

I can't wait to see how this works out!
Welcome 27days! Tonight is a new episode right? I hope there is a moment or two for us to pick apart... It's always such fun getting the little snippets. :)
well its obvious that there was nothing for us to talk about, in this past episode, seeing Hodges only had one scene and that was major suck up or kiss ass to Jack Malone, and Wendy only had that scene when Jack came in with Gris then took over the computer.

How's the story writing coming along SAB??? I can't wait to read it.

As for mine, it's going well, and looks like I may just have 2 chapters once I am done...lol!

As for this eppy coming up this week, we'll probably not see anything between the two seeing at this moment, it doesn't look like Wendy's even in it. Liz's name wasn't in the cast listing for the episode. Although, things could change, but I highly doubt that. So we gotta wait another week to see if anything new happens between our lovable labrats.
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