HC/DC's Thread #10 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand Up?

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Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

I am glad you all like the pic! :)

speed_cochrane said:
But more importantly, I saw some of the real Horatio! Looks like he's almost come out of hiding. :D

well..speaking about 'real H'! maybe there was something..but i don't know, it's never going to be the same.. because of the new team... there is no Speed anymore(who knows maybe Speed was cheering H up all morning, thats why he was like 'H', you know! :D yeah, i know it doesn't make any sence :p :lol: ) anyway, there is still this pain inside :rolleyes:
because Lab is different...oh and speeking about Lab..when H was standing there, waiting for Stetler..i thought,coman, He is in middle of the clubs dance floor :p Lab looks like Shiny-Disko-Ball! :lol:
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

He is in middle of the clubs dance floor :p Lab looks like Shiny-Disko-Ball! :lol:
:lol: That was definitely Monday night's highlight for me! The H/Rick scene. I hope we see more of him this season. :devil:

I also enjoyed the reference to Ray at the end. It felt satisfying to know that maybe the Miami of old is still there somewhere. We just need Yelina back now. :)
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

MiamiDade said
We just need Yelina back now

Agreed. :)

I just hope next week's episode is just as good, and possibly even better. Hopefully we'll get more Stetler scenes as well. He's always been such an interesting character, and combining that with Horatio, it creates some very great tension which is really fun to watch. :D
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

I was about to do a happy dance when Horatio and Stetler were talking to each other.

Really? Like decently talking? What happened to the tension between them? Stetler finally learned to let go? I'm still somewhere near mid-S4 and Stetler was being more irritating than usual.

I heard some good things about S5 and I hope Horatio will be 'back' as our good old(no pun intended) H. I watched S4 'Shattered' yesterday and I know it's gonna be the beginning of the whole 'Aerosol' drama but I'm still enjoying watching H with his deliberate turn-body-sideway-and-look-to-the-left/right. :lol:
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

Well the conversation did showcase a bit of tension, but it kind of fizzled once Stetler agreed to help Horatio. :p Other than that, it was such a pleasure to see them both onscreen again. :)

I'm excited for you to see season five zippy. 'Rio' wasn't the best episode, seeing as they continued it from season four, but the second episode was a touch of season two and happiness all around so perhaps it'll be the reward for such a long wait. ;)
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

i think i am going to laugh my ass off Ducky ! :lol:
but good to see him in Lab coat :D

gosh, i can't stop laughting.. sorry..pff ahahah! :lol:
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

Thanks for the pic DaWacko and I have to agree, your caption is too funny. :lol:
He looked so full of sorrow and also as you mentioned exhausted.

I watched '48 hours to life' and I so like Horatio in this episode. He believed the guy. It was clear the he wasn't the killer because Horatio is never wrong. He looked at the husband totally disgusted and he was right. The woman only sold his yacht, there are more important things in life.
I enjoyed the episode. :D
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

I'm glad you enjoyed the episode inge. :D I really loved how Horatio knew that the man was innocent. It's very rare that H feels so strongly about something that he's willing to prove someone's innocence.

Ducky wonderful picture! I always love your random pics. :p :D
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

Great pic Ducky! :lol: Your randomness is much appreciated. :D
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

^There would be lots of randomness... I just checked my folder of "screencaps" what I've taken personally... it's 3000 :eek:
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