H/Cal #2: "Hot flashes. But that's just them" - DuCaine

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i have been a Horatio/yelina shipper, but the longer she is gone, the more i love these two
CSI_Grissom, try not to give up on H/Y just yet. Using your theory, one could just as easily give up on H/C too as they have had so little screentime this season (and season 3 for the most part). You never know what the writers will do.

Although I am not a fan of H/C (as a couple that is, not the characters), I always read this thread out of interest. When I saw you mention H/Y, I felt I ought to post a brief message in here. I'm not lost, honest! ;)
^^ are you sure Luce? :lol: ;)

i see what you are saying, its true, and i would like having yelina back, i still like her, but i find it hard to keep it up with how long she has been gone, but no worries, i havent lost all hope ;)

thanks for the welcome Footyliz, i agree with you i like both yelina and calliegh(not at same time :lol:) with H, i just want to see the guy smile, i love how calleigh can do that!
HCfanforLife, that sounds like a great idea. Never really heard of something like that before. Very original :D.

Glad you liked the pictures CSI Grissom. As for the 'Catherine' part. The first picture[Hold Me] was originally a picture of David and Marg[H and Cath] but I decided to replace Cath's face with Calleigh's :D. As for H/Y, we shall have hope yeah. Good to see you drop by here Luce :). I know you're not lost :lol:!

CSI_G, You're quite right there! Calleigh can make almost everybody smile! It's one of her best assets along with her other assets of course! :lol: :devil:
Here is another treat for all of us:
All smiles for our lovely couple
:eek: Got shocked by Lucy!

HCFan what do you mean about DuCaine RPG?? :confused:

*waves to CSI_G and SD*
^^ thanks zippy! :lol:


Glad you liked the pictures CSI Grissom. As for the 'Catherine' part. The first picture[Hold Me] was originally a picture of David and Marg[H and Cath] but I decided to replace Cath's face with Calleigh's :D. As for H/Y, we shall have hope yeah. Good to see you drop by here Luce :). I know you're not lost :lol:!

CSI_G, You're quite right there! Calleigh can make almost everybody smile! It's one of her best assets along with her other assets of course! :lol: :devil:

My first tought was catherine from LV, but i just couldnt believe that they did that, i dont know why, but i couldnt think about them having a pic like that together, so weird... :lol:

dont ask me how brain works, you'll just get confused! :lol:

i really hope that cal can make H smile a lot more! i love it when he does!

and casp, you had better get the next chapter for your fic up, or else... :lol: ;)
Oh :lol:. I guess I didn't make that clear enough. That was a promo picture from the movie 'Gold Coast'. David and Marg acted together and they were a couple in that movie. Thus, the picture :D. I hope that clears the fog!

The fanfic is still in progress. If I delayed it, it's only because I have school to think of
. CSI_G, or else what?
HCfanforlife1982 said:
Hey Zippy I mean that I have and H/C Role Playing story going on over at the fanfiction area.

Ahhh I seeeee......and I didn't know DC worked with Marg even before CSI:M. I'm OT...sorry... :p
Oh :lol:. I guess I didn't make that clear enough. That was a promo picture from the movie 'Gold Coast'. David and Marg acted together and they were a couple in that movie. Thus, the picture :D. I hope that clears the fog!

The fanfic is still in progress. If I delayed it, it's only because I have school to think of
. CSI_G, or else what?

ok that makes so much more sense! thanks casp!

or else ill, ill do something, im not sure what, but i want that fic! :lol:
Oh, I've got my daily quoting report. This just in from 'Bait'[ :lol: Always wanted to say that]:

Eric: Calleigh, what would you do if someone you know was involved in this?
Cal: Hmm, how involved?
Eric: Fingerprint from the hotel room key.
Cal: Is it a cop?
Eric: Yes.
Cal: Have you talked to the cop?
Eric: Yes. It's not Hagen.
Cal:*probably thinking that Eric was so wrong because she was thinking of Horatio*

Haha! I just couldn't help myself. I really think that she was not thinking that it was Hagen. On the other hand, I can't believe that Horatio would cheat on her so it's somewhere on the fence!

Eric: *starts to walk off*
Cal: Hey Eric? Don't wait too long to tell Horatio.

Oh, she knows her man. Horatio would have wanted to know how the investigation was going and Calleigh knew that he had a short-fuse for things being kept away from him. Go Cal!! :D :D :lol:
Oh busy thread! Nice to see you pop your head round our doors Luce :)

Ah good pictures Casp I will wait patiently for the next part of your wonderful fic ;)

Ah great scene from Bait, especially with the added bits :lol:
:lol: Keep coming in here Liz and it'll be even busier! The more the merrier I say!
Does anyone have any caps from 'Bait'? I seem to be short of that episode for some reason :rolleyes:.

In the meantime, here is a song that
is perfect for an angsty DuCaine:

John Farnham
'Burn For You' Lyrics

Got myself into some trouble tonight
Guess I'm just feelin' blue
It's been so long
Since I've seen your face
This distance between me and you

That voice you showed me is not the one that I know
I must be strung out on what I do

Don't hang up again...
Theres nothing else I know how to do

But I burn for you...
What am I gonna do?
Burn for you

I guess it feels like you're always alone
And I feel that way too
It's so hard to explain to you
Please understand what I do

I burn for you..
What am I gonna do?
I burn for you..
Burn for you

Took my troubles to a bar tonight
From another point of view
But there's nothing new
I'm missing you

I burn for you
What am I gonna do?
Burn for you..

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