Help! I'm starting to lose interest in CSI:NY!

It's pretty sad. I used to completely avoid any work-related events on Wednesday just so that I would know that I would be home and in front of the tv in plenty of time. Wouldn't miss a second!!

Last night, I barely made it home in time to watch and the online chat was more interesting. I remember glancing at my watch just before nine and shrugging because I just didn't care. I'm desperately hoping that S4 is going to be much more interesting, because I have, at this point, completely written off the current season. I keep waiting and giving it "one more chance" to redeem itself. But with the exception of episodes like "Hung Out to Dry" and "Raising Shane" and to some extent, "Heart of Glass," it's been a crappy season. I hope they don't chase me away. Then what on earth will I watch??!!
I really used to love this show. I, too would try very hard never to miss an episode and always got excitied when I saw the promos for the next week, or be extrememly dissapointed if there were none. When Medium came back to NBC in the Wendsday night time slot, I literaly agonised over which show I would watch since I loved both programs equally well. I was relieved that I could watch CSI:NY on Even though the picture would often freeze and the audio would drop out, I could still watch my show without commercial interrptions or that stupid CSI:Q(?) contest. But now I'm feeling drained and burned out. I'm sick of the Danny/Lindsay romance, I'm sick of the special guest stars.
I just can't take it anymore. After hearing about what happend in Sleight of Hand, I don't know if I'll ever be able to watch this show again.

As dramatic as it sounds, I feel like I've lost a best friend. :(
ok, i too have to say that this season has not impressed me that much :( ...though i do love my messer :p , the last scene in the episode last nite, made me want to puke!! i was actually on the phone with the boyfriend during the whole show and of course the one time i did pay attention to the show was that danny/lindsay scene! :mad: they seem more like brother/sister to me! i will never see them as a romantic pair...NEVER! :mad: season 1 was my favorite...i enjoyed season 2...season 3?? i dunno :confused: ...something needs to change..
How about a main character and a recurring character kissing? ;)

I started watching NY because I watch Vegas and Miami and at the time Miami was my favorite until they killed Speedle. :( Then NY moved to the top of my list. I'm not so sure now...if I didn't know better, I'd thought I was watching daytime TV or Dallas. All I can say is, thank God for Flack and let's hope TPTB don't screw him up. :rolleyes:

I think that NCIS just may pass NY as my favorite show. TPTB from NY need to take a few pointers from TPTB on NCIS. That show has the right amount of work, humor, interaction, flirting. The whole cast has great chemistry together.

At least I still have them and Jericho, 24, Two and a Half Men (which is the funniest show I've seen in a long time), the Unit, and Lost. Now with NY gone for about 5 weeks, I can get caught up on Lost. I wonder if after this episode, Lost will gain more viewers?
Top41 said:
I'm not sure what to say...I know my interest in shows waxes and wanes at times. It hasn't for CSI: NY and a couple of other shows I'm really into (like 24 :D ) but others I'm less into this year than last (like Lost and BSG, or Desperate Housewives, which I've dropped altogether).

How could you drop Desperate Housewives this season? :confused: This season is far better than last season.

Season 3 was really good up until probably before the Christmas hiatus. then after Silent Night, things kind of went downhill. I thought this season would be better than s2 and s1, but I'm lossing faith!

[And 24 and CSI are currently my faves as well as DH! :devil:]
I have not watched the 'kiss' episode but have seen pics. Maaaaan, what the hell are these writers on? Some kind of love crack or lustweed or something?

Never in my 18years and 5months of life have I watched a teen-centered show or any show where everybody kisses everyone with two lips (ie Bev Hills 90210, Melrose Place, OC, OTH). CSI:NY became my fave because it's different from the two -- the drama and the interesting characters got me hooked. But if this is going to turn out as everybody having a love interest inside the department --

Thank goodness for Gary Sinise. *sits beside ranma*
chaostheory08 said:
But if this is going to turn out as everybody having a love interest inside the department --

Thank goodness for Gary Sinise. *sits beside ranma*

Everybody has (or has had) a love interest EXCEPT for poor Flack! I think the closest mention we had was that he got some nurses' phone numbers. Come to think of it, Hawkes' love interests haven't been all that prominent either. Guess our secondary main characters don't rate as much attention as the primary main and regularly recurring characters.

Gary's a wonderful actor, but even his character has a love interest on the show....
1CSIMfan said:
How about a main character and a recurring character kissing? ;)

Hee, hee, I can't believe you forgot that Top. Or doesn't this count? In fairness, the Mac/Peyton thing doesn't happen in every. single. episode. the way the D/L "romance" has. And at least Mac and Peyton actually have chemistry.
Well I happen to like D/L and Mac/Peyton so I am not losing interest.

and I honestly dont see myself losing interest as long as Flack is on the show :D

The only episode this season I can say I didnt like at all was the one with Sasha Cohen..not too crazy about Heart of Glass either. :rolleyes: