Grissom & Sara; #33 Time to Re-combine!

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i agree with Adzix i am still team anti-baby i dunno...i support this ship the whole way but i think its...too far im sure that they would both make outstanding parents but first i think they're both past that part in their lives and if we did get a baby it would probably be unplanned and thats not the way i want it, if that makes any sense? Sara would be a good mom basically on mothers intuition and her kindness but she has expressed her like for children but not wanting one in...S/1 Blood Drops i think? and Grissom would...learn to be good in a way, it would be an overwhelming situation that, if he wasn't leaving the show i would say that he is not ready for. but it all depends on how ep 10 plays out right? :borg:
All fans are entitled to their opinions of course, but can all of you really see them growing old without kids in the picture? I'm not completely traditional, as I have seen many couples that don't have children, but one especially rants and raves about the nieces and nephews, so I always wonder why not have your own kids:wtf:, but to each ones own:thumbsup:

I know Grissom's 'older', but Sara (not Jorja) is only 35 or 36, so that's not 'old'. I AM 36 for Pete's sake and alot of my friends have babies. NOT ME, I'm done!LOL! So, I don't feel age would be an issue. I think it's prefectly fine for them NOT to have a child, they could go on very happily without one, but I feel that it would be lovely if they did. I am completely PRO GEEKBABY and I tell Rambo that each time we email.
but can all of you really see them growing old without kids in the picture?
well, firstly we can't be sure they are together :p in my head it's a 70/30 deal in favor of 'yes' but there is still a chance they are not, or that they will break up soon.

but let's be positive and assume they will stay together and get married (which is the most probable of all scenarios). now, even if that works the chances of getting pregnant are not very high. Sara is, what, 36/37 now and Grissom 51/52. it is said that the healthy border for a woman to get pregnant is 35 and recent studies show that the age of the male partner, on the contrary to what was thought before, is important too. the older the guy gets the more errors in his DNA that he passes in sperm. that in itself results in miscarriages or failures to impregnate, whatsoever.

also, we have to remember what happened to Sara in LD/DD and she might not be in a perfect physical condition to bear childen.

all those things aside, i doubt they would want a baby (i might be wrong though) so it would have to be a surprise. to sum it all up, the chances are quite slim imo.
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I was 35 and 39 when I had my children; my husband was 46 and 50 yo. We both had fulfilling careers and were not that into kids, until we had our own. It just seemed like a natural progression of our relationship and it changed our lives forever, in a good way. I can totally see it happening for Grissom and Sara, but I doubt that tptb will take it that far. But I would love it if they did!
I was 35 and 39 when I had my children; my husband was 46 and 50 yo. We both had fulfilling careers and were not that into kids, until we had our own. It just seemed like a natural progression of our relationship and it changed our lives forever, in a good way. I can totally see it happening for Grissom and Sara, but I doubt that tptb will take it that far. But I would love it if they did!

AMEN sister!!! Well said, and I LOVE your avatar!
I think we could all be suprised with this next season.
I just can't wait to see what's coming for our GSR!
I doubt that tptb will take it that far. But I would love it if they did!

i too don't have much faith in TPTB :rolleyes: but it really all depends right? and just for the record,
i wasn't implying that they were too old for kids! i just meant i dont think Grissom's there in life,
but they've never explored that part of him so i can't really say.
You know, I'm really OK with any outcome as long as it's a positive ending for both characters, and over the past 2 years I guess I've come to believe that for both Grissom and Sara to be happy, they need to be together. The specifics of the story ... married or not, baby or not ... I'm totally OK leaving to the writers. Just please, don't make me sit thought another angst-filled farewell at the end of epi 10!

I've always wondered if there is some dark backstory with Grissom that relates to young children/abuse. The writers have so consistently shown him as being consumed with cases involving child abductions.

Given that his evening with LH coincides (at least according to current spoilers) with an abduction storyline, maybe some of the reasons for his passion about those child-related cases are part of his "intimate" conversation with LH. Of course, we've had Sara with her history of domestic abuse and Nick with sexual abuse, so maybe one more similar story would be OTT.

