Lab Technician
Hey all! Thanks for the lovely fanfic Wolfca and MacsLovlyAngl - keepin' the DuCaine love alive
We've got a pretty diverse bunch in here, I have to say, even though things are quieting down a bit. (meaning, we do have a lot of different people coming through here, just not as regularly as other threads - you guys gotta come down more often!
So... as for our favorite couple. I actually have to say I really liked the episode "Simple Man," as it showed how far Cal would go for H, and that H wasn't afraid to ask her for a favor - he trusted her completely. I don't think the interaction between Yelina and H at the end was supposed to be a "response" to Cal and Hagen's conversation - maybe it was just supposed to continue the theme of life being like a "road."
Anyhow - that exchange between Hagen and Cal just goes to show that Cal thnks of Horatio as more than just her boss - she acknowledges that he's walking a "lonely road" (so she must have some insight into him personally), and she admits she's walking it with him (that's a very personal comment to me - friendship or otherwise, it's something deeper than just a professional relationship.)
On another note, I never really had a problem w/the introduction of Yelina - it never negatively impacted H and Cal's relationship, and I'd say it strengthened and built on it to some extent - especially the scene in "Double Cap" where H and Cal are in the lab:
H: "Everything OK?"
Cal: "Yea, it's fine."
H: "You sure?"
Cal: "Sometimes it's difficult to have family."
H: "Sometimes it's more difficult not to."
They go on to talk about the case, and at the end H asks her who the main investigator was - and I just LOVE Cal's delivery of the line when she says "Your sister-in-law." She knows it's a tough place for him to go, and she says it w/such a sympathetic tone.
Throughout the first three seasons, we've seen that Cal's been there for H from the start - in "Grave Young Men" she answers Eric's questions about Ray Caine very honestly, but also very protectively:
Eric: Calleigh, were you here at CSI when Horatio's brother was killed?
Calleigh: Ray? Yeah, I was new. Keeping my head down. Why do you ask?
Eric: No reason, I just, uh ... I didn't realize his brother worked narco.
Calleigh: Yeah. Undercover narco cop gets killed in the line of duty, might
have been dirty - something like that.
Eric: I didn't say that.
Calleigh: Nobody ever does.
Eric: Was he dirty?
Calleigh: I don't know. I don't know what Raymond Caine was. I'm not entirely sure Horatio does, either.
The history behind H and Cal's relationship goes beyond the first season, which I always thought was key to this ship. She was there when Ray was shot - she saw what it did to Horatio. She also was the one to "close" that case in Season 2's "Big Brother", where H and Cal had a sweet exchange.
I just don't understand how TPTB can forget moments like this - wouldn't you want the two characters who've known each other the longest to at least show their affection for each other when things get bad in later seasons - draw on that early connection?? It's pretty obvious to me that Cal was somewhat smitten by H, and was willing to take the next step - it was H who was unsure and began becoming distant (esp. around Season 4). I've never seen Cal so comfortable or open to anyone - she really let her guard down w/H early on.
The bottom line is Cal is here to stay - full-time - and Horatio needs someone to love him. He needs someone who'll help bring him back to the man he used to be prior to all of this mess - bring him back to being "human," so to speak. She's strong enough to call him out, but loves him enough to do it on his terms, and do it w/compassion. EVERY time H is in trouble, Cal steps out for him, goes out on a limb, reassures him - it's obvious she's not afraid to show her affection for him (unlike she seems to be with others...)
Sorry for the long post, but I really just miss DuCaine and am hoping TPTB see "the light" and bring these two back together ASAP. You can't just pretend the first three seasons never happened. It's CANON, and so is this:
Horatio to Calleigh: "You saved me." ("Lost Son", Season 3)
Wow. I think that about says it all. Who says that to a mere co-worker? Their relationship and chemistry are undeniable - they just need a decent scene to work with! :bolian: Bring back DuCaine!!
So... as for our favorite couple. I actually have to say I really liked the episode "Simple Man," as it showed how far Cal would go for H, and that H wasn't afraid to ask her for a favor - he trusted her completely. I don't think the interaction between Yelina and H at the end was supposed to be a "response" to Cal and Hagen's conversation - maybe it was just supposed to continue the theme of life being like a "road."
Anyhow - that exchange between Hagen and Cal just goes to show that Cal thnks of Horatio as more than just her boss - she acknowledges that he's walking a "lonely road" (so she must have some insight into him personally), and she admits she's walking it with him (that's a very personal comment to me - friendship or otherwise, it's something deeper than just a professional relationship.)
On another note, I never really had a problem w/the introduction of Yelina - it never negatively impacted H and Cal's relationship, and I'd say it strengthened and built on it to some extent - especially the scene in "Double Cap" where H and Cal are in the lab:
H: "Everything OK?"
Cal: "Yea, it's fine."
H: "You sure?"
Cal: "Sometimes it's difficult to have family."
H: "Sometimes it's more difficult not to."
They go on to talk about the case, and at the end H asks her who the main investigator was - and I just LOVE Cal's delivery of the line when she says "Your sister-in-law." She knows it's a tough place for him to go, and she says it w/such a sympathetic tone.
Throughout the first three seasons, we've seen that Cal's been there for H from the start - in "Grave Young Men" she answers Eric's questions about Ray Caine very honestly, but also very protectively:
Eric: Calleigh, were you here at CSI when Horatio's brother was killed?
Calleigh: Ray? Yeah, I was new. Keeping my head down. Why do you ask?
Eric: No reason, I just, uh ... I didn't realize his brother worked narco.
Calleigh: Yeah. Undercover narco cop gets killed in the line of duty, might
have been dirty - something like that.
Eric: I didn't say that.
Calleigh: Nobody ever does.
Eric: Was he dirty?
Calleigh: I don't know. I don't know what Raymond Caine was. I'm not entirely sure Horatio does, either.
The history behind H and Cal's relationship goes beyond the first season, which I always thought was key to this ship. She was there when Ray was shot - she saw what it did to Horatio. She also was the one to "close" that case in Season 2's "Big Brother", where H and Cal had a sweet exchange.
I just don't understand how TPTB can forget moments like this - wouldn't you want the two characters who've known each other the longest to at least show their affection for each other when things get bad in later seasons - draw on that early connection?? It's pretty obvious to me that Cal was somewhat smitten by H, and was willing to take the next step - it was H who was unsure and began becoming distant (esp. around Season 4). I've never seen Cal so comfortable or open to anyone - she really let her guard down w/H early on.
The bottom line is Cal is here to stay - full-time - and Horatio needs someone to love him. He needs someone who'll help bring him back to the man he used to be prior to all of this mess - bring him back to being "human," so to speak. She's strong enough to call him out, but loves him enough to do it on his terms, and do it w/compassion. EVERY time H is in trouble, Cal steps out for him, goes out on a limb, reassures him - it's obvious she's not afraid to show her affection for him (unlike she seems to be with others...)
Sorry for the long post, but I really just miss DuCaine and am hoping TPTB see "the light" and bring these two back together ASAP. You can't just pretend the first three seasons never happened. It's CANON, and so is this:
Horatio to Calleigh: "You saved me." ("Lost Son", Season 3)
Wow. I think that about says it all. Who says that to a mere co-worker? Their relationship and chemistry are undeniable - they just need a decent scene to work with! :bolian: Bring back DuCaine!!