Gun Control

ok i live in germany, here it´s forbidden to have a weapon all the same Knife or shot gun. I have a feeling most of time we need weapons, but that´s not an answer of Problems you know :)
no, i´m about force and the methods, only the justice, they have the majoritiy for this that´s ok for me. But whenever all people can do what they think it´s ok? oh men, who implements that lost ourselves? no i think nobody have weapons for himselve absoloutley no! no weapons no war, no war more tolerationts :) more love - ok tell me a crazy, but it´s my meaning :) hugs around here
gregslabmouse said:
nope, the violent crime rate is much higher in the US than other 1st world nations...the only crime that is higher in Canada than the US is breaking and entering. I would rather my house get robbed than to get shot. The homicide rate (per 1000 people) in the US is about 10X higher than Canada. There are other factors with crime though. In Bowling for Columbine, it is pointed out the differences between the US and Canada. Micheal Moore was trying to find a slum in canada...he couldn't really find one, lol. The US has more extreme poverty than the Canada, and less social programs. Also, american society is so fearful. The news is all about scaring people. Canadian news is way different. Even the elections are fear based. No one is saying take all guns away, but this gun crazy mentality americans seem to have is not good.

Have I mentioned I want to move to Canada...

Oh Canada...I will come to Canada with you. :lol: It is like, the best country ever.
Unfortunately I´m not US-citizen, but I argee gun laws in USA seem little lax. Private weapon-posession = protection??

Dunno - I´m fine with protection. Yet guns can indeed be used by robbers against yourself. Furthermore I don´t think amok-running children would care stricter gun-laws.
Im fine with the gun control now but what im wondering is what would a automatic/semi automatic most likely be used for ? mostly robberies,gangs,and revenge revenge ( just like v tech)ect. but i mean what would we use them for? possibly not hunting! i mean we should allow our law enforcement to use there rifles but just goes to show what would they e used for?
you guys do realize that cars kill 4 times as many people then guns do. where are the complaints with that?

i think that guns are mostly used for protection. the majority of people handle their as they should. the problem is, i think, people don't really know about gun safety. especially with kids. when i was a kid i wasn't allowed to have a toy gun. we need to teach kids "see a gun, leave the room, call an adult". we also need to teach them the difference in reality and fantasy. teach them that if they have a gun or a knife, they can actually hurt someone.

another problem is you don't need gun control you need people control. i have yet to see a gun load itself and shoot someone. a person is the one that kills others. if you take guns away, people are still going to kill, whether its with knives, wrenches, cars, crowbars, ropes, you name it people have killed with it.

starting with children, i think we just need to teach how to be more tolerant of others....
luvspeed said:
you guys do realize that cars kill 4 times as many people then guns do. where are the complaints with that?

Apples and oranges, mate. Cars are a means of transportation, not a weapon.

another problem is you don't need gun control you need people control. i have yet to see a gun load itself and shoot someone. a person is the one that kills others. if you take guns away, people are still going to kill, whether its with knives, wrenches, cars, crowbars, ropes, you name it people have killed with it.

When was the last time someone walked into a college with a knife and proceeded to stab 32 people to death? Or with a crowbar? And certainly, nobody has done it with a car.

Its an issue of practicality. Sure, there are other weapons people can use, but they're not semi-automatic, and they're certainly not as easy to commit these crimes on such a mass scale.
Showtime said:
luvspeed said:
you guys do realize that cars kill 4 times as many people then guns do. where are the complaints with that?

Apples and oranges, mate. Cars are a means of transportation, not a weapon.

another problem is you don't need gun control you need people control. i have yet to see a gun load itself and shoot someone. a person is the one that kills others. if you take guns away, people are still going to kill, whether its with knives, wrenches, cars, crowbars, ropes, you name it people have killed with it.

When was the last time someone walked into a college with a knife and proceeded to stab 32 people to death? Or with a crowbar? And certainly, nobody has done it with a car.

Its an issue of practicality. Sure, there are other weapons people can use, but they're not semi-automatic, and they're certainly not as easy to commit these crimes on such a mass scale.

And how often does someone go and shoot 32 people at a college per year? What was that? Once? And it was this year? And how many people own guns and how many of these gun owners go on to commit crimes? Far fewer legal gun owners commmit crimes than those with guns obtained illegally.

To paraphrase someone famous, if you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns. Banning guns sounds all good and effective but it's not. Vermont has some good gun control laws and in fact allows people to carry concealed with a license. Guess who has among the lowest gun crime violence in the country?

