Help! I'm starting to lose interest in CSI:NY!

I have this feeling of foreboding that I might be joining the 'losing interest' sentiment in the very near future. :(

I'll have to take my own advice and read slash smut. Lots of slash smut...
Faylinn said:
I have this feeling of foreboding that I might be joining the 'losing interest' sentiment in the very near future. :(

I'll have to take my own advice and read slash smut. Lots of slash smut...

Hehe, I won't be reading it, I'll be writing it.
xfcanadian said:
It's interesting to see all these posts about losing interest, yet the ratings keep jumping higher each season, they are now in the top 10 :D

Yeah, I think it's ironic. And no matter how much negative stuff I read here about certain castmembers, I have to remind myself that there's 14M(?) or so people watching this in the US alone and us here in Talk isn't even half that (and some of us live outside of the US so we don't technically count in the Nielsens).

Not that we (as in Talk people) don't matter. I think we do. But I wonder by how much or how little :confused:

I am actually the opposite...the first season was OK, nothing too special, but the second season is my favorite CSI season, the DVD boxset is amazing...and this season I am completely obsessed with this show, love the storylines....

S1 is still my favorite because of its grittiness. But yeah. I can say that my obssession is more immediate now because I have access to the latest eps :devil:
Faylinn said:
I have this feeling of foreboding that I might be joining the 'losing interest' sentiment in the very near future. :(
Yes the feeling of impending doom has been thickening today (sigh). And I, against my better judgement, couldn't help popping my head in the grading thread for this week's ep.

I might be joining in the 'losing interest' ranks myself. Seeing as the writers are intent on stuffing everything up.
I too am losing interest in the show. Before Wednesdays would be like, "OMG it's Wednesday! Time for CSI:NY!" but now it's like, "Meh, it's Wednesday. Only two more days till the weekend."

Honestly, it's the lack of constiency(sp) & character development that's throwing me off. I can't keep watching the show to see what happens to Stella & Flack. Plus, the episodes & cases have been off & on. Rarely do I maintain interest for an entire episode.

The only show I have passion for is NBC's The Office. I can tune in knowing I'll get a great laugh & a little extra something too. If the cast of NY had as much chemistry as the cast of The Office NY would be worth my time. Now, it's kinda iffy...
I would like to join this club, my respect for these people is almost nonexistent. They have reached a brand new low and I can't honestly say after the 30 second chances I've given them that I am up for giving them another chance to disappoint me and slap me in the face with crap.
I'm with Ranma. I started watching CSI:NY primarily because of Gary Sinise. He has never let me down. Plus, I watch the show just because it's part of the CSI family.

Fay -- I'm taking the smut and slash over this pre-teen drama the writers are running anytime!

But I also understand where you're coming from, carrie. I'm sure the peole who are a part of this 'club' have their own reasons why the interest fades a bit. For me, it's because of the blantant force-feeding of D/L to the readers. I am aware of the LARGE following of the pair/ship/couple and I respect that, but it is starting -- it has -- overrun the show in a way. It's like, CSI:NY became "The DL" (pun on "The OC"). I don't like the way the writers are handling this show which had great promise when it started: rich and engaging characters, fine forensics, great dialogue execution and fantastic setting. I guess it all started.... I think you all know when. Then everything went by so fast and hey, I won't be surprised if there'll be a CSI:NY baby any time soon.

Plus, a lot of the 'background story' drama became too predictable. I mean, who in the right mind would endanger their leading lady with an incurable disease? Law&Order SVU put Olivia Benson as well as their main man Elliot Stabler in the same place and yes, they were HIV negative towards the end of the ordeal. And some of the supposedly "a touch of romance" scenes are done in bad taste.

I don't like this show to be one of the shows where I cringe. This started out too good to end up in the trash bin.
Aparently I took a break at just the right time! A friend had e-mailed me, spewing venom about last night's episode. Did Danny really mistake an annonymous lab tech for Lindsay? And did he and Lindsay really come this close to kissing before being interrupted by reporters? And were those momments done in slow motion? Please tell me he was exagerating! That can't be CSI:NY he was talking about, could it? :(
sorry, no exaggeration! it was just like your friend said.

BTW-I felt the same way about Las Vegas as you do about NY. I am currently taking a break from the show until I can find it interesting again. It is working so far...
xfcanadian said:
It's interesting to see all these posts about losing interest, yet the ratings keep jumping higher each season, they are now in the top 10 :D

And yet, the ratings aren't all that different from even the first season. They're averaging about 1-2 million viewers more an episode, but there were episodes that hit these numbers back in the show's first season, like "Tanglewood." Generally, the show is a Top 20 show, though it does sometimes make it into the top 10--the first episode with Edward Furlong did at least.

If this is going to turn into CSI: 10019 (or whatever their NY zip might be), I will be pretty disgusted and disinterested too. Carrieattheprom, those things did indeed happen, and looked as silly on screen as they sound from your list. The absurdity of it all is just overwhelming.
I remember saying in a different thread that if Danny and Lindsay ever kissed I was giving up on this show. I think the "almost kiss" counts. That is just depressing.
The almost kiss was something I never thought I'd see in a CSI show, and you know it was only an "almost" kiss because it is a CSI show. No doubt that line will be crossed at some point (having two main characters kiss). :rolleyes:
Top41 said:
Carrieattheprom, those things did indeed happen, and looked as silly on screen as they sound from your list. The absurdity of it all is just overwhelming.

*tunrs pale* Oh dear, that really sounds too ghastly for words. I didn't even see it and I'm having trouble keeping my lunch down from the description alone....
I just re-watched the episode. I wanted to laugh at the end. A bitter, slightly-insane laugh. I never thought I'd see the day where I'd go, "I wish they'd left the spoilers alone and ended the episode with Danny and Lindsay holding hands." This is just quite sad. And the episode was good otherwise! *le sigh*