Guest Apperances, who would you like to see?

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Id like to see Luke Wilson play Nick Stokes' brother.Luke and George look quite a bit alike and they're both from Texas.That would be awesome and hot.Yeehaw!
**can't stop laughing at the thoughts of Bubbles, Rickie and Juilian hanging out in the lab**

That would be TOOooooo funny...the distruction they would cause....but I know that would be too far fetched....
Well, I'd love to see Goran Visnjic guest in NY, just to see him go head to head with Flack in the interrogation room...
Tinkerbell said:
CSI_CSI said:
What about some british people.

Peter Kay. Man, he would be awesome. I'd love to see him as a suspect. :lol:

Did you watch Peter Kay's last appearence on Parkinson? It was in November 06 when he was on with Take That. Parky asked about his Nanna as always, and he said 'She's fine but she watches CSI on a saturday so she won't be watching tonight' :lol:

In his autobiography he mentions CSI:Miami aswell, how he bought his Nanna the boxset but kept watching the same 4 episodes on one disk coz she didn't realise it was over 6' :lol:

I'd absoltely love to see him in it, but I couldn't take it seriously :lol: I just look at him and crack up.
I would like Tim McGraw to play on CSI, that would be sooo funny. But not him beng killed, or being the actual killer. I don't want much do I?
cast from House MD lol, have a murder at Princeton and them all b suspects...maybe it could end up with the killer being Coma Guy?
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