Haha, yes. In eighth grade, many good memories, it was the beginning of fifth period and I had a double period with my english teacher, Mr. Davis, so he gave us a break between fourth and fifth period since he had to go to the office to make copies anyway. I have a heart problem and it was April's Fool's Day so my friends and I decided that from my binder I pulled out a small tube of toothpaste and put it all into my mouth when he left and ran into the hallway and got a large drink. Soon, it started foaming in my mouth, ready for when he returned. So he came back and everyone was teetering with laughter and he asked what was funny and everyone stopped. He started saying something and I started my act. I clutched my chest and fell out of my chair near the trashcan and started letting the foam out of my mouth into the trashcan. He started flipping out and practically flew over his desk to my side and I started shaking and everyone was acting all concerned and I rolled onto my back, eyes wide and just as he was about to press the intercom button for the office I whispered, "Mr. Davis," and he asked what was wrong and I responded. "Nothing, April fool's." And everyone started bursting out in laughter as I spit the rest of it into the trashcan and he told the office it was an accident, nothing was wrong, and it took him a few seconds to get up off his knees and stood against his desk and shook his head, staring at me as everyone was still bawling tears in laughter and I was smiling. By lunch the whole school knew it. It was HILARIOUS!! :devil:
:devil: I guess this counts, it was a practical joke and I wasn't punished, although everyone knew I did it. That counts right? Oh well.
Have you ever cursed off someone just for the fun of it?
No, I'm cruel but not that cruel, well maybe but it hasn't happened, yet.