
I'm back!! I'm so gald to see the thread so active!! You all are so amazing and rock so hard!!
luvingmyHoratio: I love your pics and poems!!!

They put a big smile on my face every day! I wrote 2 more poems from H and Cals POVs and I'll post them today in the Fanfic Poetry section!

I am loving the 'Broken' pic as well, great captions! :devil: And that 'Camp Fear' extra... woah, that's hot!!! :lol: :devil: Here's a pic from the beginning of that eppie, and I was on the edge of my seat the first time I saw this, thinking he'd brush her hair or something... so close!!! Or Horatio would lose his balance in his squatting position and move even closer to her!! :lol:
She wants to kiss his forehead, you know she does!!!
With the leeches scene(squee!!!) I keep thinking that did Adele sense a shift in the atmosphere when Horatio gripped Calleigh's ankle?? If anyone else was there, they'd be like, 'Woah baby!! It's getting hot out here!' and their cellphones would melt!! :lol: I'd have my iPod and I'd start playing 'Dirrty'!!! :lol:
That first touch that sent hearts racing...
And made Calleigh's mouth run dry...
H: Bye... your skin is so soft...
Cal: *giggle* You flatterer you! Touch me again!
So cute and sweet yet hot and sexy at the same time!

That is a rare thing!
I think that there are a lot of DuCaine moments that are sweet and fluffy, but with really deep aand steamy undertones, like 'Under Suspicion' and the hand-holding scene. It was so adorable the way their hands fitted so well, but you have to imagine their hearts pounding at the contact! The atmosphere was brimming with tension, and 'Heavens' Gonna Burn Your Eyes' just rounded it off nicely!

Horatio couldn't even look up, and Calleigh had her eyes fixed on his hands. One of my definite faves from S4, and maybe of the whole show!!
Do you appluad fear?
Do you hold it near?
Are you afraid to live your life
The way I percieve?
In my arms, I'll catch you,
Do you mind if I always love you?
@ BG: Loved the top!!

And the shades as well!!

'Sweet Child O' Mine' is my absolute face GNR song!!! *thinks of putting it in the song thread* I have a one-track mind!!

I would love to write a scenario with ice-cubes and what-not... *cough* sprinklers *cough* hose *cough*
It's pretty warm here in Ireland, so I'll find some inspiration while I'm lounging in my back garden!

No problemo, but I'll probably self-combust while writing it it'll be so STEAMY!!! :devil:
This Summer is the new Summer of Love, of the DuCaine love!!!
Here is a nice eppie to talk about: 'Just One Kiss'. How cool was that one? We had a compliment on Cals' suit, an interview together with Drake Hamilton, Horatio saying 'oral sex'(thanks for the heads up on that one,
Palm, if you can hear me!!!! :lol

and their hands almost touching, nice!!
Here's Cal arriving looking lovely!!
H: Nice suit... *Those pearls suit your swan-like neck...*
Cal: I'm pulling out my Fall stuff... *I did this for you, Handsome...*
Can't take his eyes off her...
Cal: *Stay calm, deep breaths... oh Horatioooo...*
Be afraid, Drake Hamilton. H: Rule number one, NEVER mess with Calleigh Duquesne... or I'll throw you a beating...
Cal: Easy, Horatio, I can handle this jerk... but I love it when you get all protective over little ol' me...
Cal: More Hamilton hardball?? H: *Hmmm... don't you know it?*
Big smile!! Cal: *Hey there. I was worried about you...*
Cal: I'm officially over them. Can you forgive me for ever thinking they were all that? *I was so foolish...*
H: Well, I made the same mistake myself once. What do we have? *You learned a good lesson...*
Looking at the plans...
Shipper eyes glued to their hands...
CSI: DuCaine has unfortuantely been deleted, but I will continue to post my scenes at the Yahoo! Group, and they can be read at the Lonely Road archive too. I will continue writing, and will have that PM scene for anyone who's interested soon. Sorry it took so long!!
If anyone is interested in watching some Horatio and Calleigh vids/slideshows, go onto YouTube and type in 'mcee07' for my DuCaine videos!!
Enjoy all the caps!! There's more to come, trust me!!

*looks up at the long post* Wow, I should be absent more often!

*Picture edited by Mod as it was stretching the screen*