Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

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I agree with you all, it ripped me to pieces, and left me so depressed, I had to watch some comedy, to cheer me up :(.. and and in that lab ep. "KILL" Cath said to Gil, "go after her" and he goes "she wouldn't like that" he lets her be, so she better hug and give him oodles of kisses when she returns, and say sorry, many times!

FOR YOU BABY more when I return :p
As far as watching CSI since Sara left, I've watched very little. I watched the new eps after she left, with very little interest, I'm affraid. I haven't watched any of the reruns that CBS has shown. I haven't watched reruns on Spike in for ever. I have watched some season 5 on DVD for research in fic writing.

Man, they better give us some GSR in the new eps., even if it is only infered.
i too havent watched much..i saw some of the repeats. im just off to watch some previous seasons, but i cant think of a happy/good episode ATM.. :( it will come to me :)

and i LOVE that pic Desertwind, its so cutee. :D
She better get her butt back on CSI soon!!! I kinda want to watch it, but I don't, you know? :p I think becuase I was so upset that she was leaving I didn't really pay attention to anything that was going on.
Thank's Jorja I've watched them [CSI's] to see his deteriorating demeanor, and it showed, he was snippy to Warrick and moapy and sad, down and blue :( he's an incredible actor, and you can see he's unhappy, he is her other half after all! but I can't wait for her return, and on the 'spoiler' thread fans are ticked off, because their not mentioning Greggie, so everyone has their favs. ;)I've looked high & low for something about her, and so far nada :(

Yeah, I know desertwind, I too am looking desperately for some mention of Sara/Jorja in the near future of CSI, but have come up with dittely squat.

On another sad note, CBS has redone it's website and removed Sara/Jorja from the cast page. I think it's awful because she's in pretty much all the episodes, but three. They make it seem like she never really existed. :(

Okay, enough sadness! Either way, CSI is back in a month, and GSR will get some kind of closure because it's one of the loose ends David Rambo mentioned and since the writer's are big GSR supporters, I'm like 99% sure we'll get a relatively happy ending. We just have to hold out til April!:)
Eww. I need to not be gone for so long, too much catching up to do.

So I watched GBGL on Thursday, of course, cried my eyes out and recited every line to come from Jorja's mouth [my bestfriend, who I was watching this with over the phone, was very annoyed as she is anti-GSR mostly to drive me insane]. I'll say it again: JORJA. COME BACK. V.E.G.A.N C.A.K.E. PLEASE.

A note about a GSR mention in an upcoming episode: this may be odd, but ever since the relationship was out in the open, I've wanted Catherine to ask Grissom:
Cath-"So, was it?"
Cath-"You know..." [low whisper] "...Sara."
Griss-"Ohh...I don't kiss and tell."
Cath-[nods, eyes wide open] "Ohh...Gotcha."

[/b]Is that allowed on here? *shrug* A girl can dream...
This may be stretching but we may have our first hint of Sara's return.
The title of #812 is "Grissom's Divine Comedy." In the original DC, Dante is led thru hell and purgatory by the Latin poet Virgil. Dante is led thru Heaven by his ideal woman Beatrice. Ergo, I think Sara will show up in the last five minutes of the show.
Elayne said:
This may be stretching but we may have our first hint of Sara's return.
The title of #812 is "Grissom's Divine Comedy." In the original DC, Dante is led thru hell and purgatory by the Latin poet Virgil. Dante is led thru Heaven by his ideal woman Beatrice. Ergo, I think Sara will show up in the last five minutes of the show.

I posted this "background info" on the spoiler thread, but I wasn't sure about the spoiler policy on the shipper board...

I'm posting my spoiler opinion now, but if the rest of the GSR shippers would like the thread to remain spoiler-box free, just tell me...
I'm not yet 100% sure of the Dante+Beatrice = Grissom+Sara thing. When I read up the info on Dante, of course I jumped to this conclusion at first. But with more time to tink about it, I'm not so sure anymore. We don't know about the relation between the title and the content. For all we know, the victims' names could be Dante, Virgil and Beatrice. Secondly, I don't know how they could bring her back in the context of "travel through hell, purgatory and heaven" without making it a major soap opera (=jump the shark) moment for CSI. What I'm pretty sure about is the amount of passed time. Dante's work takes place on the Easter weekend, which is 2 weeks before the episode airs. I think the episode will take place around Easter, so Sara has been gone for four months (maybe a flashback or mention of Christmas holidays together *thud*). So in my opinion, the writers didn't say "Hey, Sara's back, but she was gone only five weeks because on CSI it's only January." I think I need more details about the case to form an opinion if Grissom's Divine Comedy really means "Take the plot of Dante's work and replace Dante with Grissom, Virgil with some guy, and Beatrice with Sara"
Elayne said:
This may be stretching but we may have our first hint of Sara's return.
The title of #812 is "Grissom's Divine Comedy." In the original DC, Dante is led thru hell and purgatory by the Latin poet Virgil. Dante is led thru Heaven by his ideal woman Beatrice. Ergo, I think Sara will show up in the last five minutes of the show.

They're back...

You don't realize what I've been missing out on in my life. I just wanted to comment on that. Holy Crap I'm so happy the little invisible blue boxes are BACK!! Okay, so here's my theatre textbook translation of what's going on in the little blue boxes...

Of course, I'm in Theatre, and we take these insane two page notes on one word topics... Anyway, according to my notes, Divine Comedy can be used to just describe something with a happy ending. Like, Sara IS GOING TO COME BACK... because that's the only way Grissom will get his happy ending... or divine comedy.
Of course, I'm in Theatre, and we take these insane two page notes on one word topics... Anyway, according to my notes, Divine Comedy can be used to just describe something with a happy ending. Like, Sara IS GOING TO COME BACK... because that's the only way Grissom will get his happy ending... or divine comedy.
i like that version makes complete sense and i think it would be a cute way for Sara to return. all this panic type stuff on this thread reminds me of the S7 Cliffhanger Living Doll, put it this way, instead of a like 4 month wait its only 1 and this time we know that shes alive in the show :D so we dont have to worry about a death.
Thank's Elayne question, where'd you get this info?[cite your source] is this from an actual spoiler news thread somewhere, and the dreaded 'spoiler' boxes are back :(, it's been so refreshing with out them.. but if this is true, WHOOPEE :D

Very nice observation Adzix! :)

I agree that the movie inspired the shot.

Someone should ask Ausiello about it, I'd be interested in what he has to say about it! :lol:
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