H/Cal #5 - DuCaine...Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

Hey everyone,

Emerald!!!:eek: Where have you been girl!:guffaw: Oh and you are welcome. My H&C will always be. :thumbsup:

Well we had a great episode and we had a nice scene between H&C:drool::drool::drool:

What a cliffy...:eek::eek::eek: I am still in shock and what a great scene DC played. That man has me believing it too! It had all better be a set up...:wtf: but now we have to wait for next season!:eek::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream:

I need my MIAMI... MY DuCaine!:lol:

Oh well back to the fic and manips... lets hope for early spoilers.;) I promise to work on these very hard! Hahaha

Ducaine Forver! :beer:

Hey everyone! Let me start by saying thanks for all the kind words about my DuCaine video - it seems like TPTB need to be reminded of how AWESOME they are together!

EmeraldEyes - Awww...so good to hear from you! Welcome back!! Keepin' the DuCaine love alive. :) Reading your post, I keep thinking of Dido's song "White Flag": "I will go down with this ship, and I won't put my hands up and surrender. There will be no white flag upon my door. I'm in love, and always will be." That is THE DuCaine anthem right now :)

Zed - Yea, the novel's sooo much better than anything we've been given in the last two years :rolleyes: Donn Cortez ROCKS!

OK, and now for the season finale:

What happened to that elusive "second scene" - Hcrazy, do you have access to the "cut scene," so we can at least know what SHOULD HAVE BEEN in the episode? :confused:

Basically, we got a 30 second exchange again. :scream: And again Cal has major trouble and Horatio — her freakin BOSS, mind you, let alone her friend — is not there for her :( It just doesn't make any sense. Does only one person on the entire team care for Cal's well being nowadays?? I guess that's what TPTB want us to think - but I don't give a #$@#% what they push, I'm not backing down from this ship. The chemistry between H and Cal has been there since DAY ONE, and if they would just put them in a scene (with SUBSTANCE) for more than 30 seconds, the sparks would be flyin' again.

Hopefully the season opener will be a good payoff - maybe we'll get some Cal angst over this whole thing. Although wouldn't it have made sense for Cal to be in on it if it was a set-up, and not Ryan? I mean, since H knows without a doubt he can trust Cal b/c she's known him the longest and he trained her personally?? If SHE had received the text, now THAT would've been shocking, and somewhat humorous, considering how they never speak much anymore, except for some formalities :p

Anyway, I'm kind of disappointed b/c I had hoped Cal and H would FINALLY have an "are you OK" moment at least. TPTB are screwing the friendships and team dynamic, especially between H and Cal. And the finale? Talk about kicking us DuCaine fans when we're down - ouch. I felt like H in that last scene ... oh boy. I'm gonna stop now. :rolleyes:
I was a bit disappointed that there wasn't much on our Ducaine scene, it was nice, but I was hoping for a little more.
For that matter, I was completely disappointed that the whole thing was made to look like it was a target at the team & it wasn't.:rolleyes:
Where the hell was the team "gel"????:wtf:

All I can hope for now is that next season this incident will promt our team to get back to the way things should be!!!!
With lots of Ducaine!!!

It's really like TPTB are saying "ok here we need a H/Cal scene" & they just throw anything in for shits & giggles.
The 10 second interaction isn't working for me.

Im hoping that this Julia/Ron crap will come to an end at the start of next season & hopefully with Horatio not dwelling on his son's safety it will bring him back to the team.
This story of his has pulled him away from that Horatio/team bond & alot of the bond that him & Calleigh shared. ;)
Well hello to all the DuCainers in the house. My name is Casper and I was actually one of the pioneers around when H & C thread first started. Haha! It's good to see all you people in here.

Lemme tell you why I'm here; I watched 'Kill Zone' today. So I couldn't help but get quite mad at myself. And at how the show was going. I applaud you guys for having such strength and tolerance. Kill Zone has always been one of my favourite HC episodes.

I wonder how and what you DuCainers have been surviving on all this while? It would be great to know.

Once again, congrats on lasting this far and this long! Keeps my little DuCaine flame burning still. :)

Hey Casper! Welcome back :) Maybe you can bring us back to the "good ol' days" around these parts ;) (Back when DuCaine fans could hold their heads up high. Tell us how it was in the beginning :) This ship was pretty popular back in the day, from what I've heard, far from the "sinking ship" it has become :rolleyes: )

How have we been keeping the DuCaine love alive? Well, it hasn't been easy, but nothing worthwhile ever is, right? Basically, we have a lot of talented people in this thread who've been "filling in the blanks" w/fanfic, photo manips and YouTube videos. We're all still pretty passionate, even though it's obvious TPTB are trying to sink this ship like the Titanic.

It gets difficult when H and Cal never have scenes together, but the fact that this board hasn't disappeared, and has in fact thrived, despite this lack of interaction speaks volumes to the real chemistry our pair has. TPTB have done everything to keep these two apart over the past two years, and it's very frustrating, no doubt. But it does help us appreciate the scenes they do have all the more. And if you notice, when they do have scenes, this board gets pretty active. If we actually had more scenes, I think our posts would be right up there w/other "ships."

