I'm fairly new to these boards and the various 'ships'. Have to ask if those who ship other pairings for H have watched all 5 seasons of the show or has all this just been inspired by 'the kiss', such as it was (C/E)? Now we're seeing H/N (huh?), H/Y and/or C/R. I do understand the H/Y ship(at least it offers continuity), but way too much baggage on both sides.

If H/M was indeed DC's idea, my guess is he's regretting it now. It was ill-conceived at best and didn't play out well. Do fans really want hookups of H and ANY needy female? Don't we get enough of his compassion with the true victims?

Sorry to ask this question here, but bringing it up elsewhere would surely cause havoc from other ship fans.

It was the H/C chemistry in early seasons which introduced me to this show.


The sparks flew in every scene they were in, no matter the subject matter.
:lol:Formula tv doesn't lend itself to these contrived situations and, sadly, the show eventually suffers (along with the ratings).

Enough of my morning rant. Have a Great Day, All!!