Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

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Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

Jorjafoxfan, you can still see comes to mind as the quickest and easiest way.

I think they need to do something, anything GSR related. We haven't really had anything definite since Gil said they talk on the phone the episode after she left. I know the phone call was from her too, but it wasn't technically since we didn't get anything other than that hope again. I want something concrete and canon both for me and to hush all the nay-sayers. ;)
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

Whoa, I really have been gone a long time!! I have been keeping up though, I promise! Life has been a crazy mess lately, the only thing certain is thursday night CSI hour.

I must say though, that call.. was our Sara. That lady yammering about 'soul mate' and the very next scene Gris answers his phone with that geeky smile.. Come on! That was Sara!

It's sad to see Gary go, but on the up side it will make room for Sara to return..she is coming back right? Right guys? :-\ BAH!! Ok, I must go now, I'm gettin' that old feeling like I had with Team SO. Nite guys, I'll be around more often. :)
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

No the next episode is The "Theory of Everything" then it's "Two & Half Deaths"
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

Hey guys, I just uploaded my new video...High Stakes. The song is our own orange_cat's. GSR of course. I think it turned out pretty darn good, if I do say so myself. This is the first video I've made with the artist's permission and I'm pretty stoked about it. Thanks o_cat.
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

seattle you rock - I am so pleased with the vid :cool: I'm sure this will help the GSR ship conversion rate when I post it out across here!!

Hi there Herzeleid and welcome back :) If you didn't catch it before there is a nice quote from Carol Mendelsohn (via Ausiello) about the phone call...

"To everyone who's pondered, 'Who is Grissom talking to in the final scene?' — well, her photo was on his fridge."

Yay! Yippeeee! :thumbsup:
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

If my sources are correct, we're supposed to get some sort of GSR moment in "The Theory of Everything" right? I believe it was mentioned in an email from David Rambo that GSR shippers were supposed to listen closely near the end of "The Theory of Everything." Anyone have any other details?
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

If my sources are correct, we're supposed to get some sort of GSR moment in "The Theory of Everything" right? I believe it was mentioned in an email from David Rambo that GSR shippers were supposed to listen closely near the end of "The Theory of Everything." Anyone have any other details?
Here's what I know......
I wrote him after "Grissom's Divine Comedy" aired and this is my email to him and his reply.

Hi It's me again,
I just wanted to let you know that the members of the GSR Forever Love Wiki are loving this part of the season and are looking forward to more.
I am wondering about something and without giving anything away, can you tell me if there really is something to listen for in the 8x15 episode? I have read that on several of my other GSR boards and groups. Just wondering.
Thanks again for the great work that you all do each and every are all appreciated.

Your loyal fan always,

PiperGrissom-Creator and Moderator of the GSR Forever Love Wiki

Rambo's Reply!

Thanks for this message, too. While I really can't comment on future episodes, I can tell you to listen closely to the final scene of 815. There a subtle allusion in the dialogue. By the way, I just screened the episode in editing, and I have to say it's a lot of fun. Very reminiscent of the kinds of wild rides we took in the early seasons. i hope you'll enjoy it.
Sincerely yours,
David Rambo
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

You rock Piper how awesome and wonderful, and the other "ships" can bite us:klingon: pure true love, what other woman has he ever been in bed with:wtf:

Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

If my sources are correct, we're supposed to get some sort of GSR moment in "The Theory of Everything" right? I believe it was mentioned in an email from David Rambo that GSR shippers were supposed to listen closely near the end of "The Theory of Everything." Anyone have any other details?
Here's what I know......
I wrote him after "Grissom's Divine Comedy" aired and this is my email to him and his reply.

Hi It's me again,
I just wanted to let you know that the members of the GSR Forever Love Wiki are loving this part of the season and are looking forward to more.
I am wondering about something and without giving anything away, can you tell me if there really is something to listen for in the 8x15 episode? I have read that on several of my other GSR boards and groups. Just wondering.
Thanks again for the great work that you all do each and every are all appreciated.

Your loyal fan always,

PiperGrissom-Creator and Moderator of the GSR Forever Love Wiki

Rambo's Reply!

Thanks for this message, too. While I really can't comment on future episodes, I can tell you to listen closely to the final scene of 815. There a subtle allusion in the dialogue. By the way, I just screened the episode in editing, and I have to say it's a lot of fun. Very reminiscent of the kinds of wild rides we took in the early seasons. i hope you'll enjoy it.
Sincerely yours,
David Rambo

OMG!!!!! I can't wait. We've gotten no GSR in the last episode, which is understandable now that Sara is gone. , i love all the subtle things, but i wish for once they would just say straight out what is going on between Sara and Griss now that she left. Maybe thats what the phone call was about.
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

I'm thinking the allusion in the dialogue will be that Sara is back/home, but we won't be seeing her for a while. Anyone have any other ideas?
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

Okay, how is everyone?
I'm off to Vegas in the morning, so I'll be watching this weeks ep from a Vegas hotel room. I always get a kick out of that. I'm actually staying behind the parking garage where Sara was kidnapped by Natalie, maybe I'll go have a look if I'm losing too much $.
So, the main reason I'm posting is to link a cute little fic I wrote with CSIGeekFan.
It's GSR, of course. Church Tongue. And despite the name it's rated K+.
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

Seattle - all the fic you write with CSIGeek is ace. Look forward to more of it.

As far as GSR goes, anything Rambo writes is A OK with me. It's in good hands!
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

Have fun seattle and I hope the dice roll your way :thumbsup: Gris_4_Sara is right - all the fics with CSIGeek are excellent and I'm looking forward to reading that later

Yup, Rambo is the best - fingers crossed for a little something wonderful!

Ooh back home would be great - I always figured they could easily have her living with Griss but working somewhere else and not need her to be in the show very much (like most of the outside characters... Lindsey for example!).
Alternatively perhaps it could be a reference to Grissom taking a/another short trip to San Fran (that we won't see), so we know they've been seeing each other? We already know he smiles when he sees her name now and laughs on the phone to her - a lot has changed since the initial enquiries from the rest of the lab after she first left and he was so sad...
My random, uninformed hopes for the future? I would like one more big 'jolly' - some nice GSR related event like the wedding or policeman's ball - to remember them all together in a good way. A less depressed kiss would be nice too :)
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

I have been thinking for a while that Sara is home. We'll see. I am thrilled that Rambo told me and a few other GSRers to listen to this week's eppy. Rambo always delivers GSR. I also think,as do alot of GSR nuts, that they are already married. Rambo told me he thought they got married in private, but has told others that they aren't married. I am assuming we are gonna find out the answer to that soon.:confused:
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