Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

I don't know... I think Neville will be important somehow in the last book, but I think it's pretty certain that Harry is the one in the prophecy, cause Voldemort chose him to be when he went after him.
I don't want to believe Harry is a horcrux either... but I do think a Horcrux might have been made that night his parents died, so if he goes back to the house he might find something.
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

Well to the neville theory i don´t think it can be true because Voldemort chose Harry; he decided Harry was the real threat and so Harry is the real threat!
Ginny/Harry always were my favourite ship and only second came Hermione/Ron
I sooo hope Harry won´t die(or Ginny coming to think about it!)
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

At first i thought that Harry and Ginny being together was a little icky, since she his best friends little sister, but now i'm not really that bothered. As long as Ron and Hermione get a happy ending. They are so perfect together it's just not fair.
Does anyone know for sure if another good-guy-major-character gets killed? Since Sirius died in book 5 then Dumbledore in book 6 does the series really need more tragedy. I know that J K Rowling is making it more grown up as the characters grow up, but another death may be too much. It is a childrens book after all.
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

So have you ever considered that Harry himself could be a Horcruz, and so he will have to sacrifice himself in order to kill off Voldemort completely. I know there are gonna be some holes in that theory, because I have only read book 6 once, but it would be a heroic ending to the series.

Ok we think exacly alike! My opinion on how it will all end is that it will be a big showdown between Harry and Voldemort. The profecy says one has to kill the other for the other one to survive. Of course in the end Harry will win but then.. the very last Horcrux is Harrys scar. So either Harry will kill himself to save them all, Voldemort might half possess Harry before Harry kills himself or it will be a super dramatic ending with Harry pleading for Ron or Hermione to kill him along with Voldemort once in for all.
Anyway I look at it, I always see Harry the one that dies. And then Ron/Hermione have a boy and name him Harry.

Either way I know it will be one hell of a dramatic ending!
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

Something i just realised about the theory that Harry is a Horcrux, when Voldemort was making these he didn't realise that Harry would do that to him as a baby so how could he have time to make him one.
Does that make sense?

Also about Dumbledores death, one thing that made me think that he is dead is that as soon as he died, Fawkes (the phoenix) cried and flew away.
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

I agree with Kat La. I thought about Harry being a Horcrux as well, but it doesn't make sense.
Re: Dumbledore
I think he is dead, but I think Harry will meet him again somehow (go figure). The book has always mentioned Harry as a hero because of his luck and wellwishers. It's about time to prove that he can stand on his own.
The reason why I think D is dead is because of Fawkes and his appearance in the photo frame in his office. D can be a super magician, but even he can't cheat with death; that would be too much. And again, dead can talk through pictures, so maybe he will be around. Also, there's gotto be a use of pensieve in book 7 as well.

Re: Snape
When I finished reading the book, I wanted to use all three unforgivable curses on him, but as I cooled down and reflected upon the things, I realised that Snape could be doing what D said.
Also, I am not convinced that the reasons we were told in the book were the actual reasons for why D trusted Snape so much. There has to be better explanation for it.
Meanwhile, I was thinking about the prophecy.
Wasn't it Snape who told Voldemort about the prophecy? What are the odds that he told the incomplete prophecy on purpose? It was the reason for the Darklord's downfall, and Snape's been working with D since the incident. Maybe that's why D trusted him. (just one of my many speculations)

I am unsure about R.A.B. For all we know, it might not even be a name. maybe some kind of magical signature. Whoever left the message seem to be a well known person to Voldemort, else those three letters could mean anything.
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

Yeah, I think there must be another reason for why Dumbledore trusted Snape... it just doesn't seem like Dumbledore to trust a Death Eater without good reason, and he even let him into the school to teach! There's got to be another reason, I don't think Dumbledore would risk so much if there wasn't.

