Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You
Hello all!!

Thread title chase is still going!!

It's good to see one of the readers from CSI: DuCaine in here!! Welcome, welcome!
Just to go back to
Tracy's question, I started watching CSI: Miami when S2 aired in Ireland, and I remember seeing 'The Best Defense' and I thought it was so sweet how Horatio defended Calleigh against Hagen.

At the time, much of the focus was on Yelina, and I couldn't see that much DuCaine.

I actually believe DuCaine found me, because I was actually considering shipping Horatio/Yelina and Eric/Calleigh at some crazy point, but all the fics I had read on those ships and saved vanished off my computor!!

Creepy! When 'Lost Son' aired, I saw 'The Hug' and my heart melted. I thought to myself, "There's something going on there!! They're holding each other!!" Then I read a fic called 'My Mentor, My Lover, My Friend' on, and started thinking, "Yeah... they could work..." I found CSI: Miami Online, and saved some pictures of them, saying,"They look really good together!!" After that, I was a minor fan of DuCaine, but when I got the S1 boxset last year, and re-watched some DuCaine episodes, I was hooked!! The banter, the flirting, the chemistry!!

I also discovered this site, and the rest they say is history!!

I have made so many new on-line friends, and I feel priviliged to be part of this ship.

Nice question,
Just to talk the postcard campaign, if we got David Caruso on our side, then we are a shoo-in for canon!!

He has already made contact with the H/C Yahoo! Group, so he does respond to his fans. He would be a safer bet, definitely! We should do something, beacuse it's been how many weeks without a scene??

It's just not logical... I wish they'd do a Danny/Lindsay or a Grissom/Sara on OUR ship!! Have Horatio at home in his bedroom, and have Calleigh come in wearing a silk robe!! Have her lay her head on his shoulder!! Give us another hug!! Give us an almost kiss!! *deep breath* Shippers would sing 'Hallejuyah!!' and you'd get more viewers if you do it that way!! Come on!! Stop holding out on us, we're dying here!!
I'm typing up the next part of my 'Lost Son' tribute in CSI: DuCaine, will post it soon. Get the tissues out!!
Only 20 posts left 'til #5!!

Very exciting! We are gonna party!! You're all invited!! I hope
Casper pops in...
Here's a pic before I go, a S4 promo for 'From the Grave' :
They're so serious... *squee*