Scenes like the one in "Ambush," or even in "Going Ballistic," show that these two have a great NATURAL chemistry that cannot be ignored. What I always loved about this ship is that the writers never had to "write" it into the show - they never had to write that they hold hands or that they hug (the hug in "Lost Son" was unscripted, actually, but both EP and DC "felt it" in that moment and went for it, and it worked very well) — it all came very naturally. All the writers had to do was write the dialogue, and EP and DC did the rest.

I, like many others around here, am saddened by the direction the show is going in, and not just for our "ship." Even those who don't ship H and Cal can't deny that they had a strong bond, a friendship, that they were close. We saw that from day one. However, w/all that's happened to H, he has become very distant from the team, but especially Calleigh. She always lightened him up, brought a smile to his face, and I truly miss that.

Granted, H and Cal have been through a lot since Season 1, and are much darker characters now, but their care for each other shouldn't have diminished. It's not like TPTB wrote that they had a "falling out" and that's why they didn't speak to each other for 29 episodes. They just never communicated, which, even for non-DuCaine fans is utterly stupid. It's not like Cal's a third-string CSI - she's H's second-in-command who he trained. :rolleyes:

Hopefully our duo will be brought closer after the events of the finale - I mean, look what happened when another of her colleagues was shot and almost killed. Who's to say Cal won't be just as broken up over Horatio, if not moreso - even those who don't ship DuCaine have to admit H was like a father to her at the least.

I'll leave you with some great screen caps from the season finale "Going Ballistic," courtesy of randomscribblings.net, showing exactly why DuCaine is still alive and kickin'. There's no denyin'! Just check out these looks :) :

Calleigh To Horatio "Let me know if there's anything I can do." :)


Bring Back DuCaine :)
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hey miamirocks,

I agree with you 100% it will happen they will work a case together they will I just know it.!!! The chemistry is there you can feal it. Even in a short scene you can see the sparks fly which is pretty much enough to power the United States for a year. Love the pics

DuCaine is Endgame:lol:;):)
Hey Everyone,

Just stopping in to make sure our couple is happy!

Okay time for a new Manip! :drool::drool::drool: Just a rough draft
for now but I had to get them together thanks to Miamirocks!:thumbsup:


Can you say DuCaine!:guffaw:

I promise more when I get my new PC!

HCrazy ;)
MiamiRocks, thanks for your feedback. Yes, it was back in the day when Season 1 ruled this thread like no other! My fellow DuCainers and I were true fanatics and I find it almost unbelievable to see what my favourite two characters have now become.

Back in the day when myself and few others were around, we frequently indulged incessantly into season 1 and 2 where Calleigh and Horatio were brimming with love for each other. It was so clear that the writers 'intended' for H and C to end up together. The plot, the scenes, the...everything. From pilot episode of Season 1 till the end of season 2. I also kept a very nice cap of the two of them from 'Kill Zone' where the chemistry oozed out from every corner. That is a prized possession I still remember. H and C was my bread and butter.

There was also the difficult time when Yelina came into the picture and we realized that the writers have turned the other cheek and intend to make this, Horatio's path of true love. Nothing against Yelina for I find her an exceptionally exquisite woman. But let's face it, Calleigh was there first. She has always been there. She didn't run off.

It was then that got us hanging by a thread. Literally. Slowly as the seasons progressed, the love seemingly dissipate. So what we did is a lot similar to what you guys are doing now. Photo manips, caption game, fan fiction.. It was a frantic moment I remember. :p

I'm loving all the pictures and I'm loving some of y'all banners! Hahaha!

I'll drop in once in a while and I really want to keep my DuCaine love alive though I may as well be the old grouch in here. Always spoiling the fun. Hehe!

Here's a glimpse of the caps that I have accumulated during that time in my life..



Remember this? :D
And a few more I'm very proud to have!
http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f229/Foxtrot_Nuts/EdittedDC.jpg (photo manip!)
http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f229/Foxtrot_Nuts/BodyCount-CalSleepscopy.jpg (And something that I did for I'm not sure who..)

Ah.. there's actually tonnes more but I'd rather not. Hahaha! Too many memories. :p

You guys are making me sad. I didn't lurk here that long ago, it must have been nice.
I don't get it. At all.
The entire team & thier real bonds are so inconsistant with what TPTB gave us previously. It's annoying. This isn't the same interaction we got before.
Change is good,& evolving characters is good too, but they shouldn't toy around with what makes this show & the characters so appealing , & that's thier connections & how they relate to one another. Everyone has thier own significant bond, whether it's romantic, friendly, brotherly ...whatever it is in the eye of the beholder.

This crap they are dishing out now is so false & not the way I have viewed this show from the beginning.
They badly need to get back on track. & Im not talking just with the ships, it's all of them with each other.

