Help! I'm starting to lose interest in CSI:NY!


Lab Technician
I don't know what it is, but lately I just haven't been as into the show as I was before. I can't seem to get engaged in the stories anymore. Not even Stella's plot is holding much interest for me mainly because I know the likelyhood of her actually becoming HIV Positive is pretty much nil. Lindsay has never held any appeal for me, neither with her "deep dark secret" which was a total letdown, or her "romance" with Danny.

Since Medium moved to Wendsday nights I've been watching that show because NBC only does two-minute replays, and then watching CSI:NY on But this past week I just didn't feel like watching it.

What can I do to get excited about CSI:NY again? :(
I had the same feeling last season, what I did was just skipped a few episodes and now I watch again. I'd recomend just stop watching for a while and try one when you feel like you should.
Carrieattheprom said:
What can I do to get excited about CSI:NY again? :(

I'd recommend not. I watch an ungodly amount of TV, and I'm trying to cut back. Really, TV's a huge waste of time and you could be doing something more productive, or sleeping (which will, in turn, lead to increased productivity). If it comes to it, CSI: NY will be the first on the chopping block for me. The lack of character development, the shoddy writing and acting, and the insane plot lines have become too much to take seriously.
Uh, what attracted you in the first place? If you can't find that anymore, then yeah, give it a break and come back later on. If you still can't get back into it... ::shrugs::

Me, I'm in for the weekly dose of Sinise. As long as Gary's there, I'll be waiting patiently for the eps. I can honestly say he's the only reason I watch the show. Yeah, I'm shallow that way ;)
I'm not sure what to say...I know my interest in shows waxes and wanes at times. It hasn't for CSI: NY and a couple of other shows I'm really into (like 24 :D ) but others I'm less into this year than last (like Lost and BSG, or Desperate Housewives, which I've dropped altogether).

I think Stella's storyline will build, but I think you're right--at the end of this 10 week ordeal, she's probably not going to test positive, and the fact that we know that takes a lot of suspense out of the storyline.

Unfortunately the writers have apparently decided to pursue the Danny/Lindsay pairing despite the fact that it's utterly devoid of chemistry or originality. That's a pity, and a misstep I think.

Those things aside, I do think the stories are a marked improvement over those in season two (I am still missing season one, though), and there have been some great continuing plotlines: Mac getting to know the son Claire gave up for adoption, Flack clashing with Mac, Hawkes actually getting screentime and development, etc. I think if you can ignore the weaknesses (the existence of Lindsay and how she drags down Danny's charcter, the foregone conclusion that Stella won't be HIV positive), it's overall a pretty decent season.
Well, I agree with ranma try to remember why you started watching it in first place ;)

In my case I started watching it 'cause I watched LV and Miami too, so I couldn't just leave NY out :lol:, and almost in the first episode I started liking Mac and Stella (Smacked :p) so that's one of the main reasons to watch the show, in my case (yeah, very simple and trivial :rolleyes:). I'm watching season 2 now and I really thank God that I have this board and all the spoilers 'cause s2 really sucks in the Smacked department :lol:.

So I'd tell you to stop watching it for some time and then watch it again ;) or watch it when you read something interesting is gonna happen ;). Although you could miss some details and then you'd have to watch the episodes anyway *shrugs* but it's better if you watch them together when you have to 'cause at least you know that something good will come :D.

That's happening to me with CSI Miami. I used to watch it all the time but now I'm not very interested, so I haven't watched the last 22 episodes :rolleyes: but I know some good things have happened so now I watch what I missed all together so I understand the whole thing (does that make sense? :lol:), but now I have the power to skip some parts :p.

ETA: Oh and I love Stella's new story too :D
Maybe taking a break for a while as already suggested would be helpfull..A couple of years ago I used to watch a loooooot of TV shows english and greek and what I know is that CSI's including CSINY in from the best :p..Remembering what attracted you in the first place as ranma said may help you...You can stop watching it for a couple of episodes and if you miss it you go back and watch it.. ;)
Thanks you guys I think I will take a break for awhile. The first episode of CSI:NY I ever saw was Season One's On The Job. I had seen the promo for the episode and it looked exciting so I decided to check it out. What really got me into the show was the characters and the way they interacted with each other. When I went back to watching the earlier episodes I enjoyed the darkness of them, it gave the show a sort of beauty, made it seem more like I was watching a film than a t.v. show.

Season 2 was a real letdown. It had become a completely different show that just happend to have some of the same characters. I did enjoy having Hawkes moved to the field, Hill Harper is a talented actor and he deserves more screentime(the hot body doesn't hurt either). I also enjoyed the addition of Sid Hammerback. He's a lot of fun to watch and I'm glad that they're doing more with him this season. I think he should be added to the opening credits really.

I didn't like that they brought Aiden back just to kill her. She had already been fired, she'd already left the show. I didn't see any reason for her to be killed. Then there was Stella and Frankie, don't get me started on that. Of course you know how I feel about Lindsay and her "romance" with Danny.

This season I have enjoyed watching Mac getting to know his stepson, and the Shane Casey stories were great. I've especially enjoyed these past few Lindsay free episodes. I agree that this season is a lot better than season 2, but I'm feeling my interest begining to fade.
Carrie - I don't know if it helps, but I felt the same way as you at the end of series 2. So I stopped watching it, and only started after they'd shown something like fourteen episodes of the new series. It's actually a lot better than series 2, but I still have my criticisms and I'm nowhere near as obsessed as I was with series 1.

I've cut down on my TV watching generally as well... I tend to watch more movies and read more books these days. I tend to save up episodes and watch them one after another when I feel like tuning into a particular show.
I thought I was the only one losing interest in the show! Actually, I've lost interest in both CSI and CSI:NY mainly because of the lack of character development for my favorite characters (there is some development for "key" characters, but not for all of the main characters). I still turn the shows on but now I work on jigsaw puzzles at the same time with the show on as background--I get the jist of what's going on but since my faves never in the forefront of any stories, I'm really not missing anything important. Now with March Madness coming up (huge college basketball tournament), I'll have the opportunity to tune in other shows and check out the competition--that's how I got interested in CSI:NY during S2!
I first got interested in the shows cause of my sister. She had the TV on one night and I sat through an episode of s2 with her and was hooked since then. I have stopped watching it due to finals and lack of sleep. Plus I ma at the college when the show is on at night, so I usually catch up on innertube at CBS's website the next day.

I say if your not interested, the nstay away from the show for a bit. IF you find you flip it on and it still leaves you with a lack of interest, I would try finding another show to watch. Just a humble opinion from me.
Tristianna said:
I say if your not interested, the nstay away from the show for a bit. IF you find you flip it on and it still leaves you with a lack of interest, I would try finding another show to watch. Just a humble opinion from me.

There's always that niggling bit of apprehension that if I do watch a different show, then I'll miss the only episode/story line or really defining character-development moment featuring my favorite character. That's why I keep watching, albeit peripherally--just in case that day happens soon.
It's interesting to see all these posts about losing interest, yet the ratings keep jumping higher each season, they are now in the top 10 :D

I am actually the opposite...the first season was OK, nothing too special, but the second season is my favorite CSI season, the DVD boxset is amazing...and this season I am completely obsessed with this show, love the storylines....
I kind of felt like I was starting to lose interest too, until a few weeks ago. The last 2 episodes have been really great and I'm excited about it all over again. I also feel that part of the reason I'm excited about it again, is because there's been someone missing out of the mix and I feel some of the old dynamics between the characters coming back. It's really a terrible thing to say, but I feel like Lindsay really throws everything off and honestly, it feels more like the old days without her being there.