I'm so excited for the season premiere ... I've been watching reruns on SPIKE and I'm back to mourning Warrick. His farewell is going to be so sad. OK, off topic ... sorry ... but I still got 3 lines of GSR!

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I'll be ok as long as they are happy together. I am in the majority group that doesn't want 10 tons of angst before episode ten. I know there will be some, with the death of Warrick and all, but Grissom and Sara have been through enough as a couple to be able to enjoy a 'happily ever after' and I think that's what we all want. Geekbaby or not.
I'd also like to know the things that TPTB have "forgotten" such as : the coccoon, the bees, and when did Grissom and Sara actually get together????????
Know what I mean?
I was thinking about the bees just the other day ... a return to entomology seems like the perfect way for Grissom to leave his career as a CSI because it's something he has passion for that doesn't generally lead to your friends getting shot in alleys, buried alive, abducted by crazy women, etc. I got the feeling that storyline got abandoned with the writer's strike, but maybe they'll pick it up again this season.

I've given up hope on the cocoon, frankly. I'll send the writers a crisp new $20 if they manage to work that back in :) I'd love to know what Grissom intended when he sent it (obviously Sara wasn't quite clear on it herself!)

As for the angst-fest ... I agree, Piper! I am a little worried that the first half of the season is going to be so dark that it will be difficult to watch at times. As much as I enjoy the show, my TV watching is total escapism, so they'll lose me if I start getting depressed every week!

I was 35 and 39 when I had my children; my husband was 46 and 50 yo. We both had fulfilling careers and were not that into kids, until we had our own. It just seemed like a natural progression of our relationship and it changed our lives forever, in a good way. I can totally see it happening for Grissom and Sara, but I doubt that tptb will take it that far. But I would love it if they did!

right on, and although these are fictional characters, in real life there's Warren Beatty, who was like in his late 50's when starting a family and many other celebs, who were older, when having kids. age has nothing what-so-ever to do with having children, at all. And as far as them still being together, it's 100% that they are still a couple, true love doesn't fade, because of one taking a hiatus! why the hell would she be coming back?
"I've loved you forever" and miss you with every beat of my heart" yada-yada, how many of you here are positive that their still a couple and still together? POLL:thumbsup:

AMEN to you TOO Desert!!!!
I have to say, there is so much GSR love here, I am in heaven.
I wish I had some new news, all I have is my faith all is gonna be ok.
Keep the faith, GSRers!!:thumbsup:
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I think they're still together. I'm not sure why we would've had the scene at the end of GDC, the deleted scene posted on youtube (and included in the season 8 dvd, I think), and CM's comments about Sara's picture being on his fridge if TPTB didn't want to have us believe that they were still together, even if it was at a distance. I also think that Grissom's disposition changed for the better in the later eps of season 8 ... and then there was DR's comment about a subtle comment on recombining in TTOE. It just seems to me they've worked too hard to keep the idea of the relationship on people's minds ... even if it's in small ways.

I'm still suspicious that we're going to be toyed with a bit in terms of the ship, but my prediction is that they will be together in epi 1 and epi 10 ... what sort of atrocities TPTB chose to inflict in between is the question in my mind ;)

age has nothing what-so-ever to do with having children, at all.
scientific research proves you wrong. the rate of pregnant couples goes down the older they get. it has everything to do with age. it doesn't change the fact that you will find examples of couples who had a baby at 50. the chances inevitably get slimmer, though. it's possible Grissom and Sara will have a baby b/c it's a TV show, not life, but in real world they wouldn't have much hope.

I'm still suspicious that we're going to be toyed with a bit in terms of the ship, but my prediction is that they will be together in epi 1 and epi 10 ... what sort of atrocities TPTB chose to inflict in between is the question in my mind
and that is exactly what i wanted to say :)
No matter, TPTB will do what THEY want to do reguardless of science, us, or anything. I say as long as they are together, I am fine, but a baby would be lovely. Icing on the cake.......(WEDDING CAKE-THAT IS)
Keep the faith!!
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