Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology class?]

Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

Wow, the snail sounds really interesting.

And okay, I find the bit about the rat funny ^^

Animal physiology, eh? What career are you looking to get into?
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

Whoo. I have disected
2 Earthworms
A Frog
A Rat
A Cat
A Pig


As to your blood situation up there, Alyssa, I have a funny story for that one. I was working summercamp one year, and there was a child who would cry over EVERYTHING. No joke. Everything. So one day she comes up to me, holding her hand, completely calm. "Um, I cut my hand, can you help?" I could see a red substance beneath her hands, and blinked. "Of course, let's get you to the Nurse's Station." She kind of paused, looked up at me, smiled, and uncovered her hands, screaming,"That's not blood, it's Jelly!" I almost died..
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

I've dissected a frog leg, a lamb heart and lungs, and a mouse...I especially remember the mouse, because most of the animals in my class ended up flying with their insides falling out as the class ended up in a mouse throwing fight...More serioiusly I think dissecting animals, although what I'm gonna say may sound cruel, is a good way to learn.
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

LOL! i havent gone thru biolagy class yet, im going into grade 8 when school starts again. But i've dissected the following for my own interest...
-frog (3 1/2)
-mouse (1)
-frigg'n huge moth, ended up being around six inch's in width, PER WING! (one)
-snake (1)
-fish (8)
-about a billion insects... the smaller, the harder

why do i do this? because it interests me, and creeps out my friends at the same time! :p
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

I remember once in Girl Scout camp, we had to eat a chicken. The catch is, the chicken is alive so we have to catch it, kill it, clean it and cook it ourselves.

I was patrol leader so I had to facilitate. All of us were 'chicken' to *behead* the chicken. Lol... that's my only qualm. In the end, I was the one who cleaned the chicken and cooked it. Hahahahaha...
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

i have never dissected anything, but my phisical science teacher had all these wierd bugs and animals in jars. he even had a monkey the worst part was that was the hall pass.
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

i dissected a cow's eye in 5th grade. everyone kept complaining about how bad it smelled. i didn't smell anything. and this year, we got to dissect a pig in my biology class. that was fun. and on the last day we were doing a dissection, no one else did it but me. :D i felt special. and proud. and i apparently cut through the pig quite well (we were doing the sexual organs that day.)
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

yep, biology class... we did frogs, worms, fish
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

aw...jealous over here, i wish i could have done that.
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

I have dissected a frog and have seen a dead human....
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

GottaLoveVegas said:
Wow, the snail sounds really interesting.

And okay, I find the bit about the rat funny ^^

Animal physiology, eh? What career are you looking to get into?

I dunno, probably research cuz I also take genetics and biochemistry as main subjects ( we have to chose three main subjects out of 13 ), but just genetics and biochemistry are very theoritical :rolleyes: so I also took something more graphic although I have worked up to now just with frog oocytes ( egg cells ) :D.
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

Let me preface this by explaining that I am not entirely fond of animal dissection, because I am a massive animal lover. But that being said, science fascinates me, and I love(d) learning about biology (I came pretty close to being a vet, and then jumped ship to history/special education).

In any event, I've dissected: around 30 sheep eyes (did a couple for class in 7th grade, and then a bunch for parents' night at school); a worm, a frog, a cow's heart, fetal pig (required in NYS).

I also taught biology for a couple of years, and dissected more worms/cow's hearts/fetal figs (because again, it's required by NYS).

Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

I haven't actually disected a full animal, but i've ripped open owl pellets and found mice skulls and other bones from small rodents, birds and stuff. I've also disected a chicken wing. we had to get a sample of skin, muscle, bone and a blood vessel if possible. i burst the blood vessel and it squirted blood everywhere. it was hilarious! my friend nearly threw up. she's a veggie, has been ever since she found a chicken's spinal cord in her school dinner.
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

goreshi said:
I have dissected a frog and have seen a dead human....

I have as well. And have watched an actual autopsy. I wasn't like in the room with the ME, there was a glass and she was telling us what she's doing and stuff. Like Alexx and Horatio....
I disected a fish, I cut it open, but I had to get one of the boys in my class to do the rest (we were working in a team), I couldn't go into it's insides...I also watched my teacher disect a pigs eyeball, I was the only girl in my class that didn't flinch & look away though, haha...