Lab Technician
scientific research proves you wrong. the rate of pregnant couples goes down the older they get. it has everything to do with age. it doesn't change the fact that you will find examples of couples who had a baby at 50. the chances inevitably get slimmer, though. it's possible Grissom and Sara will have a baby b/c it's a TV show, not life, but in real world they wouldn't have much hope.
Nice. It was an informative post, scientifically speaking....
When I mentioned baby in the picture (GSR), I thought fostering one could be an option if they are unable to. I just hope that they complete the *trinity of GSR-ness (griss, sara & geekbaby).
** just borrowing the line of gil, 'trinity of evidence'(?) - Victim, Suspect, Crime Scence.
You know guys/gals, what is really nice of having this kind of different views/opinions in each topic is that we are actually running our own story to where we would want the characters lead us. And until such time that it's confirmed, still we are stubborn to oppose (or support) why things/stories have happened that way. We are creating our own little fantasy into the GSR world.
How would we want the story to end? Live happily ever after is so much a fairy-tale and somehow we want to buy it. It is because we have invested so much for the characters/story that all we ever wanted is to spend thier life the way we wish them to be.
Hoping the best things to come.