I think more good guys will die... it's a war, people die in wars. And I don't think the HP books are childrens books anymore, I know I wouldn't let young children read them. There might not be more big characters though... but I think quite a few minor characters might die, school friends and less known Order members probably... And hopefully some of the evil characters will die, I'm pretty sure Voldemort will, and probably Bellatrix Lestrange to. Not sure why though...
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

Yeah, Lestrange has to die. I kinda hope Neville gets to take revenge on her, or Neville and Harry together, but I'd hate it if Neville killed Lestrange, and then her husband killed him or something. I want to keep my Neville safe.

I don't think Ginny will die, don't know why... it would be too horrible for the Weasleys to loose their only girl and babysister. I think her death would be hardest on the other Weasleys.
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

Something i just realised about the theory that Harry is a Horcrux, when Voldemort was making these he didn't realise that Harry would do that to him as a baby so how could he have time to make him one.
Does that make sense?

Unless Harry is the last Horcrux accidently. We dont exacly know everything about Horcruxs and how there made yet. So maybe when Volemort died, the rest of him went into Harry (His scar which is my theory, and thats why it hurts so much when Voldemorts around) or something like that.
JK Rowling is still holding back on us. Theres still something we dont know yet..

I personaly beleive Harry will die. And Hermione/Ron get married. You know maybe there'll be an epilogue or some magical device that will say that Harry finaly re-unites with his parents and godfather and is at peace or something.

I cant beleive theres only one book left! :eek: It will be so weird once its over..
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

I know and JKrowling said the book is shorter than OOTP!
How is that possible?It is so much plot!
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

Well, OOTP was actually really long!! and the book might not end at the end of the year... we all never know. we have to wait Till 2007 :( :lol:
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

Yep!2007...oh god i read the book in one day and now i have to wait two years!damn!
I hate to wait!
I mean...i am so impatient when it comes to books and films!
But with other stuff I am quite patient! I am the the person who can stand most stuff longest in our class(like people annnoying you or when the teacher says something and we have to keep quiet!...but with Harry Potter..i am just curious..and now this became long and totally off topic!)
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories

Something i just realised about the theory that Harry is a Horcrux, when Voldemort was making these he didn't realise that Harry would do that to him as a baby so how could he have time to make him one.
Does that make sense?
Unless Harry is the last Horcrux accidently. We dont exacly know everything about Horcruxs and how there made yet. So maybe when Volemort died, the rest of him went into Harry (His scar which is my theory, and thats why it hurts so much when Voldemorts around) or something like that.
JK Rowling is still holding back on us. There is still something we dont know yet..
Yes, it can be very much possible that he accidently made Harry one. You have to kill someone to make a Horcrux, and at that moment when he attacked Harry, Voldemort has just killed Lily. However, throughout the series, I have never got any impression that Horcrux can be a person. I think if it was possible, then Voldemort would have made at least one living thing as a Horcruz. But you never know, JK spice things up this way.
I have to read the book again someday.

I think JK has already revealed important points throughout the 6 books and in book 7, we'll get a clearer view.
Before D died (let's assume he is dead), D tried to make Harry understand the nature of Voldemort. Instead of teaching him magical tricks and counter-attacks, D taught him about Voldemort as a person vs. Voldemort as an evil wizard. And I thought that was very interesting. There has to be something there that we havn't spotted out yet.

I personaly believe Harry will die. And Hermione/Ron get married. You know maybe there'll be an epilogue or some magical device that will say that Harry finaly re-unites with his parents and godfather and is at peace or something.

IMHO, Harry won't die; he will be an auror as he has always wished to be. About Ron/Hermione--I am not sure we'll learn about their marriage, but they might end up together. I'm kinda worried about Ginny though. I'm fairly certain that Harry will lose yet another of his beloved, and since Ginny came to the bigger picture in book 6. Well, that's what happened to Sirius in book 4 and 5. (It is not really a logical opinion though).
Re: Neville
Well, JK said that Neville was brought as 'unchosen one' to just bring some turn and twist in the idea of the chosen one. And it does seem so. But, I do hope he gets to kill Bellatrix.