Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

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We all feel like ca-ca, it sucks, and that version was cool, if only :( I was at Wal-Mart today, and the sales guy in the camera dept. said he heard that Jorja is in talks with TPTB, to re-new her contract..I go "where did you hear this at" and of course, he didn't remember, BTW, he's sad too!! another Jorja fan... I think the fall-out of this is more tremendous then they realized :mad:

Here's a funny...
We know that next episode is some "Clue" like game. Has everyone here played "Clue"? We'd play for hours growing up. When you figure out the killer you say something like "Ms. Scarlet did it in the library with a candlestick."

So I posted in the Spoiler Thread that "We know that Grissom did it in the Denali with Sara." My sad attempt at humor.

Someone (who hadn't obviously played Clue) is trying to figure out how I knew that. Sorry, just made me laugh...
sidlewannabee I'm not holding up to well. I didn't realize how much I really loved Sara. Obviously the GSR is great but Sara just adds that something extra. I literally had to watch Butterflied just to get through the day.......It's sad I know!
Hey guys,

If you're gonna talk about campaigns, then you need to remember that you must have at least three full lines of on topic posting. I know everybody is upset that Sara has left but the rules still need to be followed.

Also, we have a thread pinned at the top of the forum for fan made videos. Please make sure all videos go in that thread. You may link to them in this thread but they need to be posted in the video thread.

Your version is much more believable. In the "real version", after Sara kissed Grissom in front of Hodges, and everyone else for that matter, I wondered why he didn't follow her down the hallway. It was obvious to me that her public display of affection was totally out of place, something was "not right". I mean, come on, they concealed their relationship for 2 years by not diplaying even a hint of affection in the work place. I am sure they have very clear ground rules about their conduct at work. So, I thought your re-edited version was more "in-sync" with how I would have expected Grissom to react after the kiss--immediately walking around trying to find her and ask what was going on.
Of course something wasn't right.. her.. she's damaged, and broken, hurt and freaked out! and surly wasn't thinking of "rules" right then, it was an obvious spontaneous gesture, and she threw caution to the wind.. and she also threw him totally 'off guard' and when has he ever been emotional or rational were she was concerned,? he was stunned and didn't react, right then, but how do we know what he did later.. mabye he cried :( also when has CSI or GSR ever been predictable? :eek:the other scenerio was awesome, but that's not the way they [the writers] wanted to present it to the viewers :(
hi! I've been ill in theese days...i have a question for you...what happened to the happy-kiss ( the one with smiling-Sara and grissom)? I mean, do you think we'll see a flashback..or it was a promotional pictures?
i think it was a promotional clip, like an outtake of that scene. personally i think it was them being goofy while filming the scene!
loved your video seattle, icould hear the kiss in the background of the locker scene, and the lockers in the background of the kiss scene, lol!
SHE WILL BE BACK. and there are going to be references to her and her leaving and grissiom's state of mind in this next ep. the promo was crap, but hopefully, probably, we're getting some gsr, ableit angsty gsr, in this ep! JORJA WILL BE BACK, AND WILL BRING THE LOVELY SARA WITH HER,AND REUNITE OUR LOVEBIRDS ONCE AND FOR ALL...(i have no concrete proff, so if the elements combine to prove me wrong, i'm sorry, but as of right now, i'm sure that sometime sooonISH she'll be back!! KEEPY THE FAITH!!
anyway it can't be that they were being goofy whle FILMING the scene, because they had the kiss in front of the lab and not near the locker....I think we'll see something about that fact.
Desertwind i almost died when i read your post about Wal-Mart, i was in wal-mart the other day and was asking if they were getting season seven out on dvd tomorrow for sure (and she said yes!!) but the dvd lady was talking about jorjas exit and possible return and said something along the same lines her exact words as i can remember them were.. "I Hear that she is in a contract negotiation set to start somewhere durnig their ninth season, if the show even makes it that long."
and of course i wanted to believe her, exept im the type of person that needs to see the words coming from her mouth, or on an interview that i know hasnt been fabricated, so i went home and onto the internet (god bless google) and i found a very short interview of her saying that her goal was to be back by sometime in the coming season, if it be the premier or finale. SQUEE!! im trying desperatly to find it again, but just my luck i cant..i think it might have been posted on an LJ? lol im not sure.
but the good part of this story is season 7 comes out tomorrow!! im not even joking the only episodes ive seen out of season seven are:
Toe Tags, Leapin' Lizards, Living Doll, Living Legend, Big Shots, Ending Happy and Fannysmackin' <--Loved fannysmackin though lol it was a well put together episode, even thought i hate K-Fed. "pig" LMAO. so needless to say im pumped for tomorrow, it'll give me something to do, and more happy memories. :D
PS - Can anybody remember which episode it is where David Phillips (the Ass. Coroner) is like hitting on Sara?i think its in season one..?
lol. sorry to post two in a row like this and not wait for a reply, but i have to go and get educated in like 5 mins (Blah) and need to get this thought out there, before i forget it..which it really sad i know, but i heard this somewhere else and cant remember who said it to give them credit but it would be like REALLY awesome if like in the finale the last like 10-15 secs, just showed like Sara walking back into the lab and going into grissoms office, and while shes walking there its like the beggining of ALC when everybody she walks by stops and looks at her like (OMFG your back) then she just like closes grissoms office door and the credits come up then the season is over and we have to wait like 3 months for the next season hehe im evil :devil:
OMG, JorjaFoxFan, that would SO RULE!! It would drive us all crazy for three months, too, but it would still rule. I think they should do that, even if that isn't already the plan. And assuming, of course, that there even IS a finale, what with the strike and all.
*sigh* I have been informed that my icon idea might be considered spamming. Drat!

Desert wind, I love the animated kiss! Thank you!

I have been trying to cheer myself up with GSR fanfiction. I'm still in shock!

WHEN she returns I hope we get either a GSR wedding scene, or a GSR geek baby moment (they already have a dog, a baby's not THAT different), of just Grissom and Sara tangled in the sheets, sweaty, sateed, and breathing kind of hard. Would you not just scream out loud with glee to see the two of them reunited in a sweaty post coital bliss?

I'm clinging to the proposal scene, which I hope that we were given for a reason other than to string us along. He looked terrified, and she looked shocked and happy, and not a doubt in her mind that she wanted to marry him. Yeah, let's do it! I hope that he holds her to that promise.

I'm not going to be tuning in until I get word of her return, or a GSR reference.

I'm trying to keep the faith.
im going to continue watching because i want to see how everybody reacts and i like the Wedges ship and there going to be alot of that, GSR still rules though!! lol
and about the strike, once the strike is over they'll continue filming where they left off right? and we'll just get all the same episodes that they were planning for just a little later then they were planning?? any new news on the strike by the way?? is anybody giving up stightly?? lol
OMG!! i have to say this, even though it may sound very akward..i LOVE how Jorja added her special touch to that kiss with Grissom, cause their in like a tight lip lock right? then she like cups his head and moves up its soooooo hott!!!! :rolleyes:
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