Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

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I caught the Greg dissing Grissom moment. Yes, I think he is pissed about Sara. Greg's hurt (who isn't), probably jealous, probably thinks that Grissom should run after her (I do)... if she were Greg's girl, he would go to her... but she's not Greg's girl... her heart belongs to Grissom. I love me some Greggo, and his crush on Sara has always been soooooo sweet... but in the end, I know that he doesn't stand a chance. Sara LOVES her bug man! I'm hoping that maybe Greggo can talk some sense into Grissom about being more agressive, and fighting for Sara. Sara isn't thinking straight at the moment. She probably needs to have a good cry in Grissom's arms, and for him to remind her how much she is loved. Pull it together Sara! We miss you! :(

CSI sucks without her.
Anyone else think it was ironic and kinda cute that Hodges was annoying/pissing off everyone else in the episode, yet he was the only one who was able to distract and entertain Grissom? I thought it was adorable when Grissom said "I like games". Hodges always tries to get Grissom's attention, and when he's not really expecting it Grissom, who's been closing out everyone else, asks to play a game with Hodges. I loved the ending of the episode, I thought it was perfect.

That's the only part I really enjoyed though...
GOD, can you imagine how much Grissom must be hurting, and looking for things tgo do to avoid going home to an empty house, to want to sit and play a game with Hodges??? :(

Ofcourse, Hodges did break the mini case with the bleach discovery... sorta... so maybe Grissom has developed a soft spot for the rat?

OK guys... we all know that Sara is super strong... she can and has survived almost anything that life has thrown at her. What do you think was the straw that broke (or atleast started to crack) Sara's back? Did it start with the LH episode last season? Did it start when when Grissom went on sabaticle? She was all moody and sad and a little pissed. Was it getting kidnapped by the mini killer and having natalie tell her that Grissom could never love her enough? Seeds of doubt maybe? Was it moving to swing shift, and feeling lost? Could it be those damn pregnancy hormones making her lose her friggin' mind? :lol: What? Why now? Her life has been hell... but things were finally going great with Grissom and their engagement... why did she all of a sudden just crack?

Love to hear your theories.
I'm thinking that it's hormones. Honest. I think she's going to calm down, think then figure out she's preggers and come running back to the bugman to have a geekbaby.
Ok, that won't happen, but it's what I want!
I think Sara has been fragile since Grissom left for his sabbatical in the middle of season 7. Even though he probably told her that it wasn't her he was leaving, I'm sure she thought that she had something to do with it. Once Grissom came back and things were better between them she began to heal, but then a little crack started when the whole Lady Heather ordeal happened. I don't think it affected her too much though because she seems relatively happy in the flashback during Dead Doll when she calls him Gilbert.

When Sara is kidnapped by the miniature killer, she manages to stay together and I think is actually strengthened by the experience initially. After she recovers though, she keeps reliving the experience in her head and realizes how dire the situation really was. Then on top of this, she decides to put Grissom first and moves to Swing Shift which further deepens the crack because she loses her support system of friends.

Grissom's proposal temporarily heals the crack for a little while, but then Sara starts seeing every murder, every killing she investigates happening like a theater production in her head. She can relate to the victims so much that she can't keep a cool head.

Sara then starts being tough on herself for not being able to figure out Hannah's twisted mind games which makes her start to break. Marlon West committing suicide is the last straw that makes her fully break because she vowed to help Marlon West since it was one thing that she thought she could actually do, but it turned out that she couldn't help him. She then realizes how much of a sad life she has lived and how she is the only one who can change her future to a happy one by coming to terms with her past which begins with her mother who she hasn't spoke to in years.

