really good idea, in this weeks TV Guide they've got the "tender GSR moments" it's labeled
So Long Sara! but, it's missing S/2- S/5 and S/7

don't know why? can any of you think of 'moments' they had in those two seasons.. here's what they listed! perfect timing
S/1 "Too Tough To Die" This hearbreaking story about a woman who is sexually assulted, tehn shot, and will die if the bullets in her brain are removed. Sara as the obessed crusader for victimized women and how devoted Grissm is to her. he says "You're going to spend all your time in hospitals trying to help people you couldn't save" she says "I wish I was like you.. I wished I didn't feel anything" OUCH
S/2 "Play With Fire" After surviving a lab expolsion. Sara returns to the job fearless, even reckless..kicking open a suspects door, gun drawn.. then asks Grissom out, in a near palapble pain, he declines {I could have kicked him} then says "I don't know what to do about this" Fun fact..Grissom's touching observation of her post blast wound "Honey, this doesn't look good" and was ad-libbed by Petersen
S/5 "Nesting Dolls" During a spousal-murder investigation, and enraged Sara insults Catherine and her supervisor Ecklie

puts her on suspension..Grissom visits her, and tells her "I care, what are you so angry about"? she pours out her heart about her father and mother, breaks down and he holds her hand AWWWW!
S/6.."Way To Go"..This episode signed off with the long yearned for disclosure that our two star-crossed criminalists had finally hooked up..SWEET, but Grissom gets a little morbid in a bedroom scene, talking about death "I'd like to have enough time to say goodbye to the people I love" A grinning Sara purrs, "I'm not ready to say goodbye"
S/8 "Dead Doll"..The sight of a traumatized, dehydrated Sara, wandering aimlessly through the desert [my desert] after her abduction by the Minature Killer speaks volumes about her dogged survival instinct as well as her essential lonliness [a trait her and Grissom have in common] Then there's the heart wrenching payoff, as executive producer, Carol Mendelsohn says, I cry everytime I see the scene when Grissom finally finds her"
I can't believe they left out "Butterflied" the so confused Grissom, seeing the dead girl looking like Sara
And I agree with all of you and your favorite *quotes* I also loved them in "SUCKERS" not that they said anything romantic, but the way they worked together.. amazing, so in tune

so alike, joined at the hip so to speak!