With the stories coming up with Horatio, I can only hope that his shooting, fake or real, brings Calleigh to his side. Calleigh does & would do anything for her teammates..any of them. That's how she is. It's coming down to Calleigh losing or almost losing her team...Speed's death, Eric almost dying, Alexx leaving the lab & now Horatio.
Her "brothers", her "close enough to be a mother figure", & now her "better-half".
It would be so incredibly stupid & unbelievably unrealistic for them not to play off it!!

Here's to starting off Season 7 with some Ducaine...some REAL Ducaine:beer:
Hey everyone :) Nice story, MacsLovlyAngel, and awesome manip HCrazy :)

Casper - Yea, it's amazing how "far" this show has come - or rather, how far it's gone in the complete opposite direction of what it used to be. I wish we still had the links to the old threads so we can "relive" the good old days :)

I agree w/mjszud (love the new Avi, BTW ;) ) - I don't understand what happened to the team relationships. The show is soo methodical now, and the interaction is mostly either bland or "forced" dialogue. It's really sad, especially since TPTB did such a good job in the first three seasons of having the characters revealed THROUGH the cases, not that they BECOME the cases.:rolleyes:

Anyway, I too hope Cal and H share a few nice scenes in the premiere, or that we at least see some MAJOR angst if Cal thinks H is dead, or he's seriously injured. I mean, you can't have her all worried over Eric, and then not giving a #$#!@ about Horatio, who she was (and I'd argue still should be) very close to and who trained her as a CSI.

I've watched this show since the beginning, and have also recently made it a point to rewatch it in order - which took a long time, but it was interesting to view it that way. In doing that, the only "explanation" I could come up w/as to why H and Cal don't interact anymore (at least not like they used to) is that the whole "Marisol" situation (the marriage and her death) made H and Cal's interaction somewhat awkward. I don't know why, but H and Cal were both "different" with each other after the whole Marisol thing.

Maybe H getting shot will bring their closeness back (although I was hoping this would happen sooner, when Cal was kidnapped, but we didn't get anything :wtf: ) One of the strongest points of the show is the team's bonds of friendship, and that really needs to come back, at least.

I don't know what TPTB are thinking right now, but I think I can safely say that fans are not just gonna pretend the first three and a half seasons didn't happen.:rolleyes:

OK, so maybe just to stay positive, we can all post our favorite DuCaine pic or recall a fav. "moment"? :) While I always loved their friendship, and of course the hug in "Lost Son" was grerat, the defining "DuCaine" moment for me was Season 4's "Under Suspicion" - no way would that scene have played out the same if, say, Eric or Ryan swabbed his hands ;) And the "I need you to tell me the truth, Horatio" - that's not a CSI talking to her boss, that's a friend reaching out :) (Something Calleigh rarely does, BTW. Oh, and she's totally holding his hand in that scene! The table's just blocking it, darn it. Why does that always seem to happen? :lol:)
Yeah. I've only been watching the first few seasons over and over again. I can never get tired of it but I also realize that I'm gradually becoming more of a CSI:LV fan now. Hmm.

The one thing that I offer as a kind of last attempt at desperation is that Calleigh will always be there and so will H. In other words, we would most probably still have scenes of them together, just not of a romantic nature anymore seeing as that is not what the writers want. Sadly enough.

I can understand and relate to mjszud's frustration. It never cease when you watch two of your favourite characters go down that dark and lonely road. By themselves. Seemingly not caring for each other like they used to. And yeah, I get annoyed as hell when some scenes between them turned out to be just as cold as how the story goes. There's literally no more life anymore left in them. Is that even possible?
Hey Wolfca. Thanks for the heads up on the fanfiction. :) I'm off to read it. (keep a look out for my review as "iAMmikael")

Ouh ouh! Today I rewatched 'Simple Man' and I am sure it must be quite overrated to be talking about the first few seasons of CSI:M but I'll have you know that it was in this episode where Calleigh said THE sentence to John Hagen:

Hagen: *about Horatio* I know you look up to the guy.
Cal: Of course I do.
Hagen: I'm just saying, that's one hell of a lonely road he's walking.
Cal: *almost instantly and so confidently!* Well that's why I'm walking it with him. *walks away smiling*

CLASSIC! It's just so... so timeless! I bet some of you forgot about this. :)

I caught on something which I'm not sure how to interpret. In the scene when Horatio went to Yelina's home(this is the last scene). She said something about taking the road one step at the time(or something similar) when it came to handling Raymond's death. Then Horatio said, "What if I told you that you don't have to walk alone."

It struck me. It's almost too hard to swallow. Is that what I think it meant or was that just the writer's little mistake? I think that was the first hint that they don't intend on getting H and Cal together. Cruel.
Hello everyone. Very quiet here with the hiatis. ;)

I'd just like to let you all know I've finished two more stories in the "DuCaine One Shot Story/Poetry thread.

I hope you enjoy them.

And remember DuCaine is forever,
even if it takes a lifetime to come.
They will always have us DuCainer's,
to carry and rant their love on.

See ya,:)