Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

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^ nah, he didn't confirm anything. he always says he is totally quitting since S4. i wouldn't worry much about it. but if he leaves in the finale and takes Sara with him, i wouldn't be surprised. CSI is slowly coming to an end anyway.
i dont want this show to come to an end, although it is inevitable.... there would be nothing to look forward to every thursday, the show 'Bones' would be my alternative for tv
seattlegsrfan, here's the article about Billy leaving from CSI Files: Article

It doesn't specify when he's leaving, but I think it sounds more definite than articles about him leaving in the past. Also, it sounds like he'll be leaving sooner than he's said in other interviews.
seattlegsrfan said:
Hey what's this Billy confirmed he's leaving? Did I miss something? It's not surprising but still... AACCKKK!
Labrat I got atacked by the zwikey thing, I closed the window and re-opened it and it was gone.
Desert no problemo.
Fanfic readers, I'm just reading my new beta's fic Tempered . Give it a go, it's good.

That fic was pretty awesome. Left me feeling all warm and fuzzy....

Anywho, watched ToYD again today on Spike and it got me to thinking about when GRS first got intimate.
To me that episode has got to be right about when they did the deed.


(Sorry if this has been discussed to death, but heh!)
This @#$%& writers strike has screwed up everything, and everyone's thoughts and decisions :(, I hardly think he'd be saying this, if the show was still filming, how ironic, now it look's like there's a real possibilty that Jorja will return, and he's talking about leaving

No Grissom, no CSI is right! What would be the point of tuning in? I like the other characters, but as far as I'm concerned Grissom is CSI. I'm barely keeping the faith without Jorja. If we lost WP, I would have to throw in the towel. :(

On a happier note, if you are not reading Taking Risks by Grissom1 over on fanfic, run don't walk, and get your fix! The story is rocking my GSR world! :D

If GSR leave together, I would be happy with that. Unless, ofcourse, they kill off Grissom. Which has always worried me. GSR leave together, and they end the show with class.
Good for you dirtylabrat your fan-fiction keeps up your spirits, and if he leaves, I'll die in my heart, and cry forever :( and FYI Gris_4_Sara 'TOYD' was not the 1st time they were intimate, Sara told Icky Ecklie 'they'd been intimate for 2 years" and my thinking was always the "Nesting Dolls' ep. when he comforted her, and she cried, and he held her hand, and then I believe they took it to her bedroom, he told a..hole Eckile 9 years :eek: 'TOYD' was just the first time the writers show'd the viewers ;)

Good point, desertwind.

I just keep rewatching to try and see episodes when they were together on a Sunday!
I love TOYD for the eyesex!!!! :devil:
Hey guys, I'm just getting online for the first time today.
Me and the hubby flew down to LA today. Kept my eyes open while we were in Hollywood but didn't see anyone of interest. It took two and a half bloody hours to drive from Hollywood to Anaheim where we are staying. Crickey. Disneyland tomorrow.
Thanks for the Billy link. I don't know what to expect for WP's CSI future. I wouldn't be surprised if he signed for a dozen eps for the next couple of years. Kind of a middle of the road deal.
As for fanfic, I cut and pasted the first dozen chapters of CSIGeekFan's Restart to read on the plane and it rocks. Really good stuff.
Hi everyone! I agree with seattlegsrfan that Billy may do a middle of the road deal. That's ok with me as long as he is still there and GSR lives happily. Restart is written by my dear friend, CSIGeekFan and it's GREAT. Tempered is another of her's and it is lovely. Grissom1's Sessions and Taking Risks are keeping me from writing more on my own fic, Home Again! I did write a fic based on ToYd and it's called Kept Private. It's one of my first fics, but I'd still like ya'll to check it out.
I am really excited about CSI and GSR even more than I was because of Jorja's comment. I am filled with hope and renewed interest. I just hope the strike is over soon. Is there any new news about that?
Hey, did anyone notice that JF started to say she would be back "Mmm..."? I wonder if that was may? As in may sweeps.

I don't know what's going on with my "I'll Be Waiting" video, it's gotten 2000 hits in the last two days. I wonder if it's because it's the new Lenny Kravitz song or because there's a whole lot of GSR fans. Actually, I was wondering if Lenny was a GSR fan after hearing that song. It's SO a post Goodbye and Good Luck song.
Hey all, havent posted anythin here in so long but after the kiss and her leavin iv been a depressed gsr fan!!! Plus i live in the Uk and season 8 started bout 4 weeks ago and im waiting on the inevitable ep to come.... anyway.. I have a wish for how WP leaves the show....
Since JF has said that she is defo comin back and we kinda guess that this will be WPs last season, what if an old suspect that Grissom didnt convicted, like LURIE or someone kidnapped him and then the team phone Sara in to help find him and obv since she loves him completely and utterly she comes to the rescue. But what if she finds him and she isnt quick enough and he dies!! I know this is very depressing but u must admit it wud be an amazin ep if he died in her arms and said 'I love you' as he dies!! I suppose we would all be crying for weeks but what a way to leave the show!! On the other hand is that she saves him just in the nick of time and he wakes up in hospital with her beside him and he decides its time he retires as he is burned out or something and the walk off into the sunset. Although this wudnt have such a huge effect as my original hypothesis, it gives the option for them to guest star i suppose......
I think even if he does leave soon, he'll guest often. Same for Jorja. I am just so excited now and I am about to go nuts. I wish the strike would end.
Oh my gosh, you guys thank you for the hope of Sara coming back. That clip was so awesome. I can't wait to see her back with Grissom. I don't want Grissom to leave. I want him and Sara to be together on the show.

I was so happy when I heard that Jorja Fox is coming back and then I read that Grissom is leaving. I was finally happy and then I was crushed. I don't know what to do, maybe they will finish out the season.
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