Man, I hope we can keep this ship floating - don't jump off just yet, guys!
I have to say, this is all pretty crazy - when I first became an H/C shipper in the beginning of the season (i didn't ship anyone before that), I thought that E/C shippers were few and far between. Out of all the "ships" for TPTB to explore, this was the last one I thought they'd go for. (No offense to E/C fans - I like both characters, but with Eric's past "romances," I never really thought he and Cal would hook up.)
I don't know what to say about the lack of H/C interaction - I almost yelled at the TV Monday night when the end scene had Horatio and Natalia together - WTF? (pardon my French). I mean, how is it possible that Horatio can work with Ryan, Eric, Natalia and even Cooper, and Calleigh can work with Ryan and Eric and Natalia, but when it comes to H/C, they never even pass each other's radar? Someone at the DuCaine Yahoo group said it well when they noted that, even if you hate some of the people you work with, you still have to WORK WITH THEM. Calleigh may as well have transferred to Las Vegas, or Horatio made the move back to NY. It's like they're on different shows, and I just don't get it.
It was easier for me to reconcile this before the whole E/C thing b/c we had the whole "behind the scenes" thing - but there's no way that's goin on b/c Cal would never cheat on H, esp. w/Eric.
I'm very stubborn, and even though I've tried to see E/C, and even H/Y, deep down I believe Cal and H were meant to be together since the 1st season. Just look at the evidence (isn't that what CSIs do?). I think they need to shake things up w/Cal, anything to get H to just acknowledge the fact that she's on his team - she is still on his team, right?
Hopefully we'll get to at least see H's reaction to the whole E/C thing - maybe that'll shake him up a bit. Quite honestly, I'm hoping for some sort of confrontation between H & C about it - maybe some inner feelings will come out. I had a dream about it a few nights ago - with Cal confronting H b/c he asked Eric to stop seeing her. It's pretty much a blur, but from what I remember it was intense - there wasn't screaming or anything - just these looks, and sharp tones. Her POV was, "You have a problem, you come to me," and "where is all this coming from, anyway." He was hiding behind the whole "professional appearance" - he didn't want complications for the lab. It escalated from there, and I think it ended badly, which I definitely would not want to see on the show. Yea, I'm insane, I know

Probably going to have to write another fanfic to get it out of my system.
I printed out some postcards today - maybe they'll get noticed, maybe they won't - but we have to make some noise - we can't go down w/out a fight!