Well, that's my depressing theory that will hopefully turn happy when she returns all happy. :)
nah, i really dont like the baby thing... its weird and so not CSI. I rather have them show a little more affection towards each other on screen than have a kid... but im not trying to bash your opinions. Whatever happens, happens
dirtylabrat said:
GOD, can you imagine how much Grissom must be hurting, and looking for things tgo do to avoid going home to an empty house, to want to sit and play a game with Hodges??? :(

Good point, I thought the same thing, how hard up for him to actually sit down with brown nose Hodges, and sad, he so dislikes him, "close the door, behind you" in one ep. :D and when he was talking about Warrick and said to Grissom, "I tried to talk to him but he shut down" Grissom goes' NO, he shut you down", and on Hodges lurking in the doorway, "Hodges, don't hover in or out" and so many other bold/rude comments, and Hodges is so damn dense, he just doesn't get it, that Grissom, is always gritting his teeth when he's around, so sitting down to play that game, real off the wall :(

I think Natalie started the ball rolling & the domestic violence case in G&Gl was the straw that broke the camels back. I think Sara was on her way to leaving until she heard about the Hanna West case & she postponed her leaving to work it.
She should be used the domestic violence crap. She has seen far worse. I dunno... I have been picking up unstable vibes from her since Grissom went on sabatical. She keeps everything inside. He's no better. perfect couple! How long before Grissom cracks? He went 50+ years and then realized that he hadn't lived. She gave him a taste... I don' t think that's something you recover from. She needs to come back to him. :(
dirtylabrat said:
I got the idea that he wasn't honest about talking to her a couple of times because maybe he's embarassed and doesn't know how to deal with it.

I have to disagree b/c Grissom has never lied about personal details...he simply doesn't give out the details. Or chooses not to answer. He says he talked to Sara, I believe him.

Still on vacation...head home to Idaho tomorrow from Ohio. I liked "You Kill Me" b/c it was campy. We got to see everyone Ham it up to the camera. You know they must get tired of being so serious all the time.

The best part for me was the continuation of GSR. If you think about it...we got more GSR w/o Sara. I know that Grissom is hurting. To avoid loneliness he decided to play Hodge's game. I didn't think it was showed how lost he was/is w/o Sara.

As for the advice for Hodges...I think it was accurate to say that Sara was burned out, Grissom isn't. She can still come back, but they probably won't work together (she'll have some other job). I didn't see it as relationship ending either.

Overall, the episode gave me hope for future episode...even if Sara only appears off-screen.

PS...PM me any good fan-fic about how GSR got together.
See, that's why I think the DV case was the straw that broke the camels back. Usually a case like that really gets Sara angry, but in this episode she didn't care. I think that when she saw that knife sticking out of the vics back she went kind of off into the ozone a little. When she got back to the lab and saw the blood on her boots, she threw them away. She was just so OOC on that case, I think she was already gone.
Me too actually, I was going back to all the old threads and writing down their titles, just because.

For me, I sort of saw this coming a while back. In season one even, she'd say things like "It never ceases to amaze me what people do to eachother." and in season 5 especially, in No Humans Involved, she looked so broken and sad. I always though that she would quit eventually, but I never thought it would be this soon and I didn't think she'd leave Vegas & Grissom! I thought maybe in the last ep of the series or something, she'd quit and go back to school or something. Or maybe foster some kids with Griss. Something like that.

I think the straw that broke the camel's back was the domestic violence case in GB & GL. You could see her sort of fading out, I think she was having flashbacks. The Natalie thing certainly didn't help. Broke my heart, seeing her like that. And in the last Hannah scene... :( *fights back tears*.
I just had to pop in and say that I finally watched, this last weeks eppy and I loved that they didn't just faze Sara out...they still had mention of her and showed Griss dealing with...well or as only Griss can, not dealing with it as a way of dealing with her leaving. I loved that Cath told him to go get her, and while I loved that he knows Sara well enough to know she wouldn't really want that...part of me still cheered and yelled at him to just listen to Cath and go after his girl and bring her back!!

And yeah I think I knew Sara leaving was coming for awhile...of everyone I think she is the one who took the cases the hardest, she was a damn fine CSI, but I think she always let things get a touch more personal than everyone else...and I think that is part of what made her so good...but it also made her more vulnerable to the pain that came with the job....
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