Have you ever... ?

Umm yes, I sure have, I do it quite often with CSI actually :p

Have you ever gotten annoyed with someone who woudln't stop crying?

Haha, this sounds mean but I have, she wouldn't stop crying over the same thing after like a month, every single night she was crying over it...got pretty annoying after awhile.
god yes....there was this girl who would start crying whenever someone told her what to do. even if it was like "can you please go grab the stapler for me?" shed go crazy and start crying because we were "yelling at her". the worst was in theatre when the director told her she was doing something wrong or it didnt sound right, lord, she would start bawling and run to the bathroom, wasting at least 30 mins of rehearsal. AND she wants to be an actress....lol

have you ever....driven in a car for more than 24 hrs straight?
ugh by far the worst part of moving was that long drive for me...

I haven't personally, since I am only 15, but my dad did when I was in the car with him. That was the only time I hae slept in a car. Must be awful to drive for that long!

Have you ever... been so scared that you have slept with all the lights and the tv on?

I did after I watched some of The Ring 2 (Japanese version) - I was watching it by myself, at about midnight, with the lights off :rolleyes: Man, that scared me to hell!
Oh God I have :lol:, but it happens with loads of horror/scary movies that I watch on my own, see if it was in the day I wouldn't care, but it's that 'what-if?' factor in the middle of the night...

Have you ever purposefully eaten something that you knew you were allergic to?
24 hrs? no, because i breeze through books and finish them in a few hours....if i was a slow reader than i would have though, because i cant put i book down one i start it.

have you ever splurged on something really expensive and then completely regretted buying it in the first place?

haha did that once....on a pair of really nice jeans....then after like 2 weeks hated them....

oops...i learned my lesson

Nop, all the things I've bought I haven't regreted them...or the things I have regreted it didn't really matter because it didn't cost me that much.

Have you ever bit the dentists finger on purpose?

I was so tempted to bite his finger today after he called the drill "Mr. Vibratie" but I didn't...but when I was little I'd do it all the time then say "oops...it was an accident"
no i never bit the dentist's finger.
have you ever ran away from home?
i did when i was a little kid, i made a "bed" on the front step and wouldn't go inside until i got what i wanted
nope, I'm too young

Have you ever been in trouble with the law??

umm...YES! lol i was atempting to skateboard...where you werent aloud...and yea!(i wasnt very good btw)

have you ever...been bitten by a chihuahua
yea i have and i have been afraid of them ever since!

Have you ever accidentaly pricked someone with a used needle?
I did..A midwife was assisting me in injecting vaccine into a baby and when I was about to removed it, I accidentaly pricked her...My goodness...I was really scared!!! Since then I was really ... really careful...
Haha yepp, in grade 7, the guy picked me up off the ground and threatened to throw me...so in my opinion he deserved it!

Have you ever bitten someone before because they said, "bite me"?
I did the other day...I bit my sister, but not really hard, so she was still able to laugh about it after.
No, but my friend bit me when I said that.

Have you ever eaten Frog Legs?
I haven't. I don't think I ever could either.