Gun control advocates see the picture far too simply, just as the anti-gun control advocates see it too simply as well. There needs to be gun control but what you really want is guns banned and that isn't a smart idea.

Comparing the U.S. to another country with gun control laws is an equally flawed argument. Those countries had bans on weapons for the common people since before their modern conception and it's "always" been that way (in most cases, since before the gun was even invented) and yet they still have gun violence and violence related to use with other weapons.

Placing blame on guns for criminal activity is just playing the blame game, looking for a scapegoat to excuse the faults in society and blame an inanimate object for all society's ills (see video games, music, movies for an example).
Teelie said:

And how often does someone go and shoot 32 people at a college per year? What was that? Once?

once is more than enough if you ask me. these massacre school shootings happen every few years. killings of one or a few people on a campus happen more often. plus intentional and accidental shootings on campuses and beyond.

i realize there are people who like guns and, for reasons that are beyond me, like to have them. but the types of weapons that any joe off the street can buy are so unnecessary. you cant fire off a hundred rounds in a matter of minutes with a revolver or shot gun. if you feel safer with a revolver, fine. if you like to hunt and need a shotgun, go ahead. for what other purpose do you need a gun?

you are never going to be able to eliminate guns, there are too many out there already. its probably bad enough that it would be difficult to remove the more dangerous models from circulation. i honestly dont know what could be done.
I was taught to respect guns from an early age. I learned how to shoot a gun before I could drive. I was also taught that every gun could be a loaded gun. I have taught this to my son and when he is old enough he will learn to use a gun also.
Right now, he knows that if he sees a gun on the ground he is to run and get an adult. I have a concealed weapons permit. I have never had to use my gun, but if I had to I wouldn't hesitate to save someone's life. That being said the only time you should show your gun is if you intend to use it.
i was also taught at an early age not to play with guns. " always treat a gun as if its loaded, don't put your finger on the trigger unless you're ready to shoot" thats what my dad, a cop, taught me.

i guess its easier to blame an inatimate object. like i said i have yet to see a gun load itself and shoot someone.

in Government Class we were watching Bowling for Colombine and Micheal and Me to see both sides. i thought it was interesting when Larry Elder brought up the fact that there was a college shooting a while back and 2 students stopped the gunman by using guns they had in their cars.

would more people have died if those guys didn't have their guns?

also, yes people have used cars to kill other people. my dad comes home and tells me what he sees on the job. my aunt, who is a real CSI does the same thing. people can be crazy. when they have the idea of killing someone and they have seen it in ther minds....nothing is going to stop them. take the VA Tech Shooter, he wanted blood and nothing was going to stop him from getting it. even if we took guns away it would have been harder but he still would have gotten one.
If we know the guns aren't the ones that kills, ar the people who uses them, why don't get the guns away from people who can be dangerous with them?

I'm not saying that you can't have a weapon, I'm just saying that us government has to make some kind of control in who gets to them. Make a psicological evaluation, take a control... I don't know. It looks like americans are very sensible to this facts, but I don't really think you need an automatic to defend yourself.
they do psycological evaluations, they have waiting periods. i think the problem is people tend to lie. gun stores will turn you down if they think theres something wrong. its the blackmarket we have to worry about. we should also keep better eye on places where its easier to buy a gun.

for example, the VA Tech Shooter got one of his guns from the flea market. you can also buy stuff like that is the back of someones car.
The problem with gun control laws is there are too many already and not properly enforced or regulated. A minimum for gun ownership should be the stuff on the books already; a criminal background check, legal identification and there really needs to be a comprehensive gun ownership course or school that's required to purchase a gun. Psychological checks should be mandatory as well.

Gun control is an ugly term since most of the time it is a poor cover-up for blanket gun banning but if these steps were taken, it would at least go a step towards reducing gun crimes. People are required to do more just to get a license to drive than get a gun which IMO is unacceptable.

There are still more crimes committed with guns illegally purchased but at least cases such as this would become even rarer than they are now.
THANK YOU TEELIE ! its funny you say that cuz thats what my dad always tells me. we've got the laws we just got to enforce them.

i still say don't blame the gun for something the person did. i honestly think thats what starts debates like these. people think that by taking away the gun its all going to be sunshine and rainbows. why not blame the guy that actually bought the gun and killed the person? would that make too much sense?
luvspeed said:
people think that by taking away the gun its all going to be sunshine and rainbows.

No, people think that by making a gun less accessible, the crime won't be committed in the heat of the moment. Other weapons have lower mortality rates, too.

The lack of a gun won't stop someone from committing a crime, but it will deter them for a length in which appropriate measures could be taken.